Chapter 32

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Domenico's POV

I kept on checking my phone to see if she said anything as response to the message that I sent to her, but I received no response. And it angered me to no sense. "Why isn't she asking about what lead to this, doesn't she care at all? Why isn't she swearing at me? Did she feel nothing for me at all or was I just another step on her ladder to success, like Keith or even worse was I just a distraction while she was here?" I didn't like what my mother showed and told me, but there's proof, how do you argue with that? Her not fighting for her spot in the company or my life just proofs my mother's theory.

I fought very hard against the part of me that still wanted to deny everything and get the answers that my heart wanted, but my mind disagreed. That's why I sent that message. That's why I just sent her an email with the details of her termination. That's why I won't fight for her. My ringing phone interrupted my thoughts. It was Anna. "Hi, Anna" I said. It was followed by silence. "Nico, what is wrong? Why haven't you gone to see Mika? I can see that it bothers her" she said after a moment. "I think you should come over" was the only reply she got from me.

It wasn't long before a knock sounded at my door. "So are you going to tell me what's up?" Anna asked as I opened the door for her. I just silently led her to the open laptop that my mother left for me and showed her the pictures. I heard Mika's sharp intake of breath, but other then that she stayed quiet as I showed her all the pictures. "Mother found this in Keith Pierce's recycle bin, how I do not know. She believes that him and Mika may be having an affair which resulted in her divorce" I said. "Do you believe this?" Anna asked me and I replied honestly by saying that I do. I then proceeded to show her the message and email that I sent to Mika to which she turned pale. "That was low, Nico. I really don't know what to say to all this. You know about mother's determination to get Mika out of your life. You know she wants you married to Arianna, so I really don't know how you are so easily swayed to believe these things about the woman that you not so long ago said you feel so much for. "It doesn't even matter. Even if I didn't believe it, mom would still have embarrassed her by exposing this to the world" I replied still feeling numb. Anna just looked at me quietly. After a while she got up and left for the door. "You're a coward" she said softly as she closed the door. 

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