Chapter 23

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Mika's POV

"Breathe Mika, breathe" I said to myself in a desperate attempt to calm down. "How did I get myself into this mess? Didn't I learn my lesson with Cameron? At least with Cameron everything was on him, this however was entirely my own fault." My breath came out ragged as I tried to suppress the tears and screams of frustration. "How dare they talk to me like that? How dare she put her hands on me? Worst of all, how could he just stay silent and watch them humiliate me like that when he's the one who didn't leave me alone?" I spoke to myself quietly while silent tears started to fall. I knew I would break down soon enough and turned on the car's ignition.

As I pulled out the driveway now full-on bawling, I dared looking back, because as idiotic as it may sound, some part of me hoped that he would follow me. That he would try to make things right. That he valued me enough to stand up to his mother. A sob left my mouth as I saw nothing. I didn't even notice the road and beautiful scenery while I was caught up in my thoughts. The view turned blurry as all the thoughts made it impossible to stop crying. As I slowly turned back to focus on where I was driving, I spotted something in the road, some type of animal I suppose. I swerved to the right to miss it and with a loud gasp I felt the car hitting something. In a desperate attempt to get the car back on the road I took a quick turn to the left...and made a big mistake. Bile rose in my throat as the car started tumbling with me. Once, twice, three times, maybe even four and then silence. 

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