Chapter 26

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Domenico's POV

I don't think I ever drove like how I was driving currently. Everything seemed to pass me in a blur and I couldn't think properly. Feelings of regret consumed me and the events that led up to the accident kept on replaying in my mind. And even though I know that "what ifs" wouldn't help me at all, I still couldn't help but think that maybe things would've turned out differently if I acted like a man and just stood up for her. My angel, the one that captured my heart from the moment I laid eyes on her. But then I failed her and in failing her, I failed myself.

Mika's injured body was awfully still and bile rose up in my throat when seeing this, thinking that maybe I was too late. I can't lose her, I just can't. I knew that if she didn't survive this I would go mad and that I'd never be myself again. My ringing phone brought me back to my senses. I looked at Anna's name reflecting on the phone and answered quickly. "Yes, Anna?" I asked. "Nico, where are you? What's taking you so long? I'm at the hospital" she rambled, panic evident in her voice. "I'll be there in a few minutes' I responded and disconnected the call.

When I arrived at the hospital, two medics were already waiting for us outside, along with an anxious Anna. She came running up to the car and threw her arms around me. "Oh Nico, what happened?" she asked, her eyes wet with tears. I didn't even respond to her question as I worriedly looked at the medics tending to Mika. "Come" Anna said and pulled me behind her rushing into the emergency room.

I felt like I was losing my mind while we waited. Anna stayed quietly next to me and only comforted me by squeezing my hand every once in a while. "Are you the family of Ms. Andrews?" the doctor exiting the room asked us. "Yes" we responded in unison. "She's stable. It was a close call, but she will be fine" the doctor said with a smile. I rushed inside her room without listening to another word. 

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