Chapter 35

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Mika's POV

I had less than half an hour left before I left this place for good. I felt numb and knew that I should try to work through my feelings rather than blocking them out, but now was not the time. For now I was savoring this feeling of not feeling anything at all.

"It was so typical of Anna to want me to stay here and resolve the issue" I thought as a sigh left my lips. "Mika!" I heard someone calling me name and as I attempted to look closer, I saw that it was Anna who hurriedly walked up to me.

"I almost thought you left" she said as she took a seat beside me. "You know that you are in no condition to travel, why would you do this to yourself?" she asked. "Oh, I don't know, maybe because I would've been jobless and homeless here in two days" I replied sarcastically. Anna just sighed. "Mika, I think Domenico is regretting his decision, that's why he's on his way here now" she said again. "I don't care about what he's up to or what he feels. I am leaving. I received an email confirming his message, Anna. Your family humiliated me enough" I responded quietly. "Worst of all is that I don't even know what all of this is about" I added. Anna sighed again. "Mother showed Domenico some pictures of you, naked pictures that was found in the computer of your South-African boss, and it was concluded that you had an affair with him" she said cautiously. I looked at her stunned for a moment. "More reason for me to go back to where I came from" I simply said.

They started calling for passengers to board and the security guard came to my aid. "Anna, I know that you will want to get to the bottom of this, so for you and just you I will give the number of my lawyer. She will tell you everything you want to know. I don't think anything I will say at this stage would be believable" I shrug. "I hope I can trust you to keep what you find out to yourself. Your mother and brother were quick to believe the worst of me, without ever trying to hear my side of the story, so I don't want this to be disclosed to them. Take care of yourself. You should give Luca a chance" she nodded as she pulled out her phone and checked the message, I sent to her containing the number of my lawyer. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek before I turned and left to my destination. 

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