Chapter 4

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Domenico's POV

"Aah Madre, just relax. We are just going out to eat. You need some rest and it's been a while since you've been to one of my places", I said trying to convince my mother on an evening out. Well it's been a while that she's been out, but what I didn't mention, was that I was hoping to see a certain black beauty. "Anna also said that she wanted to go out mother, please it won't be the same without you" I pleaded again. Anna was my younger sister. She also doesn't know what's up, but she suspects something. Her knowing look says everything. "Okay, fine we'll go. But why not one of your restaurants, why the hotel?" my mother asked. "I've made some renovations there because I want you to see what it looks like now" I smoothly answered. "Fine Domenico. But no funny business this time. The last time you disappeared for more than an hour" my mother said. "I'll be on my best behavior, I promise" I replied as I kissed his mother's cheek. "Got you!" I thought and I couldn't contain the growing smile on my face. I always got what I wanted, and this little lady would be no different. She will be mine; she just doesn't know it yet. 

Mika's POV

"Okay that's it. I'm going to enjoy my meal whether this looks too revealing or not" I thought as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Somehow the tight, lacey, white dress made me feel incredibly sexy, but a tad uncomfortable. "Oh, fuck it!" I said as I grabbed my white purse and left for the dining room. I called a waiter. "Table for one please. Preferably somewhere somewhat private" I said looking at the waiter questioningly. "Sure, madam follow me" he said as he led the way to my table. He handed me a menu when I got seated. "Don't bother. I don't know really know Italian cuisine that well. So, let's make a deal. For starters and dessert, you can bring anything that you would recommend. For a main I would really like some steak, you pick the sides. I'm not fussy" I said to the waiter with a smile. "Of course, madam. What would you like to drink?" he asked again. "A sweet, white wine will do. Thank you" Mika said.

I looked around at the secluded romantic area. Only three other couples were seated in the area and all of them were too caught up in each other to pay any mind to me. I suddenly felt extremely lonely and sad and I missed my twins so much. Not even the hour-long video call from a while back helped to ease my longing for them. "I really miss them" I thought, and a loud sigh left my mouth. "There you go madam. Starters will be out soon" the waiter interrupted my thoughts as he poured wine in my glass. I smiled and mouthed a thank you as the waiter left the table. "Hi, I'm Anna" the gorgeous girl who came out of nowhere said. "Sorry for interrupting you. But we thought that you could come and sit with us?" she said looking at me questioningly. She pointed towards a table near the window where a grey-haired woman was seated. "Well I hate eating alone, so thank you" I replied. "I'm Mika Andrews" I added. "Wait, are you from South Africa?" the woman asked. "Yes, I am here to help get a company, Streamline Italy, back on track. But wait, how do you know?" I asked. "I'm Anna Lombardi, daughter of one of the co-founders of Streamline and sister to current shareholder and CEO, Domenico Lombardi" she replied, a huge smile plastered on her face. "I believe that you will get the company back on track in no time. Come, let's go" she said excitedly. "This is my mother, Rosa Lombardi. Mother, this is Mika Andrews, the wonder worker sent from South Africa to get Streamline back on its feet" she introduced them when they arrived at the table. "It's a pleasure to meet you madam" Mika said shyly as she held out a hand to the stylish, elderly lady. "Nice to meet you Mrs. Andrews. Anna where is that brother of yours?" she said to Mika and then looked at Anna questioningly. "It's Miss. I'm divorced. But you can call me Mika" I replied with a smile.

"Aaah, what do we have here? If it isn't Miss. Dry my hair" a deep voice said behind me. Upon hearing that I turned around and a sudden blurt of frustration came over me as I looked into the dark, dreamy eyes of the tall stranger who splashed me at the pool earlier. As if sensing the tension Anna quickly interrupted. "Mika this is my brother Domenico Lombardi. Nico this is Mika Andrews from South Africa. She was sent here by Streamline" she said quickly. For a quick moment his face fell, but he masked it quickly with a bright smile. "Nice to meet you tesoro. I believe we will see each other regularly from now on" Domenico said still smiling. "Nice to meet you Sir" Mika said with a stiff smile. "Please excuse me for a while. Anna, would you please ask the waiter to bring my food this side?" I asked as I left to find a bathroom. I closed the door to the luxurious bath-and rest room that I found in the foyer. I looked at myself in the mirror and breathed out to regain my composure. The door clicked close, and none other than Domenico stood against the door with a dangerous look on his face.

"Before you ask what I'm doing here, let me tell you. I find you interesting and attractive obviously" he said as he pointed towards the length of my body. "I know you find me attractive too amore. So how about we cut the bullshit and enjoy each other while you are here hmm?" he said with a smug smile. A loud laugh left me as I stepped back to the coach. "What's so funny tesoro? Do you want me to show you how funny I can be?" he asked angrily. "Okay, this one is obviously arrogant and not used to the word no" I thought as I looked at him cautiously as he started walking towards me slowly. I gasped when he took my face in his hands. "I wanted to kiss these sexy lips from the moment I laid eyes on you amore" he whispered seductively as he lowered his head. My eyes closed instantaneously when his soft lips touched mine. His lips moved restlessly against mine. "Fuck it. It's been a while since I've been this close to a man" I thought as I kissed him back. Our tongues danced with each other as we fought for dominance. He pulled my body tight to his and grinded against me. I froze in shock when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He switched off his phone and pulled me back towards him, but the interruption was enough to bring me back to my senses. "Please stop" I said softly keeping my eyes down. "Va bene amore mio" he said with a sigh. I sighed in relief as he turned around to exit the room. "This is not over" he said looking me over intensely as he left the room. "Great way to start your professional relationship with your new boss Mika. Just fucking great!" I swore at myself after he left and closed the door behind him. 

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