Chapter 3

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Domenico's POV

"She's beautiful" I thought as I stared at the petite, dark skinned woman. Her skin was the color of a great cappuccino. Her shoulder-length hair was dark and curly. She had the face of a doll. Big, exotic eyes framed with long lashes and a small nose and full lips that begged to be kissed. Not to talk about her body. The orange bikini clung to every inch of her of her magnificent body. I smiled like a predator as I got out of the water. As I was approaching her, something in the way she held herself, made me stop in my tracks. It was as of her body was screaming for me to stay away even though I wanted her to notice me.

To say that I was irritated was an understatement. Women fell at my feet and here this one comes along and doesn't even notice my presence. "Well, I'll have to do something about that" I thought as I jumped back in the water, resulting in a huge splash that hit her right in the face. A loud laugh left me when I saw her looking at me with irritation written all over her face. She screamed something about her hair, but I was more interested in the movement of her boobs. With one last angry look towards me, she left, leaving me with a wonderful view on her behind. In one last attempt to catch her attention I laughed loudly, but she didn't turn around. "Just you wait tesoro, one of these days you will be mine" I thought as I went for one last swim.

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