Chapter 36

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Mika's POV

It's been two weeks since I left Italy and I really don't know how to describe how it went. Two days after I left my lawyer called me to inform me that Anna contacted her. I had to consent for the information to be made known to her. It wasn't a problem at all, I just wanted to get my name in the clear after everything that happened in Italy.

I also didn't have a job to go back to. Keith's been apologizing non-stop since my arrival and even said that he would leave the company as well if I wanted him to. Which of course I didn't want. That would only make us look even more suspicious. I decided that I will take a month-long break before I start looking for a job again. I have enough savings left from my savings, plus the money I got after the divorce settlement, so me and the kids should be comfortable for some time. I still didn't touch the money that Streamline transferred. Apart from the fact that I'm still upset, I am of the opinion that it is way too much for the little time that I was there. It screams: "Don't tell a soul about what happened".

My mother and the kids were of course surprised to see me back this early and even more surprised to learn that I was back home permanently. My mother was wise enough not to ask about what happened, but I am going to tell her when I'm ready. The kids were extremely happy to have me back and keeps on telling me that every day. Again it was confirmed that my leaving for Italy was the worst decision that I ever made, after Cameron that is. Slowly, but surely, I was getting comfortable in my old routine again and with the kids keeping me busy and actively looking for a job my days were relatively occupied. The trouble started at nights, however. Once I was alone in my room everything played out in front of me. Many what ifs would go through my mind. So many emotions flooded me at once, and it always ended up with me scolding myself, being mad at myself, his mother, but most of all I was angry at him. 

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