Chapter 27

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Domenico's POV

I frowned as I looked at the motionless body on the hospital bed. A monitor was beeping, and different machines was hooked to her. I took a seat next to her and took her hand in mine. "I'm so sorry my angel" I breathed out. I didn't even notice Anna and the doctor entering the room.

"She broke a few ribs, a leg and have some internal bleeding. We were able to stabilize her, but we must monitor her closely. She's still unconscious, but that might change soon" the doctor spoke. "Thank you, doctor" I responded. Anna breathed out in relief when the doctor left the room. "What happened Nico?" she asked. I sighed whilst rubbing over my face. "I asked Mika to stay after she arrived at my house. Nice play on your part. It was going good until mother and Arianna decided to visit. Well, Arianna played the perfect jealous and hurt fiancé and mother insulted her and slapped her while I stood there like a god damn idiot not doing or saying anything to protect her. I did stand up to mother though, but Mika left already. I decided to follow her, but as you can see, I never got the chance to try to make things right. How is she ever going to forgive me after this?" I rambled.

Anna stood quiet for a while. Then she gently asked me: "Do you love her?" My heart jumped at the question, and I felt tongue-tied for a moment. "Do you love her, Nico" Anna asked again. I looked up to her slowly and nodded silently. Without speaking another word Anna put her arms around me and gave me a tender hug. "Then don't lose her. Fight for her", she whispered. I nodded and looked at the woman on the bed. The woman who captured my heart. The woman who I am finally willing to fight for. 

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