Chapter 5

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Domenico's POV

"So, she's not as unaffected as she would like everyone to think" I thought as I left the restroom. "What took you so long?" my mother asked, an irritated look on her face. "Business calls mom. Sorry I will switch off my phone now" I lied without blinking an eye. "Have you seen Mika? The food is getting cold" Anna asked me, suspicion written all over her face. "No, I haven't seen her. Probably still in the bathroom. You women take hours to get ready" I responded with a shrug and rolled my eyes. "I'm not dumb you know. I have eyes. We're probably here tonight because you want to get in her pants" Anna said again. I laughed out loud. "You are seeing things little sis. She's not my type" I answered in response.

"That's good to know. Never mixing business with pleasure is a motto that I live by" Mika's melodic voice said behind me. She smiled as she took a seat. "So, Anna what did the waiter say this is called?" she asked Anna pointing at the plate in front of her, completely disregarding me. "It's Ham and Bresaola rolls with rocket and grana Padano" Anna said with a smile. "It looks delicious" she replied as she dug in.

"Shit! Shit!" I thought as I stared at Mika. "So, Mika tell us more about yourself" Rosa said looking from Mika to me with an all knowing look. "Well, as you know I'm South African. I was raised by a single mother, never really bothered to get close to my father. In our country, my mother is what you call a colored woman, while my father is half black and half-colored" she paused as she took a sip of her wine. "I got married when I was 20 years old, got pregnant at 22. My twins, a boy and a girl, are 8 years old and I've been divorced for little over a year after my ex impregnated another woman" she shrugged. "Wow, you've been through so much" Anna said with an admiring look. "So, do you still believe in love?" she asked excitedly. "Perhaps I do. I just don't focus on finding love. I have more important things to do" Mika said casually.

My head spun with all the new information. I looked at Mika intensely. "Domenico! Where's your manners? It's rude to stare" my mother reprimanded me as if I was a child. "Sorry Miss Andrews" I immediately apologized. "I was just thinking of how dumb anyone have to be to cheat on you" I added with a huge smile. "As dumb as someone who doesn't consider me as their type" she replied rolling her eyes. Anna's laughter turned the heads of the other people in the section in their direction. "You are so funny. We are going to be great friends" she said still smiling after her laughter died down. "How about we arrange a small gathering for next week Saturday? I'll invite over some people. It will be nice" Anna added with a smile. "That will be great. Thank you" Mika said smiling looking at the girlish excitement on Anna's face.

The rest of the evening passed by quickly as the people around the table got to know each other. Everyone, even my mother enjoyed their time, it was just me who was in my own world. I knew that I was attracted to Mika, but two kids! That's too much. I didn't even know if I wanted kids of my own. Why couldn't she just be single with no baggage? We could've had so much fun. I sighed as I thought of a way for us to be together, without me having to give up on my bachelor ways. 

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