Chapter 7

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Domenico's POV

I looked at the sleeping woman next to me. "She really is beautiful" I thought as I traced her cheek with my index finger. A smile formed on her face before she opened her eyes in shock. "What is going on? What am I doing here?" Mika asked me. "Well good morning to you too amore" I said with a lazy smile. "Quit the bullshit Domenico. What happened? Why are we in bed together?" she asked again. "You were drunk. You fell asleep in the car, so I brought you to my place. The other rooms in the house are currently being painted so we slept in my bed" I said casually. "Why didn't you wake me up?" She asked again. "You seemed tired and I didn't want to disturb you" I replied again. "Who undressed me?" she asked pointing at the loose t-shirt that she was wearing. "Well I did. It was not as if you could've done it while being half unconscious" I shrugged. "Take me home, now. Or no wait, leave it. I'll call a cab." She said angrily. "Where's my bag?" she asked. "Still in the car. And no, I'm not going to get it. I'm making us breakfast" I said smugly. "I don't eat breakfast" she replied seemingly irritated. "I'm going to make us breakfast. The bathroom is in there" I said as I pointed to a closed door. With an irritated huff Mika got up.

"There's no way I'm just gonna let her go. I have to convince her to stay" I thought while I got the ingredients for pancakes ready. I still don't know why I can't stay away from her even after knowing that she comes with baggage, but I plan on giving things a try. She entered the kitchen still looking mad. I smiled when I saw how adorable she looked in my t-shirt. "What's so funny?" she asked him with a hand on her hips. I sighed as I walked towards her. I put my hands on her hips and pulled her closer to me. "Mika it's Sunday. Can we please just be civilized? I like you. I really do and I want to see how things go between us. I know you like me too. Being mad at me and yourself because you feel attracted to me, doesn't help anyone" I said calmly as I looked into her eyes. "You are a serial player. Your own sister said that. I've had enough heartache to last me a lifetime. I don't want to be involved with you. You came from your girlfriend just yesterday" she said with an annoyed look. "She's not my girlfriend. She wants to be, but there's no chemistry. You on the other hand, you are a whole different story. I admit, I wanted to stay away from you because you have kids and I don't even know if I want kids. But I can't forget about you, amore. I can't stay away from you. I would like to get to know you better and spend more time with you. We can sort out the details as time goes. I know it will be hard considering everything, but please, let's just give it a shot?" I asked almost pleadingly looking at her questioningly. "Fine, we'll get to know each other, but no funny business, okay?" she replied with a sigh. A victorious smile made its way to my face. "So, will you spend the day here? I can arrange for someone to pick up some of your stuff" I said excited about the opportunity of spending the day with her. "Fine, I'm already here anyways" she replied. "Thank you" I said as I took her into my embrace. "Let's feed that monster" I said pointing at her stomach as I pulled away from her when her stomach growled. I couldn't hold the loud laugh that escaped me when I saw the embarrassed look on her face. 

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