Chapter 30

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Domenico's POV

I was anxious the whole drive home. I didn't have a clue as to what my mother was up to, but I knew that it wasn't anything good. Like I know my mother, Mika would be on the first flight home, and I will be married to Arianna as soon as possible. I knew that I couldn't allow it. My feelings for Mika wouldn't allow me. Still I was fidgeting in my seat, knowing that whatever is going to follow will not be good.

The drive home was quick. A heavy sigh left my mouth as I entered my door. I found my mother in my living room. In front of her she had a laptop open. A frown made its way to my face as I looked at the sight. What was this woman up to now? "Aah, Domenico, you made it" she said while she slowly lifted her eyes from whatever she was watching. She had a big smile on her face, which made my suspicions grow even more. "Hello, mother" I responded still watching her. For a while we just quietly looked at one another. "So, let's get to the point, shall we?" I said, breaking the silence. "Ah ha. Straight to the point I see. Well since you asked for it. Come take a look at this" she said as she pointed to the laptop in front of her.

Without hesitation I went to sit next to her. What I saw shocked me to the core. There in front of me my mother scrolled through pictures of a naked Mika. Mika in bed naked. Mika in the shower naked. Mika everywhere fucking naked. I was too stunned to speak and just watched as she showed me one picture after another. It was obvious that it was the real deal and that no photoshop was involved. She stopped at what I assume was the last of it, turned and took my right hand in both of hers.

"Nico, you know that I love you as I am your mother. You are my only son and from the moment that you were born I vowed that I would fight with every breath in me to always give you the best. What you just saw is not what's the best for you, my dear son. No mother would want to see their only son end up with a woman like that. What kind of woman exposes her body like that, and worse to her boss?"

"Her boss?" I looked at her questioningly. "Yes, her boss, Nico. This picture was found in the server of Streamline South Africa. More importantly in the recycle bin of her boss Keith Pierce. Why would he be in possession of it if they weren't involved? So here's what I think: I think that Miss Andrews had or still may have an affair with her boss. I think that whole soppy story of her ex-husband cheating was a ploy to get sympathy from others when she's in fact the one who committed adultery. Who knows, maybe her children are even his? Long story short, she's a cheap woman as I said before, one who's not meant for you. So let's be clear, if you disregard what you just saw and heard and not marry Arianna, I will make sure to expose her for the scum she is" she said with a determined look on her face. "What do you mean mother?" I asked her, my heart beating loud and fast. "I mean I will tell the story to the media. There's more than enough prove. That would take care of both Miss Andrews and Mr. Pierce. We can't have people like that work for us and neither will we ever be associated with people like that. Please keep that in mind". She kissed my forehead and left, leaving me still sitting in the same place like a zombie. 

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