Chapter 34

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Domenico's POV

I was still up and restless. I don't know why I feel the sudden urge to go to the hospital to see her one last time. Maybe it's to say goodbye for good or maybe it's to get answers to the questions I still have. After going back and forward for a while, I decided that I will go after all. As I put on my jacket, my phone started ringing. Anna's name reflected on the screen. I didn't feel like talking to her after she called me a coward. I picked up reluctantly. "What is it this time Anna?" I asked harshly. "Still got your panties in a twist I see" she replied, anger evident in her voice. "Mika left" she added, and I felt my heart drop. "What do you mean she left? She's to leave in two days. I was just on my way to the hospital" I admitted, feeling extremely anxious. I will wring Anna's neck if this was one of her pranks. "I mean that I went to hospital after I left your place, just to find out Mika was discharged. I called her and she said that she's on her way home" she said again. "Nico, I think you really messed up this time. She was so polite-too polite when I spoke to her. I really think that this is it" she said sadly.

"Maybe, it's for the best Anna. Her kids need her, and my family needs me. I think that I can learn to love Arianna, shouldn't be too hard since I slept with her so easily" I said softly not knowing if I tried convincing Anna or myself that this was an ideal situation. "Her kids will have a broke, heartbroken, jobless mother after what you did. I'm really pissed at you for not even trying to find out the truth before you dismissed her so harshly" she said, her words making my face flush with shame. I didn't even think about her kids and what would happen to them at the time. I was so caught up in my own feelings that I didn't think what the effect would be on her and her children. Yes, it is stated in her contract that all the expenses for her stay will be paid by Streamline and that she will receive a salary for this month still. I really do hope that she has some type of cover for retrenchments or a back-up plan. "I think she's at the airport, I'm on my way there now" she said, her voice bringing me back to reality. "Okay, Anna. I will meet you there" I said in response. She didn't reply, but I knew that she was satisfied with my answer. 

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