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My skin rubbed against the silky blue fabric I was wearing, as I marched down the grass of the football field. I glanced around the enormous stadium, in hopes I could spot my parents. I couldn't. Each and every seat was occupied in the field, but from where I was positioned it seemed like the multitude of faces conformed into big blob. Screams and shouts deafened my ears, as I skipped to my seat, causing some of my peers to giggle and smack me in the arm.

My peers and I were guided to our white plastic seats. Fancy I thought. There were numerous rows of white seats filled with students grinning or crying on them. I sat down as our principal began to give a celebratory speech, but he also reminded us that our journey is not yet complete.

"Be ambitious, and strive for the highest. My dear students, do not be afraid of the possibilities of failing." The speech continued to ramble on for minutes, but I stuck a smile on my face the entire time.

Instead my interest was won to my perfectly curled naturally brown hair. Tight curls made me happy. I mean, high school graduation was the day to be happy?

"I'm kissing you so hard when we have to throw our caps in the air," a voice spoke from behind. Hayes sat right behind me. The fact that we've dated in eighth grade and managed to not slaughter each other is amazing. Sure we've been off and on, but we pulled through.

"Can't wait," I winked and he returned with a flirty smirk. I refocused my attention to my rambling principal, trying with all my might not to shed a tear. Veronica clenched my hand, grinning. She'd been loyal to me all of high school. I overcame most of my mountains with her help and comforting. I was endlessly grateful for her company.

Her newly dyed black hair made her eyes beam. She was truly beautiful, her enthusiastic sprit never changed throughout high school.

Every speech was spoken, many people in the crowd were sobbing. I bit my lip, filling my mouth with blood. Some habits never get broken, I assumed. "May the class of 2019, please stand," our principal spoke with a smile indented on his wrinkled face.

I arose with hesitation, clenching my unopened diploma. I've overcame so much, and I'm so much stronger than I was when I enrolled here. These four years molded me into a strong, fearless and confident woman. It also strengthened me physically, I joined the track team and this was the first year we were undefeated. We brought home medals, trophies and pride.

"Please turn your tassel! Congratulations!"

Screams arose, caps flew around the grassy field. "Long live class of 2019!" The football jocks, including Hayes chanted. Many of us chirped in, with a harmonious tone. The blaring screams were endless, and now the sounds actually comforted me.

The audience was clapping, screaming for their lives, and us, students, were jumping for joy!

"Get over here Missy," Hayes grabbed me. His tall figure towered over me, his strong arms wrapped around my slim waist. His eyes locked with mine, and I arose on my tippy toes interlocking our lips. We cupped each other's faces, increasing the intensity between us. He kissed me with passion. His arms slid down my shoulders to my waist. I bit his lip, ending our passionate kiss.

"I love you."

"Trust me, I'm beyond crazy for you," he winked.

He snaked his arm around me as we tried to locate our families. We spotted Veronica and Matt's lips connected.

"You know all Matt does is ramble about Veronica," Hayes joked. My mother greeted me, her roughy and dry cheek felt like sand paper against my skin. My father shook Hayes' hand, and brought him into a hug.

"You did well son."

And I knew Hayes, Veronica and I would stay together forever. We were all accepted into Arizona State University. Veronica and I majored in Psychology, while Hayes majored in Science.
A/N thanks for reading this! Everyone has a happy ending!! I'll be re editing all of my book! Thank you and I hope you enjoyed "Best Friends."

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