"Its Not Complicated"

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Hayes POV

"Can I tell my friends you're mine now?" I chuckled, fully aware the answer is yes. I'm only complimenting Cara and treasuring her. I'm boyfriend material, obviously.

"Hayes,"she unlatched from my tight hug. Her tone was unsettling, which worried me.  "We aren't dating yet.. You need to woo me again," she continued.

My eyes widened at the words that escaped her light lips. I haven't wooed her? Really, the teddy bear, memorizing what to say to her and cute text messages weren't enough to satisfy Cara Acosta?

I was enraged and speechless at the same time. The words, "what do you mean we aren't dating," shakily exited my mouth.

"You never asked me out," she fearfully let out.

My heart sunk to my feet, my heart thumped to the beat of a drum. My palms began to sweat and the words in my mouth wouldn't spit out. What do I say? How am I supposed to respond?

The bell rang, and filled my ears. Intruding my thoughts, and snapping me back to reality. I didn't realize Cara left me, and like a fool, I was standing in the middle of the hallway looking at the bare ground.

"Bye Cara!" I screamed into a crowd of tall bodies, fully knowing she wouldn't hear me.


Her words itched against my skin, "you need to woo me again," replayed over and over in my mind. When will this misery end? Am I not good enough?

1st period swung by, I tuned out everything and everyone. 2nd periond ticked by, I ignored everything and everyone. Cara never left my mind, and the more I thought about it, the more my brain twisted in a knot.

Now in 3rd period, my palms are sweaty, my eyes continually flit around the room so I don't have to stare at Cara's hair, and legs starting bouncing up and down. I'm very nervous.

Cara gives me goosebumps, makes my head spin in circles and most of all: she made my heart skip an entire beat.

Her beautiful hair that cascaded midway down her slim back, her brown and dazzling eyes, I lost myself in, time and time again. This girl gave me chills running down my back, and she sure did make me work hard.

Have you ever felt such strong emotional feelings towards somebody, that you're  drawn to them, like a magnet? The urge of being close to them itches against your skin and sits in your brain, and screams, "Find her, find her!"

You know?

"I love her," I mutter aloud. I noticed that Cara flinched immediately,  and now I know she was paying attention to me. Even though I could only see her back and luscious locks, I imagined her pricelss facial expression.

Her cute unmistakable giggle, the little twitch she does whenever she gets really nervous, which I think is absolutely adorable. Her glowing red cheeks and the way she bats her eyelashes.

These strong feelings usually controlled the thoughts that entered my mind. I chuckle, "Oh Cara."


"You're cute," I wink.

"Okay?" She scrunches her eyebrows and shoots me a glare.

"Okay." I smirk, "maybe okay will be our always," I quote The fault in Our Stars.

"You're such a geek," she giggles, blushes and bats her lashes.

"Stephanie and Hayes shush!!!" Our math teacher spits.


Cara set boundaries for me. I felt restricted to do the things that'd I'd done many times before.

When I kept hugging her for too long, she'd push away and for the passing minutes she avoided eye contact.

I only wanted to keep in the moment. I only wanted to feel her embrace. Experience the fluttering feeling that arose in my stomach when we made contact.

She had me daydreaming, and I found myself thinking more and more about how much more it'll take for me to blow her mind away.

What did she even want me to do? I craved her affection and attention. It the seemed like I was the only one showing her affection she and I both desired.

I wanted a to kiss her, hug her and call her mine. Wasn't it obvious we both shared mutual feelings for each other? She used to be so crazy about me, but now am I boring her?

This made me strive to be better. I was destined to win her heart. Woah, whoops I'm not talking about marriage but I so desperately dreamed of calling her, "girlfriend"once more.

Oh Cara, please please notice me. Notice my intentions, I'm so determined to won your heart over- you'll have no idea what hit your gorgeous face.

A grin tugged at the corners of my mouth, while I perked up with splendor. I finally knew what to do.


I rushed to Cara after my teacher dismissed me. I flung my arm around her waist and pulled her close, startling her.

"Hey cutie," I gave a flirty smile.

"Hey," she blushed.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you," I quickly planted a kiss on her cheek, frightening her.

Her light shade of red darkened into a deep tone of red. I guess she phased out, because she put her head down and her eyes keep flitting around.

She didn't look up. Yet she kept walking, and I was still by her side.

"Umm," I attempted to duck down and make eye contact, "hello?"

Her dazzling brown eyes were so wide. I could tell she was freaked out. Except she tried to make it less obvious that I caught her off guard.

"Bye baby," she kissed my check and yanked her phone out and quickly dialed somebody.

Probably to escape any more verbal communicatipn

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