Chapter 10: Goodbye 8th Grade

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Cara POV

Veronica returned the day before promotion, as did Blaire and Claire.

We were reunited. I had my clique once more.

After school, we all walked to the park, and reminisced about our memories we shared together.

Hours felt like minutes, and night flew by like a blink of an eye.

My wide smile never left my face for a split second. I was glowing, and the happiness inside of my 14 year old body, was overflowing.

"You ready for promotion tomorrow?" I asked as Veronica stepped into her parent's truck.

"Yup, see you later Freshman." She winked.


As I walked down the auditorium floors, onto the wooden stage, I reminding myself, "Don't fall!"

I wore wedges, and a black dress. My hair slightly curled.

Today I would promote to high school. Knowing I had to spend my 3 month summer with a tutor, made me gloomy. But hey at least I don't have to stay behind.

"Cara Acosta, congratulations," my kind principal said as she shook my hand.

I made it.


Its been a week since, I promoted and tomorrow Hayes is taking me out to a bowling alley.

I gazed at the digital clock in my kitchen, 11:23 pm, it read.

What's a late night snack sound like?

I pulled out a tub of mint ice cream and finished it in zero flat.

Simply thinking about Hayes made me feel butterflies.

Seeing Hayes made my stomach drop.

Hugging Hayes, sent a shrill down my spine.

When he kissed me, I felt all the butterflies flutter, my stomach drop, and a shrill go down my spine.

He had me whipped.

Nah, it was the puberty hormones that made me think I was whipped.


I arose from my bed, and put on a happy face. (Put on a happy face song reference like whaa?)

I skipped to the kitchen like a little innocent girl, lost in her thoughts, and ate breakfast.

"Sweetie, why are you smiling so much?" my mother asked suspiciously.

"Date today ," I said, while I was lost in wonderland.

"You're getting boy crazy, honey. Watch out when he breaks your heart," she said half jokingly.

"Okay," I said still in my wonderland phase.


Nash picked me up two hours later, once again going over his "rules".

Hayes and I sat in the back seats, with our fingers entwined.

"Hey gorgeous," he said with his adorable smile and deep blue eyes.

"Hey cutie," I replied, while getting lost in his eyes.


As we arrived at the bowling alley, Hayes and Nash hid their faces and kept a low profile.

Downfall of dating a celebrity, you'll get mobbed by a pack of wolfs- wait I meant jealous teenage girls- if you go out openly.

Bowling was a sport, I was pro at. Unlike the Grier brothers...

Hayes' highest score was 7 pins, and I being queen had a turkey. (3 strikes in a row)

"If I don't get any pins knocked down, you have to kiss me," Hayes said fully aware that he'd fail.

"Deal!" I replied with my blushy cheeks.

He rolled and missed.

"Aw, I missed," he fake pouted and leaned in.

Sparks. Fireworks. Stomach knots. Hayes.

I was in paradise. Cloud 9. Heaven.

As I pulled away I saw his eyes slowly open with a toothy grin.

I batted my eyelashes and smiled.

"You make me nervous," he cooed.

My heart was racing, palms sweating, and stomach churning. He always made me nervous.

"You give me butterflies ," I said in awe.

He chuckled and I blushed.

"Why you gotta do this to me?" he asked while brushing my hair back.

"Do what?" I asked, confused.

He didn't answer me, but his eyes remained on me, while he stroked my hair.

Author's note- Vote and comment please(:

"Best Friends"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora