Chapter 19: Simple

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The words repeat over and over in my mind. Replay. Replay. Echo. Him.

"I love you."

Just thinking about that makes me shiver and twitch. Those words are so simple yet so powerful. 3 words, set me in a day dream. Those 3 words can change my mood in a split second.

3 simple words.

"Cara!" Paya sharply snapped while she looked at me with upset eyes.

Its Monday and I couldn't stop thinking about Saturday.

"Uh yeah?" I look around, confused.

"Were you paying attention at all?" she huffed

I felt a lump in my throat, anxiety fill up my lungs, and I choked up.

as you can see, I get embarressed and nervous. easily.

"Anyways, here's your assignment, because you didn't pay attention you're on your own," she harshly let out

Sheesh Paya isn't so pretty when she's irritated

"Okay," I shyly answer as I grab the two stapled sheets of paper


French Revolution greaaat.

What the heck is this about, again?

After 5 minutes of stagment stares at my assignment, Paya has mercy on me.

"Here, I'll help," she rolled her eyes

"Thanks," I mutter.


A week later

I'm halfway done with my assignments, and so far I've gotten what would've been A's and B's

this weekend I'm spending it with Veronica.

"Dude, isn't Matthew hot?" she nudged my arm.

"Why are you stalking him?" I looked at her iPhone screen.

an old photo of him on his Instagram.

"Shut uppp, like you don't stalk Hayes," she stuck out her head

"yeah yeah he's cute whatever Hayes is hotterrrr!" I tease

"I'm 15, and Matt's 17, think it could happen?" she said with a twinkle in her eyes

Somebody's crushing on my boyfriend's friend.

"I don't know wanna meet him?" I causlly respond

Goosebumps appeared on her arms, her jaw dropped and her eyes darted around the room, anxiously

while her smile transformed into a toothy grin

"YES OH MY GOSH YES!" she threw her arms in the air.

"Okay well I'll just text him, asking if he'll come down with Hayes to north Carolina."

"Really?" she screamed with excitement.

"Bruh," I poked my head out

"okay all hail, Cara the bessssssssssttt!!!" she chanted

"Yes yes," I flipped my hair

"Can I tell Hayes you like Matt?" I nudged her arm

"Sure but he better not say a word to Matthew!" she said folding her arms in a hostile way.

To Babyy : Hey babe, veronica likes Matt. Help us out(; xoxo love you

Seconds later

From Babyy : Got it covered

To Babyy: You're the best

"Yay!" she squealed, "Imma date Matthew Imma date Matthewww!" she sang

"Okay ugly, no promises," I smirked

"I'm hot okay, bruhhhh" she flipped her blonde hair

She really was stunning, it wouldn't be hard for her to get a boyfriend.


From Babyy : He's coming down in a week to visit ;)

I replied

To Babyy : Let's set them up, love you muah!

"You got Hayes whopped!" Veronica brought up

He had me whopped. Never did a single day pass, where I didn't think of him.

His ocean blue eyes that captivated me, his sweet voice that said the words, "I love you", and called me, "girlfriend".

"He's the greatest," I grinned

"Matthew is hooot thoooo!" she shrugged

"Whateverrr!" I threw a pillow at her!

Glancing at the clock that read 2:58 am. I didn't realize we've been up for so long.

"Wanna see how late we can stay up?" I ask

"Sure," she stretched her arms, "What happened to the devil, Claire?"

Her name sent tingles through my system, unwanted feelings. Feelings of anger and vengeance. Apart of me wanted to punch her in her stomach until she dropped to her knees.

I hated her.

"who knows, probably in the hospital because she chased after someone else's boyfriend," I clenched my fist.

Veronica face expression looked puzzled also frightened.

"Don't worry she'll learn," she said nervously.

I must've scared her... Opps

"Want some ice cream, fatty?" she suggested

I raced her down to the kitchen freezer to greet the mint chocolate chip ice cream jar she kept.

"Let's just eat the whole jar," she causally said

"WELL GET FAT!" I self consciously said aloud

"Whatever we'll run in the morning for an hour," she gave me a "duh" facial expression

After devouring our snack, we talked about the one topic I truly loved: boys

"Aww! he gave you his hoodie?" she cooed

"Yup, I was such a mess. I broke down in front of him," I cocked my head sideways

"Its okay, I bet he's cried over you before," she shrugged

"Well maybe," I considered

"Its 4:38 duude!" I smiled

"I'm sleepy, girl!" and within seconds Veronicas eyes fluttered shut. Woah. That escalated quickly

"Night V," I patted her back, and shut off the lights and fell into a deep sleep

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