Chapter 14 Lies

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As I slum down the stairs of my house, on a cloudy Saturday morning, I feel numb.

Why bother to care about my appearance, why bother to care about my hair, teeth, arms, or legs? Why bother to care at all.

"Morning, Honey!" My mother greets me, while my father says, "He's not worth your tears, Honey" as he picks up his coffee mug.

I analyze my kitchen, the wooden table with a clear glass overlay, walls with quote sayings, and a China hutch.

"Hayes came over yesterday," she lets out slowly.

I roll my eyes, "Okay," but secretively I was glad he attempted to talk to me. That showed he cared about me...

'He cheated on you'

'Broke your trust'

'Don't let him play you'

I replayed and repeated in my head, he doesn't care.

I drag myself to the shower. I feel relaxed and I can think clearly there.

I'm in a funk. A hazy funk, where I no longer care about the world. The world. My world. My world is spinning. Spinning and spinning nonstop.

He. Broke. My. Heart

I turn off the water and pat my dripping hair.

I don't only feel water drip down my face, another storm of tears overcome me.


Its Saturday, and I don't have any class sessions today or tomorrow. Which upsets me, because I need a distraction.

I awake my phone from it's over night charging, to be greeted with 23 new missed calls, 17 unread messages, and both, twitter and instagram are flooding with notifications.

#Cayes4Life #Cayes4Days #Cayes are spamming my entire feed on twitter. Some of the fan's tweets make me smile, happily. Others, are overjoyed that Hayes and I are falling apart.


Hayes and his gf are spliting? Nothing wrong with that! I hated her fat ugly a** anyways! :) @FreedaKiara

I check Hayes' profile to uncover numerous tweets supposedly about me

Hear me out babe, :( @HayesGrier

I didn't do it :( @HayesGrier

Don't shut me out, baby @Hayesgrier

I still love you. @HayesGrier

For a second, I'm convinced by his statements, I give into to his lies. He cares. He loves me. But even, I'm not that gullible, If he loved me, why did he cheat? IF. IF. IF.

Forget it, I'm done.

The name, I despise most, creeps into the back of my head, Claire.

She didn't call or text me.

Fake. There goes another childhood friendship down the drain.

Why do I continuously let people in, to only have them break me down?

I feel so alone, I'm silently suffocating, who's here to save me?

Nobody. I have nobody.

A sweet melody fills my ears as I hear the name "Veronica".

I just need somebody. Anybody. Rescuer.

I call Veronica, and within 15 minutes she's at my doorway with emergency chocolate, and boxes of candy in her purse.


As I flop onto my bed, she sits on the far end corner.

"Let it out, Cara," she says softly

"He's such a jerk, I can't take it anymore. The pain. The lonlieness. The heartbreak. I CAN'T," I weep

My blond haired friend, scoots closer and opens the chocolate box.

"Here, babe. It'll make you better," she suggests as she hands it over to me.

I take it, and by this point my brown eyes hurt from crying over that sick boy.

Life sucks.

"You should talk to him," Veronica hesitates, "Maybe it was a misunderstanding, or maybe Claire was the one who kissed him."

I puff. UGH. "Yeah sure," I say mockingly.

"Listen, while you were in a coma, all Hayes did was ask me, Blaire and that sick Claire, about what you thought about him, he made you dozens of gifts, he was crazy for you," She lets out a sigh, "I don't think Hays would be stupid enough to screw everything up."

"Maybe," I slowly state.

Just maybe.

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