Chapter 24:Speechless

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I thought out my plan, the words I'll say, to the end of my break up speech.

How I'll hug him and I'll probably be drenched in tears, but I can't take it anymore

But first I need to know why he hasn't done anything to clear this up on twitter.

This aggravates me and boils my blood.

You'll help me behind closed doors, but not out in public?

I text him.

To Babe: Claire messed up everything. Check twitter. Everyone thinks I'm using you....

Ten minutes later I hear a ding.

From Babe: I'm busy.

I purse my lips together and furrow my eyebrows.

What the heck is your malfunction

To Babe : Okay I get your busy with everything. But this has been going on for two days. I've kept my mouth SHUT. Why can't you tweet out "Cara and I are still dating"?

My finger feels numb as I reach for the "send" button.

I feel paralyzed after I see the "read" sign.

He responds

Listen. Cara. I can't talk right now.

I glance at the top center of my phone displaying the time of 8:59 pm.

Who has meet ups this late at night?

I text Nash instead. We've known each other for a long time anyways.

To NG: Hey umm are y'all at a meet up rn?

Seconds later he replies

No, we're chilling at the hotel HAHAH. why?

I grind my teeth and tighten my jaw.

You've officially screwed up. If you're just "chilling" how come its hard to tweet out six words?

I don't bother texting back Nash, but go straight to Hayes' conversation

To Babe: Hey. I've put up with this hate since we publically announced we were dating. BUT now girls at school are taking WAY too far. Can you at least help me out?

I fume inside, but I try to calm the inner storm raging inside me.

How could he pretend its nothing? How could he not do anything if all he does is go on twitter?

I get he has stress with fans, meet ups, business stuff but why can't he take 3 minutes out of his day to type 'Cara isn't using me, its a lie.'

My heart race beats faster and faster, until I see a text from him

From Babe: I'm busy.

Busy doing what? So busy its hard for you to tweet out something to clear the infectious air?

To Babe: Its NOT hard to tweet out something to clear the air, don't you care??????

I pout and angrily pace around my room. 5 minutes go by, 10 minutes go by, and he doesn't even read it.

I can't take the hate anymore. If Hayes doesn't stand by me, then I'm done.

I'm done.

To Babe: When are you coming home?

I angrily beat my keyboard keys

Seconds later he replies

Tomorrow afternoon.

Then I pull together all the pieces of my break up plan, and finally tie the finishing knot.

I will break up with him in 3 days. .

3 days.

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