Chapter 18: Walls

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I arise on Hayes' couch with a blanket over me.

Why does Hayes have to be such a perfect boyfriend?

As I stretch and yawn, I hear a voice softly speak, "Hey babe."

There aren't any windows in the basement, so I have no idea what time of day it is.


"Babe... What time is it?" I frantically ask

He glances at his iPhone as he says, "8:59"

I slept for 3 and a half hours.

"Thanks, baby," I reply holding a hand on my head.

My horrible headache is making it difficult to think properly

"You can spend the night, if you want...." Hayes trails off

"ummm- where would I sleep?" I consider.

"The guest room of course," he says as if it was obvious

"Okay well, I'll call my mom and you already asked your mom?" I hazily speak

"Done and done," he grins happily, "I didn't think you'd wake up until like 2 or 3 in the morning so I asked my mom if you could spend the night... then I called your mom, and she said it was okay as long as we didn't sleep in the same room."

"Okay, I got a huge headache now and I kinda don't want to sleep in my jeans and tank top," I admit

"I'll ask my mom for some medicine, and you can wear my hoodie and shorts when you sleep," he pinches my cheeks

Who pinches their girlfriend's cheek?

That's cute though.

To awaken me from my slumber, (mentally I'm half asleep), I splash some water on my face in his bathroom.

Knockk. Knockkk.

"In a minute," I speak

I unlock the door and he hands me perfectly folded shorts and the same grey hoodie he offered earlier in the day.

"Thank you," I lean over and kiss him

"Anything for you," he flutters his eyelashes



"Here's some medicine sweetie," Hayes' mom hands me

But I've known her for a long time as well, so I call her mom.

Flash back**********

"Cara? Cara are you okay?" she ran and embraced me.

I was 10, in the fifth grade. At the time, my parents were going through a rough time, making me feel oppressed.

"I - I I'm fine," I sat crunched in the corner of my school

My mom was supposed to pick me up an hour ago

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