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So sorry for not updating but I'm back

Hayes POV

The valentine's dance was a week away, and with all the crazed teenaged girls attending this high school, every boyfriend knew about this dance.

All I could hear from a few muffled voices and gigling girls were,  "THE VALENTINE DANCE MEANS EVERYTHING!" or so I've read between the lines of their constant babble of this event.

What's so spectacular about guys spending money on chocolates, roses and picture frames and spending time to write their girlfriend a love letter? Then,  I suddenly felt a flutter in my stomach.  I'm more than willing to buy anything that'll woo her. But still,  I find it burdening on all the boyfriends,  because the only way to a happy life is a happy girlfriend. I  don't want Cara upset on valentine's. That'll be the end of me,  haha.

Valentines,  although purposeless,  will be an easy excuse to ease my path into her heart. Wow,  I sound like a cheesy guy.  Never mind that,  but with all these sappy teenagers I'll make Cara fall for me even harder.  She won't know what hit her. Just like me,  I am still oblivious as to why I've gone completely mad for her.

That is if she's even crazy for me anymore.... Her eyes don't gaze at me with awe anymore, and lately she's not texting me for a long time. I just want to spend time with her,  but how can I accomplish that if sometimes she doesn't even respond to my texts?

After evasdropping on many conversations,  I knew exactly how to win Cara over. 

Flowers?  Check.

Roses to be in fact.

Little flower bracelet they call a corsage,  I got that.

One week,  in one week,  I will win her heart back. She'll never think I'm not enough,  nor boring.

She's so gorgeous. She's so amazing.  She's beyond me.

Suddenly, a shock of electricity ran through my trembling body. My heart raced,  beating and beating. A tiny grin appeared at the corners of my lips, Cara successfully made me fall for her.  Completely. All of me. Every single ounce of my body craved her. (not like that, don't think nasty) The way her hair flowed, to her big charismatic heart, from top to bottom,  I wanted her. I just wanted her. I wanted her to see me,  notice how much thought I put into everything, and  how much I care.

I want her heart to race as fast as my thumping heart. I want her hands to tremble and shake, because she felt a wave of electricity flow through her fingers  when I take of ahold of her delicate hand.

Does she still awake until dawn with thoughts about me? I lie in my bed and within two hours of staring at the black ceiling above me, I can name about a hundred reasons why I like her.

The way her hair cascades down her slim back, how childish and naive she is, her two signature dimples that appears everything time she flashes her glowing smile,  and how I find all these qualities adorable.

I crave a simple smile from her. I yearn for a little peck on the cheek. It's her presence that makes my stomach jump, my heart rate increase to the point where I'm sacred she'll hear my heart beating, and seeing her smile sends waves of electricity through me. 

My heart throbs for her.

I want her so desperately. More than anything. 

Cara's POV

The Valentines Dance was six days away,  and I wanted Hayes to ask me already.  Whenever he stood beside me, I was frightened that he'd notice my little smirk  forming at the edges of my lips. I can't contain my excitement when I'm around him. His presence makes me shiver, his voice gives me chills, and all I want in the world is him.

I wonder if he notices all these little signals I've been leaving for him to discover. Has he noticed I'm playing hard to get? I don't text him until 7 minutes afterwards, and the longest period of time I'd spend texting him is an hour and a half. Sometimes I pretend I have plans and simply not respond at all.

I show all these signs that I'm in control of this relationship and that it's his job to woo me once more.

  That still doesn't change that feeling I experience where my heart nearly drops to the floor when he makes eye contact. Or the lump in my throat which makes me speechless whenever he says 'I love you'  or 'you're beautiful. '

I wanted to have Hayes AND self respect...  Looking over these last past months,  I realize what a fool I was. So oblivious  and naive. I mean I'm still the same clueless girl,  but at least I'm aware of my previous errors.

I've sure fixed them. Now,  I'm making his head spin in circles,  unaware of where we stand. Honestly,  it feels amazing knowing his feelings. I know he lays awake at night thinking about me. As do I. 

At one am, I drift off into all these alternate possibilities. What would've happened if I played hard to get from the very beginning, and stuck through until the end?

I still get tempted to sacrifice my self respect, and make him reassure that I won't leave him. I want to be in his embrace, and hear him coo the sweet melody of the words,  "I love you,  beautiful." How I crave that.

Walking to school I hope,  desperately hope, Hayes will ask me to the dance. My stomach jumped all the way school, my lips kept quivering and my heart kept throbbing.


I'm done waiting, I'm done experiencing this pounding against my chest. I'm tried of this meddling headache.  Ask me already. Ask me already.

Current time: 1:52 am.

Setting: My pitch black room where my inner thoughts release my lips.

"Ugh ask me out already!" I pouted,  "I really want to go with you."

My phone buzzed four times, as if somebody spammed me at one am.

From haaayes: You'll never receive this message,  because I'm too afraid to send it. I'm too sacred I'm not good enough for you. You, you changed. I'm crazy for you,  ecstatic.  I'm actually using these advanced and smart words JUST FOR YOU.

I froze and dropped my jaw at the sight of this. My lips felt so dry,  my mind dazed into a million places, my heart just sank.

My phone had another notification
3 Unread Messages

From haaayes: Wow,  I'm crazy. Haha.  you're so confident. So beautiful. So unique. So lovely. Oh my gosh Cara WHAT THE HECK.  How in the world did this ever EVER happen to me?

A faint smile appeared on my face and happiness flowed through my veins. I continued reading.

From haaayes: I freaking love you.

From haaayes: I freaking love everything about you.

My hands began to tremble and a tear rapid escaped from my dry eyes. Dude, I had to gain self respect just to make Hayes react this way...

I wanted him crazy for me.

I finally succeed.

To haaayes: Goodnight sleep tight pal (;

Boys and Girls, that is how you keep a guy waiting at the end of a cliff. How you keep him desiring more and more.

With that,  I doze into a heavy slumber.

"Best Friends"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora