Chapter 25: Tired

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Wanna know what pierces a knife right through my heart and makes me feel paralyzed?

leaves me oblivious, wandering in bliss, and suddenly I feel I'm turning insane.

Knowing that I'm standing here by myself.


That's its been a day, and he hasn't texted me or tweeted anything.

I'm sick of letting people walk all over me as if I'm a doormat.

Wipe your feet while you're at it

Why stay here miserable when I got a friend I can text.

to Veronica: I need a friend.

Seconds later she replies

Be there in 10.

Best friends. Somebody who's always there and doesn't backstab me.

A person who tells me the truth, no matter how bad it hurts.

How hurtful the cold blooded truth can be.

I'm outside bruh. She texts me

I open the door and she's there with a a Mean Girls DVD and chocolates sticking out of the ends of her brown purse, draped around her shoulders.


I stomp up the stairs to my room, and she follows me, confused.

"What's up?" she causally says as she sits criss cross apple sauce on my bed.

"UGH! HAYES! AND CLAIRE! LOOK WHAT SHE POSTED ON TWITTER!" I shove my phone in her face.

Her jaw drops, she tilts her head in confusion as she continues scrolling

"She's pathetic," she clicks her tounge, imitating a "stuck up popular girl".

"I know right and look what I said to Hayes!!!" I jump.

"He said WHAT?" She plops my phone on my bed as she furrows her eyebrows and gives me "oh he messed up" look, after witnessing our conversation.

Hours and hours fly by like a blink of an eye, and we've ditched the Hayes and Claire stuff two hours ago.

We go into a huge therapy session, revealing our deepest and most secretive emotions.

I talk about my fear. How I'm truly scared.

"Honestly... I cared so much about what other's thought about me, I felt confused, alone, miserable. I just wanted a helping hand," I focus my eyes on the ground.

I've never talked to anybody about my emotions.

Never. .

"I used to get bullying, people would make fun of my weight and my disorder. I have dyslexia, so it was harder for me to learn like everybody else. While going through that, I was physically abused. I got taken away when I was in 5th grade...." she pauses as her voice turns shaky. I see that one tear drip down her tan face. She doesn't dare look up at me.

I lean to hug her and she cries into my arms.

"Ita okay V, its okay," I comfort.

Which only summons more wailing.

She cries and cries until her nose becomes clogged and her eyes grow tired.


"I love you Cara. Thank you so much," she sniffs. Her hazel eyes scream the horrifying remembrance of her childhood.

She's scarred for life.

But nobody could tell.

Veronica, a native Arizonan blonde haired girl with stunning hazel eyes was bullied.

Felt alone. Drowning in the eyes of everybody.

Felt captured in trapped in today's generation of unwritted rules.


Her slim beautiful figure would've never lead me to believe she'd ever been fat.


It takes me awhile to recollect myself and zone out of my dream land.

I gasp as I see Veronica drifted away to a peaceful sleep on the side of my zebra blanketed twin bed.

I graze at the electronic clock I have, which says 8:43 pm.

Meaning she's been here for 5 hours.

Nonstop talking and emotions pouring and pouring.

Things that were forbiddened to ever speak, to ever think of letting it walk out of our mouths.


But the saying is "Once you know my secrets you'll never look at me the same."

Sadly that's correct, but now I see Veronica as a true pure hearted girl.

Whose rare.

Its hard to find true friends these days, but she's proven me that there is hope

But what I don't believe there is hope for is: Hayes and I.

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