Chapter 9: Reunited

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It felt like years passed since I saw my gang of friends.

Since I slept through the month part, it was only days. But I being the dramatic female I am, pretended like it was years.

Buzz.Buzz. A text message lit up my IPhone 5c, reading From Hayes

From Hayes: Guess who's flying back down today? I'll see you tomorrow at school, since its a 6 hour flight. Can't wait to see you, cutie

A shrill of excitement sent a vivacious shiver down my spine. I missed him.

I replied with

Can't wait to see my adorable boyfriend(:

As I got dressed for school, my mind focused on Hayes and Hayes alone.

The ride to school was completely overtaken by my thoughts about Hayes.

Walking in the hallways, Hayes & Hayes.

Sitting in class, my mind surrounding one topic only: Hayes.

Hayes. Hayes. Hayes.

That little blue eyed boy was making his way in my heart.

Okay hormones, I understand I like Hayes. Now would you please leave?


I woke up the next day with a smile so powerful, I could move mountains.

I slipped on my cutest outfit I had in my closet, and straightened my unbearable frizzy hair.

When I got to my school locker, somebody bear hugged me from behind. Call me crazy, but my face lit up like a birthday cake.

I knew it was Hayes. I could smell his cologne and his minty fresh breath, super minty. Oh gosh, did he overdose on Listerine again?

"I haven't seen you since February, I swear I'm never letting you out of this hug," he cooed.

D'aaaawwwww he's so adorable.

"I missed you so much," I said as I hugged him tighter.

I laid my head on his chest, since he was a giant and I was an elf compared to him.

He kept hugging me and rocking back and forth. This hug was so long. It lasted for 2 whole minutes, and I bet we looked crazy since we were in the school halls.

But I didn't care. I never wanted this hug to end. I smiled with the most genuine smile, I've had in a long time.

We eventually let go of each other, and Hayes was blusing with his rose red cheeks. Which made me blush, and make my stomach tie a knot.

Hayes wore a black hoodie had a picture of us plastered on it. He's so thoughtful, and adorable and oh my gosh Cara snap out of it!

He pulled out another hoodie, and gave it to me. Matching hoodies? Awwwwh. I wore it confidentiality as we walked hand in hand down the hall.

Cara, you're 14 don't think you're all that!


That day consisted of him saying how much he adored me, me saying how much I adored him, and eating.

Let's be real Cara, you and Hayes are two hormonal teenagers. Do not say "I love you" at ALL.

I reminded myself every single day.

I'm living in paradise.

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