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Hayes POV

I've been trying to procrastinate as long as I can. The Valentines Dance is in 4 days, and I still haven't asked her yet. Whenever I attempt to say anything my tongue swirls into a twisty knot and somehow my lips can't release the words. My stomach churns, my lips feel dry and rusty, and I feel beads of sweat on my hands.

Just looking at her confident, with her radiating confidence, melts me. When she releases her hand from mine, my hand tingles from her blazing fire. She's so different. I guess we've traded places.

It makes me so attracted to her on so many levels. Her rare unique persona. Impeccable. Amazing. Beyond me.

Although now, currently, she's frustrated with me. It most likely has to deal with the fact I haven't asked her out. I feel a disconnection whenever we're together. As if she's irritated.. It all weaves into the fact that I haven't asked her to the dance yet.

Yup, for once, I actually understand why she's upset.

Why is she getting all hurt when I'm the one who has a spinning head, a strange eye twitch and sweaty hands? Come on.

All she needs to do is smile with her gorgeous smile and indented dimples. Then she can embrace me and happily accept my request.

"Girls," I pouted with an eye roll.

I still love everything about her. She has this unspeakable power over me. I'll admit that, she has every once of my heart. Wow, I'm cheesy. Forget I said that about my girlfriend.

Most guys don't express how much they like their girl, to other guys. Like my friends, the most they ever say about their girl is, "She's amazing," or "Bro, she's perfect," but it stops there.

A sentence or two about her. Our special girl only deserves one to two sentences in front of their guy friends.

Unfortunately, its true. We aren't expressive, and usually we bottle our emotions inside. Either that, or we're just confused in all.

Except this time. This one exception. I know and understand exactly how I feel towards her.

I love the way I feel towards her. She leaves me hanging, craving for more. She's subtle and knows exactly what to say.

She's more than my dream girl. Okay? She's beyond my desired characteristics. She's a hundred times fold better than I ever wanted. She's shown me more than other girl can comprehend. Her intelligence, and fierceness is so attractive.

I'm way past insane for her. Hell, she's got me on my hind legs and she knows it.


I spent two hours planning how I'll invite Cara to the dance as my lucky lady. Since the valentines dance is four days away, and tomorrow it'll be three days away, in addition to the obvious factor that she's ignoring my presence, results in a big proposal.

I'm going full out.

I've crafted my speech, spent an hour finding a perfect outfit to

1.) Ask her out

2.) Go to the dance

Then, bought a box of doughnuts, containing a dozen doughnuts with lettered frosting on top, spelling out "Valentines Date?"  I also purchased a red rose and a dark brown teddy bear with the words "be mine" engraved on each paw.

"She's gonna love me!" I shrieked enthusiastically.

Maybe she'll love me, just as much as I love her.

Cara's POV

Anger took control of me last night.

Jealously overtook my slender body.

Confusion twisted my brain and heart, filling it with poisoning lies.

The Valentines Dance is 3 days away. Hayes hasn't asked me yet, which caused me to ignore him. Whoops, sorry.

I know what you're thinking, I'm so childish and idiotic. I am. I admit that.

I want him to ask me already. I only fantasize about the dance, which is  less than 36 hours away.

My gorgeous red dress, curled vibrant locks with my trademark perfume, walking into the room filled with my friends and people who doubted me.

In addition, I have Hayes. A tall boy who's eyes are genuine. The way he looks at me, the way he talks to me. The way his lips release my name.

The way his hand somehow fits into mine. I can continue, but for time's sake I shouldn't.

But I can imagine, Hayes' protective arms wrapped around my slim hips, our eyes facing each other. Our smiles, that are so wide we look crazy, and the way my heart will pump blood twice as faster than it did before.

I can imagine.

The pit in my stomach became greedy, I wanted him to ask me already. Because the only name that ran through my veins were his. My wrist was already marked with his name, ready to be replaced with a flower corsage. My lips were tattooed with his name only.

@HayesGrier tweeted: Tomorrow's gonna be a big daaay. #NotPromprosal #ValentineProposalThough

@HayesGrier tweeted: I got a keeper

I won't deny it, I smiled very wide when I read those tweets.

Even though he burns a hole through my fist, I yearn for his love.

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