Chapter 29: Void

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The next week was a living hell. Im trapped in a torture chamber where I'm locked in my chains of my emotions. No escape. Dying slowly.

But surely.

The fact that I can't talk to Hayes heavies my 2 ton heart. It crushes my heart actually, squishing every last bit of me in the process.

It just hurts.



But it doesn't matter right?

What does matter is that in 3 hours I'll have my last "school session" with Paya.

Do you understand how difficult it is to not cry? How to keep myself put together for an hour, let alone 3? Do you have any clue as to what hell I'm experiencing?

Obviously not.

But I don't dare tell anybody, because that'll make me look weak.

Make me look vulnerable. Make me look pathetic.

But its all true, correct? All true.

Do ever feel that you depend on anybody too much? You annoy the crap out of them, and the next thing you know, they backstab you.

Leave you, like a thief in the night. Gone in a flash, because when your single tear drops down your face, they're running out the door in a nanosecond.

I feel like a burden. One Hayes can't carry and sure as heck, not Veronica, the scarred girl.

Every single day  now, I go to the neighborhood park. To clear my mind before I turn insane. Before I lose it. Before I call finally call myself a "monster"


The sand swishes against my toes, and I wonder why there's only 2 kids at this park.

The sun shinning after the heavy rain we experienced just days ago, with not a cloud in the sky to be seen.

The soft laughter's and thumps of the little children's feet as they run along the grass. As I stay planted on the swings.

Contemplating on life.

You know? Whats hysterical is I'm wearing his hoodie, with our picture tattooed right on it. For everyone to glance at, when they first meet me.

Except I'm only denying myself. Denying that its over and honestly I can't take this anymore.

Its crushing my soul. Do you not understand how alone I feel? How much I wanna scream bloody mercy aloud?

"Pretty lady?" a little girl squeaked, who was standing right in front of me. Is it bad I'm just noticing her now? "Yes, cutie?" I smile and look back to see her mom mouthing words to direct her on what to say next.

A cute blond girl wearing a plain pink shirt and black calf shorts with little tennis shoes with flowers and bows on them, makes her look utterly adorable. Her two pigtail braids and beady brown eyes makes everyone say yes to her I bet.

"Can me and m-my brother go on the swings?" she gives me a cheeky smile and I see a younger version of her, probably 3 years old boy hiding behind the opposite pole of the swings.

His baby cheeks, and big bulgy eyes make me wanna run up and hug him.

"Of course," I grin and look back at her smiling proud mom and nod at them.

I wonder what the mother thought of me. You hardly see a teenager at the park alone, do you? Sitting on the swings do absolutely nothing.

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