Chapter 2: Feelings

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Cara's POV**

The constant beeping of my white alarm clock buzzed in my ears. Irritating me. Bugging me. I groaned. The sight of my uneven wavy hair that was still untamed, angered me. A thick drool line was zigzagged across my cheek.

Never underestimate the power of hairspray, moose, cute crop top, and skinny jeans. I left my house feeling unusually confident.

It's probably my waves, I told myself while hopping into my mom's grey van. I plopped myself in the passenger's seat, and hoisted my feet on the ledge. I slouched and sank my entire body, biting my lip.

My mom glared at me, causing me to correct my unlady like manorism and unacceptable behavior. "I heard Hayes came over," she stated, although it sounded rather like a question, maybe she wanted to know before could bestow her wrath upon me.

"Oh yeah sorry I didn't tell you, it slipped my mind honestly," I lied in between my teeth.

"Hunny, its fine! We've known Hayes since you were in 3rd grade! No big deal... But tell me, do you have feelings for him?"

I turned as red as blood, I chewed inside my cheek ripping the skin, actually I don't know what I was gnawing, but I cut it alright with my teeth! A thin clean cut razor ran through my spine.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well , you're older now and honey let's face it. Hayes is really cute and so are you," she explained.

"Well.." I say, "He's pretty cute. And he's super funny," I exclaimed. Then suddenly I sieze this opportunity to inform her on my true opinions, and everything began to flow from my mouth like a result river. 

"His piercing blue eyes are so hot, Mom! And his brown hair so super cute and don't even get me started on --" she zipped my talkative mouth, as our car came to a halt in the school parking  lot.
"Okay!" She drew out, "let's stop there. Have a good day, honey bun please don't become boy crazy!"

Wow. Well that just happened. I stepped foot onto the new campus grounds, that were reconstructed over the summer. It was spotless, without a single smudge of gum. Clean, crisp and perfectly grey.

The new sight amused me. However my joy was bound to be over, when I discovered a circle of chanting students. Through the tiny slots of the crowded people, I made out an image of two girls fighting. The screams, and chants of students also helped me determine what was happening. Also the high pitched grunts and sound of snarls indicted it was a battle between two pathetic girls. It seemed to get heated, because many students began to screech, and say "ooh!"

I crawled up into the dangerous pit of students, daringly. A popular girl, Kia, who was a brunette was enduring smacks to her pale  cheeks. Another popular girl, belonging to a different clique was using all her power and might to cause dents into kia's perfectly shaped head.


Because Hayes.

"HAYES IS MINE!" Kia shouted as she tugged on Leanna's hair

"IF YOU TOUCH HIM I WILL HURT YOU!" Leanna retorted.

They both vowed, if ANY girl even talks to Hayes something's gonna happen. GREAT! JUUST GREAT. KILL ME NOW.

How did they even know Hayes was in town? I heard along the whispers of the hallway that he tweeted about it.

My daily day dreaming of Hayes was cut in half, due to his appearance in my science class. Maybe he'll have some classes with me. I grinned, and shrugged. At least now I can sneak a few glances at him.

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