Chapter 8: Summer School

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I was overwhelmed with all my missed tests and examinations and everything. I couldn't do it anymore. My principal decided to give me a summer school tutor, to help me catch up. Yay. More school.

Veronica and Hayes were away, while Blaire and Claire were having vomiting competitions, and I was alone.

Roaming my middle school grounds like an abandoned ghost. With my head held down, with nothing to view other than shoes and the dirty grounds.

Was this really how I wanted to spend my days as the top dog of my middle school. before I was the "little baby freshman"?

Fake a smile. Fake the laughs. Fake everything.

One more week and I'm out of here. I'll be free. To a certain degree.

Stupid coma. I'm behind. I'll be tied in chains while everyone is free and enthusiastic.

But I'm not completely miserable. Hayes. I have Hayes.

His good morning messages greet me every single morning.

His goodnight text messages are a sweet and lovely lullaby.

After all we've been through, he's stood by me... For 6 years. Woow. The fact he hasn't left me, like everyone else, astounds me.

He cares. I've never had anyone care for me like the way he does.

No way am I going to lose him.

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