Chapter 22: Not Good Enough

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"I'm so proud of you!" Paya jumps with excitement, "Fast learner."

I give off a tiny smile. Honestly I'm dancing in my head and chanting "I'm better than you!" but you know I'm not conceited (;

"So I'll see you tomorrow and then we have one week left before you're officially done with eighth grade!" her sweet tone is super encouraging to me.

Makes me feel important, like I'm worth something.

You know?

As Paya exits the threshold of my doorway, I hear her engine perk up.

Following by the broom broom the car huffs.

I hear her car zipp away.


An unexpected knock at my doorstep interuppts my cookie eating session

Thinking it was Paya, who maybe forgot something at my house, I opened the door without question.

Somebody, who was dead to me was staring into my eyes. A stranger, I once knew . I once loved and trusted. Somebody I called my best friend. Claire.

She arrogantly stared down at me, while I clenched my jaw and tightened my fist.

A couple more steps, I could leave a real pretty mark on her eye.

She shot me a cocky glare, before returning her attention to her fingernails.

Conceited brat

What happened to you or our childhood friendship? What happened to our dreams of being each other bridesmaids at our weddings? Or having babies that'll grow up to be best friends, just as we did.

Memories vanished into thin air without out a trace.

"Want me to be honest with you?" she smacked her lips still looking at her ugly manicured tips

She set a fire inside of me, a mini rampage. Wanting to break her bones until she felt the pain she put in my heart.

Childhood best friends, right?

Through it all?

From kindergarten to walking the halls of middle school?

8 years meant nothing to her?

Sheesh that hurt. Jab a knife inside my soul why don't you?

But now all I feel is wrath and bitterness. No remorse of anything.

"Don't waste my time, pretty princess," I spat

Taking by the forcefulness of my statement, her jaw dropped.

Did that hurt? Oops.

"Hayes kissed me first," she swayed her head, conceitedly. Practically smearing her words in my face, making me nervously choke.

"Lies" I spat back.

"Hayes said you were so depressed and sad blah blah blah," she rolled her eyes, "he needed somebody who wasn't so clingy and irritating."

I knew I was clingy. I knew I was annoying him. Stupid love. Stupid feelings. Stupid.

I'm a stupid girl, thinking Hayes could love me. A lost wandering girl wondering how the heck does she come out alive in this forsaken world.

"Well I hope you have a nice day," she genuinely speaks. I bet she only came here to torment me. Why else would she walk to my house and brag about it? Stupid neighborhood houses. Stupid childhood. Why does she have to live so close to me?

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