Chapter 12: Tutoring

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Cara's POV**

Due to my lack of attendance, *cough* stupid a coma *cough*, my school sent over a tutor to teach me all my missed assignments.

- Making me sacrifice all social events, and practically splitting my time in half with my friends and Hayes.

Stupid school.

My tutor revealed to be a gorgeous woman, Paya, with ombre hair. She had a gorgeous complexion, which I was envious over.

I breezed over the easy lesson, like it was nothing.

"3:24? Already?" Paya shrieked. Our session ended at 3:30.

Replying with, "Wow. Time flies," I drifted off into to thought about everything.

What's Veronica doing?

What's Blaire and Claire up to?

How's my boyfriend?

Am I the only one who's stuck and trapped in a corner?

I was 1/4 done of all my assignments, its been 3 weeks into my "summer school".

3 weeks later*

Veronica and I texted occasionally, but I already saw that we were drifting.

Blaire, Claire and I texted once in a blue moon.

Hayes and I were drifting slowly.

You wanna know what hurts? What cuts you, and leaves you paralyzed for a split second, that's as sharp as a blade?


Knowing you're slowly fading away from everyone and all you have left is yourself.

I awoken by Paya getting up to hug me, once she left my mind raced with thoughts.

To top it all off, I'm receiving so much hate on my Instagram page and twitter.. Hate comments and threats are being thrown at me, left and right.

I've been bullied before, but never like this. I feel so insecure about my appearance. Am I beautiful?

As if people saw right through, my flaws and insecurities, I had a target sign plastered right on my forehead.

I cry myself to sleep every night replaying every bad thing any one has said to me. Alone. Miserable. Worthless. They all describe me.

"Whore!" "Slut!" "Bitch!" You name it and I've been called it... Their hurtful words replay and replay in my head until they become distant echoes...

"You are so ugly, Hayes deserves better! HAHA. Why would he want a fat whore like you? Do us all a favor and kill yourself." That one striked me the most out of all my hate.


The last time we talked was a week and a half ago, so I decided to text him

Hey babe, you busy today?

Usually within minutes or even seconds, he responds..

But its already been 6 minutes..

"Probably busy," I mumbled.

I should go and surprise him! His house isn't very far.

As I walked out the door, with skinny jeans and a tank top, I shouted, "Bye mom I'll be at Hayes' house!"

The weather was magnificent today. The glistening sun and clear blue sky reminded me to smile.

Smile. I haven't smiled in a long time.

The streets were vacant, but every now and then I saw a passing car. The only sound I was used to listening to was the thumps of my feet.

My eyes lit up as I saw Hayes' house.

Okay, I've known Hayes since I was 8. So we're comfortable with none of us knocking but simply walking in.

Worst mistake ever.

The foot I stepped in to his house, I walked in on Claire kissing Hayes or Hayes kissing Claire.

In a split second my heart shattered into a million pieces, if that, I think I cut myself accidentally stepping on one of my broken pieces.

Motionless. Blankly. Paralyzed. Shivers sending a shrill down my back.

Snapping back to reality, I saw Hayes and Claire staring at me, with their jaws dropped.

Way to apologize Hayes.

I already felt self conscious as it was, but having Hayes cheat on me- with my long term friend, definitely topped my expectations.

Can you imagine your little confidence vaporize in a second of time?

Can you imagine your trust for a loved one, sail away, in a second of time?

Can you imagine, what heartbreak I just experienced in a second of time?

I retreated back to my house, running. I didn't drop a single tear, I was numb and still unaware of what happened.

So much for 6 years.

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