Chapter 20: Momentarily

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"Hey let's ride around the neighborhood," I perkily say.

Sun is shining so brightly it rocketed my self confidence to the sky.

"You're so happy today. Your smile is gorgeous," he pinches my cheeks.

We grab our pennyboards, and Hayes shoutes, "We'll be cruising around the neighborhood, mom."

The fresh North Carolina air, breezes through my brown wavy hair, giving me the model look HAHAH. #GetTheLondonLook

"Hey so I gotta tell you something," he starts off.

Uh oh. Those are never those words a girl wants her boyfriend to say.

I clench my jaw, and tighten my chest...

I keep my head down, because I don't wanna look at him anymore.

"I'm going to be gone, for awhile. Salt Lake comic con," he sadly speaks

I stop dead in my tracks and he stops his pennyboard.

I jump into his arm

I don't want to be without him. I don't want him to go away and have other girls kiss him.

I don't.

Don't be jealous. Don't be jealous.

He strokes my hair and I whisper, "I'll miss you."

He pulls my chin so he's gazing at my soulful brown eyes, and my view of his crystal blue eyes.

His lips meet mine, and I swear there's fireworks sparking in the background. I hear them crackle and sizzle as we pull apart.

I'll miss this for sure.

"I love you," he says so genuinely.

I giggle and play with his hair, which has been cut. No more bieber flip for him. Awe. I thought it was cute.

This moment. This second. Today. Now. I love him more than anything in this world and I don't care that I'm being attached.

I don't care.

Everyone says love hurts and it'll break you down if you put your love in somebody entirely.

But I don't believe that.

Life's too short to keep your guard up and wait.

Now. Now. Now. I love him. I love him.

A haunting voice whispers in the back of my head, "Don't be silly. He's gonna break you heart eventually."

Except I ignore all the voices in my head, saying Hayes is a heartbreaker.

He isn't. He loves me.

I've known him for almost half my life, and I learned if it's anybody, I trust him the most.

Call me stupid, call me oblivious, call me whatever the heck you want.

I love him.

He means the world.

"Cara?? Caraa are you alright?" he frantically asks me.

I'm standing on the ground now, not on his arms...

Zoning off into my own thoughts, isolate me from the world.

I can't control it.

"Yeah.... I'm gonna miss yaaa," I fidget with the ends of my hair.

"Its okay, it won't be long," he wraps me into an embrace.

"Wanna race each other to the park?" a competitive smirk appears on his face.

"Let's go!" I yell, "When are you leaving?" I ask

His eyes focus on me, and the wind blows through his hair and shirt.

"Three days," he mumbles

"How long will you be away?" I question

"A few days, but I'll call you the day I'm coming home," he glances up at me

"Okay," I giggle.

"Okay," he smirks

"This isn't the fault in our stars, babe," I tease

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