Chapter 23: Deny

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"Hayes promised me he didn't kiss her," I thought as I paced around in my white walled room.

"He wouldnt- he couldn't," I thought.

Hayes did not kiss Claire first.

Did not.

I already know that for a fact.

But why just why would she tell me that he did?

"Whatever," I brush off, "I don't care at this point," I lie to myself.

My inner child like curiosity gets the best of me and I snoop around Claire's twitter

The first tweet I look upon leaves me breathless.

@ClaireeeeKieaas: Yup Hayes and I are dating (:

I sit there motionless, while my eyes are still trained on my phone.

My full undivided attention lay on that single tweet.

With 1,023 comments, 876 retweets, and 538 favorites.

She's growing in popularity. More followers. More people to believe her scam

More hate for me.

At this point, I'm speechless. Stunned by her lies and what choas she's erupted just by that tweet

I can't resist. I have to keep scrolling.

Low and behold my eyes widen and my mouth drops faster than you can say "why" as I graze upon her next tweet saying

@ClaireeeeKieaas: Cara used Hayes for popularity. What a shame, Hayes is a great guy. Love you babeeee.

My tounge ties in a knot, only able to speak words of hate.

Hate is my new language, unknown to "kindness" or "mercy".

Hate is all that can fill my scarred heart.

Hate is all left in me.

Every ounce of the unspoken words I wished to say, slips out of my mouth.

Forget everything. Forget everyone.

Who cares about forgiveness when there's a hastag called #KillCara

Who cares?


Tell me to forgive everyone who dedicates their time to make me feel awful about myself by making a hate account for me, or when your best friend you've known since you were 6, decides to publically embarrass you or break up your relationship.

Claire had the popular girls at school, like Kia and her mortal enemy, Leeana, along with their "crew" spread the word on Twitter, which started the fire.

Now all I see are flames.

Claire and the girls at school are ganging up on me?

Hayes doesn't even follow Claire or Kia! But Claire posted pictures of her and Hayes' when we were friends.

I'm done. I'm so done.

What have I ever done to deserve this?

To have the remaining echoes of peoples death wishes?

Would you sleep safe and sound when an hour ago somebody told you to slit your throat?

Would you?

Anger. Hate. No mercy.

I can't take this anymore. Everyone is pushing me away. I can't breathe. I cant continue.

I want to end this.


A buzzing voice in the back of my head says, "break up."

As much as it tears me to seams, I have to.

This is too much to handle.

Too much to deal with.

Too much.

I can't pretend this is a game, where people freely play my feelings.

Who can make Cara cry first?

Who can make her punch a wall first?

This is just a game to you right?

you don't care about my feelings.

You don't taste your words before you spit them out

You don't bother to check if you even have the right facts?

All you care is about raising your confidence up by shredding somebody else's small confidence, nearly ending them.

Destroying them.

But its just a game, right?

No hard feelings if you're hiding behind a screen, and not the one reading it.

it doesn't matter?

You can pierce a knife straight into my heart with your hateful words, and it would be totally fine, because "I deserve it?"

My sanity means more to me than Hayes.

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