Chapter 6: Awaken

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Cara's POV****

I awoke from my hospital bed. I stared up at the ceiling, while I recollected all my thoughts.

What happened?

Why is my arm wrapped?

Why does it hurt to move?

A bolt of electricity sent a vivacious tingle down my back, as I looked at the calander.

It read May As far as I'm concerned all I remember was my last day being somewhere in February... Right?

It's been two months.

I looked around my colorless room, to be surrounded with gifts.

Gifts from my family, flowers and stuffed animals from Hayes, and stuffed animals from my friends and staff...

Was I gone that long?

My leg ached to move, my arm felt as heavy as bricks. My mind was hazy, unaware of anything.

"HELLO?!" I screamed.

"I'M AWAKE!" I continued... "IS SOMEBODY THERE?!"

I heard footsteps. Thump. Thump. It grew louder and louder.

I heard a breath.

"YOU'RE AWAKE?!" I heard the mysterious figure announce.

It was my father. Standing in the midst of me, he shed a tear.

He hugged me and whispered, "I've missed you so much, Cara. You had me worried."

I felt a single tear roll down my cheek.

"I missed you too, daddy", I replied.

A nurse stood at the threshold of my door. She asked my father to leave, while she gave me procedural check ups. I stood up, and fell. My ribs roared in pain. I was weak.

How much longer would I have to be kept in this white walled prison cell?

My nurse, Izzy, assigned me to physical therapy. I would be kept over night for more checkups and scanning.

Somebody. Any body. Rescue me.

It wasn't until 2 weeks, June 3rd, was I discharged from the hospital.

The physical therapy sessions strengthened me. Since my wrist and arm were broken, I wore a sling. My fracture didn't hurt as much as it did 2 weeks ago. My body had several random spottings of bruises.

I wondered if I was worse a month ago.

I didn't contact any of my friends. I forgotten all of their numbers.. I only remembered a portion of Hayes' number, what good was that? I forgot my phone password... Great. My memory wasn't 100% back..

I returned to school on Thursday with a doctor's note, I needed help finding my classes. Blaire, Claire, Veronica and Hayes weren't here today. None of them were.

Nobody called me a hoe, slut or any of the "thirsty names".. More people felt sorry for me, but others called me "disabled" or "weakling". Not bad, compared to before.

For the first time in ages, people smiled at me in the hallways. People cared. A smile was tattooed on my face. I felt a little less lonely than I anticipated.

All my teachers felt sympathetic for me, so they didn't give me make up work. My grade simply remained the same. Just as it was two months ago. All A's except for one B.

Except I had a tub full of pre tests, tests and examination essays that were due before school ended. A week.

"I'm sorry for you, but you gotta save yourself from sinking, hunny," everyone's eyes whispered. Sympathetic. Pathetic.

Friday, I roamed the halls alone. Again.

On Saturday, I was surprised with a new phone and all my contacts were synced.

I called Hayes, Veronica, Blaire and Claire.

How much longer would I be abandoned?

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