52 : w o r d s . a f t e r

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The wind gently slipped through the leaves around her as Verani sat amongst the branches of the large tree in the center of South Gate park. The city around her was filled with the citizens of Magnolia as they were all evacuating before the fighting began. There was no telling how long they had until Zeref made his opening move.

The young Dreyar knew that she should be down there helping the other members in the guild, but Amber had been right. She needed to get away and clear her mind first. Verani was a little surprised with how poorly she had reacted in front of the entire guild earlier. She felt like she was ten again, still trying to figure out how her magic worked without accidently frying everyone around her. And that had been when she had begun toying with her magic, she had to go everywhere with Laxus so he could intercept the lightning if it was needed.

But she couldn't help it. How could Kia be so casual about all of that? It made the blonde's blood boil everytime she thought about what the Phoenix Slayer had been through in her life. Her grandfather had been right, Kia had shared far more with the Mythics than what she told the guild. Honestly, most of them probably wouldn't be able to handle all of it.

She stretched her back as she felt her bones beginning to get stiff from how long it had been since she had moved. She was almost positive that when she finally stood, her hind end was going to be numb for at least five minutes.

Grumbling under her breath, Verani sparked just enough to zip to the ground without just dropping.

"I was wondering when you were going to come down."

She dusted her legs off, shaking them out as she didn't even bother turning around, "If you didn't feel like waiting, you could have just had your little friends bring you up."

Bixlow shrugged from where he leaned against the tree trunk, his arms crossed, "Thought I'd let you have your alone time."

Now she peered over her shoulder, "Then why are you waiting down here?"

"Just because you need some alone time, doesn't mean you should be completely alone."

She grumbled, "Stop that."

"Stop what?" He pushed off the tree, "Being right or caring?"

"Talking." Verani whirled around to face him, "Just stop. Not right now, Bixlow. I don't have the brain power to do this right now."

He raised a brow in his helmet as his arms slid down by his sides, "Do what, Verani? I didn't come out here to mess with you. I know you've been through enough this past year, especially today."

She gaped at him. Since they had gone to Blue Pegasus, it hadn't become uncommon for the Seith mage to actually use her name, but his tone was another thing. That understanding was something she had expected to hear from her brother or maybe Freed, but not Bixlow. He was the one who made everyone laugh or annoyed you until you forgot what was on your mind.

Shaking her head to come back to Earthland, she replied, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stop being so damn stubborn." He tried not to growl, "You're upset, angry, worried, but also relieved. Let something out."

Verani clenched her hands at her side. There were about three seconds of silence before her right fist went for Bixlow's jaw. Four of his Tikis circled around her wrist as the last pushed back against her chest, stopping the blow a few inches from its target.

"Let something out?!" Her body was shaking though she wasn't quite sure what emotion was causing it. "I'm tired of not being able to do a damn thing!"

Bixlow pushed his tongue against the back of his teeth as he kept himself from saying anything now that she had started.

"No one really knows what Kia's been through and when it came down to it, I let her run right back into that hell. I even helped her. And now she can just casually say that if anyone isn't happy with what she is they can kill her after the war! How can she just say that like it's nothing?!"

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