Where am I?

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Bakugo was walking through the hallway to go to the toilet when he saw a flash of green falling past the window. He got curious of what it could have been, so he walked to the window and looked down. What he saw shocked him more than he could ever put into words, what he saw was de mangled body of his childhood friend.

The green hair kid did exactly what he just told him to do.

He was just standing there looking at the body, he couldn't believe that the kid actually did it. "Shit this is my fault. Shit, shit, shit, shit this was suicide baiting. Fuck I have to hide his body or something, nobody can find out."

He texted Denki to come to the back of the school fast, where Deku's body was laying on the ground. Katsuki ran downstairs and 5 minutes later Denki was standing next to him just as shocked as he was. The body of the green haired boy was broken all over, he had a dent in his head and a small stream of blood came out of the corner of his mouth. Overall, he was in a horrible condition.

"What do we do now?" The human Pikachu asked. "This is our fault, fuck if they find him, we will go to prison for suicide baiting." He continued. "We hide the body." Bakugou growled .

They dragged the body to the forest and put him behind a tree, they put a knife next to him with blood on it, hoping it would look like he was murdered instead of murdered by himself. They ran back to the school and got back to class.

Bakugou tried to pay attention to the loud teacher with the blonde hair who was currently explaining the past tense. But he couldn't quite manage to focus on English right now. He kept thinking about Deku and how his body looked, so beaten up, harmed and ....... dead. What this bully did not know was that his childhood friend wasn't quite dead.

Shigaraki was walking through the forest close to UA together with Toga to see if there are any weak or blind spots in the security of the school. The walked around the corner of the school when they saw a kid laying on the ground.

Toga walked up to him delighted with the amount of blood that surrounded him. "Check for a pulse." Tomura commanded. Toga kneeled and put her hand on the kid's neck. "It's there but very, very faint. Wait, isn't this the kid we just saw? The kid who bumped into you. Iz-Izuku yea that's his name. Izu" she sang the little nickname she made for him just now.

"Can we keep him?" Toga looked at the damaged boy like a kid who just saw a giant lollypop. "That wouldn't hurt I guess, I'll text Kurogiri to come pick us up." He sends a message to Kurogiri with the coordinates of where they were. Moments later a purple warp gate opened right in front of them. "I'll take the boy to master, see if he can be healed." The man said to Kurogiri so he would send them there.

They stepped through the warp gate and came out in a sort of laboratory. At the end of the path sat Shigaraki his master, All for one. "Well, Tomura, to what do I owe this most pleasant visit?" the faceless man said.

"Is there a possibility that you can heal this boy?" Tomura asked his master. "What for? Does he mean anything special to you?" All for one replied. "No but Toga likes him, and I think, if trained well, he could be a very interesting villain. He is wearing an UA uniform, but he looks so beaten up, I think he doesn't really like it there, or actually the people don't really like him there."

"Very well, I will heal him for you. But since you wanted him, he will be your responsibility." After telling Tomura this, he proceeded to heal the boy. The broken bones snapped back into place with a sickening "Crack", the cuts on his body slowly closed, the dent in his head went back to normal and the bruises he had almost everywhere began to fade away. "He will be out for 1 or 2 days, the wounds were extreme so his body needs time to process everything." Kurogiri opened the portal behind him again and Shigaraki stepped through it. "Thank you, master."

He came back in the base of the league and Toga immediately ran up to them.

"Move." Tomura commanded and put Deku on the couch. "Can I cut him?" Asked Toga. "No psycho. He will be out for 1 or 2 days because of his wounds, don't add more."

They went to sleep but the next day nothing happened. The day after that Toga went down to get a glass of water at 4 am. She saw the boy on the couch and walked up to him. "It wouldn't hurt if I cut him just a little right?"

She was about to walk away to grab a knife when Izuku grunted. He moved his hand slightly when his eyes shot open. "Where am I?"

877 words! a little shorter than last chapter but i'm still proud! I hope you liked it! 

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