Game of courage

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The two heroics classes were enjoying their self-made dinner. They discovered that Bakugou was a good cook, and some were still shocked about that.
Two dark figures walked towards the dining table, where happy chatter and laughter could be heard.
The two dark figures turned out to be Midoriya who was leading Kota by the hand.

"Midoriya, Kota!" Mandalay came running towards them, "we were wondering where you went." She grabbed Kota's hand from Izuku.
"Come and eat dinner, it's starting to get cold!" She led them to the table and pointed Izuku to the student table, her nephew and herself went to sit with the other pros.

He took a bit of the curry his classmates made, it wasn't the best he had ever had, but after a day of excessive training it tasted like a meal made in heaven.

He hadn't realised how hungry he was before he took the first bite, the food on his plate disappeared just as fast as he had put it on.

Soon all the food was gone, disappeared in the stomachs of hungry teenagers.
After dinner they all bathed and went to bed.


"This is no good, I don't look cute at all!" Toga cried trying to fix her outfit.

A group of villains was standing on a cliff overlooking the forest, watching the brightly lit training camp. It was late at night and the stars shone bright above them, the moon was full on the sky, there were almost no clouds covering it, a truly beautiful night.

"Our shadowy orchestrator has planned everything despite appearances, there is sure to be a sound reasoning behind it all." A villain with a gas mask on his face said to her.
This villain's name was mustard, he joined the league of villains just a few days ago.
"I'm not asking for any of that, I'm just saying it doesn't look cute." She stopped fussing with her outfit and just gave up, leaving it for what it was.

"Who the hell cares? Let's just go down there, my blood is pumping over here! I want a good fight." An extraordinary tall man with a hood on so you couldn't see his face said, clenching his fist.

"Not yet you whack jobs, we wait. We wait until all ten are here" Dabi turned around to face them. 

Three people approached, a woman who's goes by the name Magne, spinner, and a man in a straitjacket who was drooling, and mumbling words like; "Meat" "food" "Job."
"Sorry to keep you waiting." The woman told them. And went to stand with the group.
Dabi spoke up "No matter how many punks with ambition you bring along, it only increased the risks. It's far better to have a small number of experienced elites. First, we'll make them understand that their peace, rests in our hands."


The next day, after the heroes in training were forcefully woken up by their teacher, they were forced through the same hell again, endless training that made them feel like they were dying.

In the evening, after hours and hours of pushing past their limits, they were all completely worn out and just wanted to eat and sleep, especially those who had to follow the extra lessons since they had to stay up longer to follow them, but sadly they were all gathered by the edge of the forest.

But the sad mood didn't last long when there was announced what they were going to do.

"Listen everyone! Tonight, both classes are going head-to-head in a game of courage! Instead of intense training you'll get to have some intense fun!" Pixi bob told them cheerfully. "But first go and cook a meal for yourself! You can't play on an empty stomach"

The classes cheered and went to work.
"Revelry in the dark" Tokoyami mumbled following his class.

The cooking was done quick, and the eating was done even quicker, everyone was excited to play the game

Once everyone was finished, they all gathered at the edge of the forest again,
"Bellies full and plates cleaned, and now it's time for the test of courage!" Mina cheered.

"I hate to break it to you." Aizawa told her and the rest of the kids who failed the final exams. "But the remedial group, you have extra lessons with me now."

"No way!" They cried out, tears in their eyes.
"I'm sorry, but you were all slacking during the training earlier so now I'm going to cut in on your playtime." He said while dragging them all away.

Pixi bob started explaining the game, "Class B will be on the offensive side for the first round, their task is to scare as many people as they can, they can use any technique they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.
Class A will head into the forest in pairs, one pair goes into the forest every three minutes. You'll find name cards at the halfway point, grab your own and then come back here."

"Revelry in the dark." Tokoyami said again. The ones who heard him just looked at him confused.

"The scarers aren't allowed to make any physical contact, but of course they can use their quirks to scare the other class."

There was some fighting about the teams but soon they all figured it out and after a few minutes the game of courage had started.
Izuku was paired with Hitoshi, they were pair seven, when it was their turn, they walked into the forest. They followed the path, just chatting a bit, trying to ignore the screaming they heard around them.

Suddenly Shinsou asked, "don't you think this is a bit much screaming for just a game?"

Izuku shrugged, "Maybe Class B is just really good at scaring people? Or our class is a bunch of pussies"

Shinsou didn't seem convinced but didn't say any more about it.

They walked further much more aware of their surroundings, suddenly they found someone unconscious on the ground. Izuku pulled Shinsou back, a pink gas was hanging in the air, slowly moving towards them. They started running back to the main camp.


Toga was humming a song, skipping through the forest in search for her boyfriend, she heard chatter a bit away from her and she decided to move towards it.

The voices became louder and louder as she walked towards them, she hid behind a tree and peeked at who were behind it.

She saw two girls, one girl who resembled a frog a bit, she had green hair and was wearing a white shirt. Next to the frog girl was another person, this girl she recognised, it was the brown-haired bitch that took Izuku away from her that day at the mall.

"let's begin, league of villains' vanguard action squad, put them in their places."

1144 words, I waited so long for this XD
I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to point out any mistakes that you find.
Tips tops? loved it, hated it?
See you next week!

oh and make sure to check out this discord server: (the link is also on my bio)
It's full amazing writers and just fun overall (except me, I bite XD) 

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