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Things had calmed down at the league, but Toga was still down. She wasn't as energetic as usual, she hadn't even drunken the O type blood Kurogiri had found for her. She just sat down on the couch moping, under a fluffy blanket, with the blood in her hand watching the same movie about vampires over and over again. It started to annoy Shigaraki.

"You know what Toga, let's go to the mall, stop moping, get of the bloody couch and turn that damn television off."

"But Tomu-" she started pausing her movie and turning around slightly on the couch, just enough so she could see him.

"No but's we're going, go put on something acceptable and drink that damn blood so you can transform."

"fine" Toga turned off the tv and walked to her room, blanket around her shoulders and cup with blood in her hands.


Class 1a was sitting in when Aizawa came rolling in with Midoriya walking right behind him, when everyone had silenced down the teacher started speaking.

"Okay so about the training camp-"

"Have fun guys!"
"Tell us about it!"
The kids who failed the exam started yelling, tears in their eyes.

"What you would have known if you had let me finish my sentence is that you are all going." Aizawa said annoyed.

"What!? Yay!" the kids cheered jumping up from their chairs.

"Sit down, this camp is for you to improve, to the ones that failed will need it even more.
You will be pushed to the brink, you are going to wish you didn't have to come." He paused. "Anyways, here's a list with things you'll need." And with that he went to sleep, the class was silent for a few moments until Mina interrupted the silence.

"Sooooo, yay training camp, looking forward to it. Okay how about we all go to the mall together buy the things we need?" she looked around hopeful.

"Mina, the last time we went to the didn't go really well now did it?" Uraraka commented looking at Tsuyu concerned, then angrily at Midoriya."

Most of the class started at Midoriya with hate and disgust, Shinsou just looked around at his classmates confused.

Midoriya sat in front of the class, feet on his desk, just staring at the board, unbothered by his classmates' reaction.

"Yes, I know, but we need to get the stuff anyways and, well, I'm sure it'll be fine this time." She pressed.

"I think we should do it." Kaminari spoke up.

Slowly the other students started agreeing and that how they ended up standing in the mall with the whole group, except Bakugou and Todoroki.

Midoriya was forced to come by Aizawa who said that going out was good for him and that he should be fine if he stayed with one of the heroes in training, Izuku suspected the man just wanted to get rid of him for a few hours, he couldn't really blame him either.

"So, what do you guys need to get?" Kaminari asked.

"I need a flashlight."

"Yeah, me too."

"I need some swim wear, and insect replant."

"I'll come with you."

Everyone had something to buy, and that's how Izuku was left alone together with Uraraka in the middle of the mall.

"So, what are you going to get?" he asked her.

"Don't talk to me Deku." She hissed anger on her face.

"Damn okay, just wanted to make sure you had everything. Can't go to a training camp unprepared now, can you?" he shrugged

"Why do you care?" she asked still seemingly mad.

"Well, I know how it feels to lose someone dear and I thought you might need someone to talk to."

"I- okay, well, thank you I guess but I don't need to talk to you." She blushed but looked away quickly to hide it.

"Okay, just know I'm here." He said giving her a big smile

"Yeah, sure, I am going to get, uhm, bug replant, yes, bye see you." She walked away suspiciously fast.

Izuku smirked as he watched her walk away, he was about to go somewhere when someone put an arm around his shoulders.

"Just act natural and walk with me." The person said while he guided them to a close by fountain and sat them both down there. A second person also walked up to them and sat on Izuku's other side.

Midoriya looked to the side to look at the person that guided him here.

"Tomura?" he asked surprised.

He shushed him, "People might hear, the person on the other side is Toga." He whispered.

Izuku looked at the person next to him, Toga seemed to be a man around his mid-thirties with a grey streak through his hair and glasses on.

"Well, this won't do, I'm not going to kiss an old dude." He smiled at her.

She giggled, what seemed very weird coming from the man whom she looked like.

"Okay love birds, flirting can be done later, do you have any info Deku?" Tomura interrupted.

"Boring man, but yes, we are going on a training camp next week, on a secluded location with class 1b, the only pro's there are going to be Aizawa, vlad king and a group unknown pro's that don't work at UA. I estimate their numbers to be between 2 and 5."

Shigaraki look thoughtfully then he handed him a small cell phone.

"We took this because we though you might need it, turn out we were right, keep this on you, share your location when you are there and tell us how many pros there are."

"Yes sir!" Izuku said jokingly but still took the phone and put it in the inner pocket of his jacket. With that Tomura stood up.

"Well, have fun you two, I'm leaving. See you soon Deku." With that he disappeared in the crowd.

Somewhere else in the mall Uraraka was very confused about her feelings. She hated Deku right? But why was he so nice, and why did she want to be closer to him all of the sudden? He had changed and even though it was bad, she liked that change, he wasn't that little trembling Deku anymore.

The she realised something, Aizawa had said not to leave him alone! Dammit, she hurried back to where she left him, really hoping he was still there.

Toga and Deku just chatted and were about to move when a bright red Ochako came running at them.

"Hi deku, I-, Huh, who is your friend?" she looked at what seemed to be grown up man next to her classmate.

"Oh, hi Uraraka, this is a friend of my father, I haven't seen him for a long while and I just saw him here, so we thought we'd chat." He smiled at her.

"Oh okay, but uuhm, Aizawa said not to leave you alone so you kind of have to come with."

"Oh, sure thing." He turned to Himiko. "I'll see you later!" he waved at her.

"Bye Izuku." She waved, a little sad her boyfriend had to leave already, but she'll see him soon enough. She watched as Deku, and whoever that other bitch was, walked away and made a mental note to pay that other girl a visit.

Hii, 1210 words, a little late but i'm sure it's friday somewhere in the world XD
Feel free to comment, ask questions or point out some mistakes.
Also it seems like Izuku is slowly winning over the trust of some of his classmates.
I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next week!

Also check out this discord sever (the link is always in my bio on my profile) it's full of great authors and i can post some previews of chapters there if anyones interested. 

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