Let's fight

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"Noooo" All Might's eyes went wide with shock as he saw all the villains and young heroes in training disappear right in front of him, he couldn't reach them, he couldn't safe them.

All the Nomu jumped on top of the number one hero, but with one move he threw them all against the wall and onto the ground.

Outside the police was also struggling with the Nomu that were attacking them, "These things keep coming!" They shouted as they tried to shoot the Nomu.
"I can't get in touch with Jeanist's team!" Naomasa yelled at Endeavor while gripping his phone tightly, "It's possible they might be compromised."

Endeavor let out a huge flame attack at the Nomu he was fighting now, "Stop whining already!"

All Might stood in the hole that he smashed into the wall when they first entered.

"Can you handle this?" he wiped a bit of blood from his lips, though he was nowhere to reaching his limit yet, he was still weaker, as he had been since the last fight with his nemesis.

This angered the flame hero, "Does it look like I can't?!" He shouted while blowing away another Nomu, "Don't tell me mister number one needs glasses in his old age. If you need to go then get going already!"

"Yeah, you take care of everything here." And with that All might went to retrieve the kidnapped students, he would not lose this time, he could not this time.


One attack and everything was blown away, the buildings, the ground, everything.
Though the heroes came out relative unharmed, they seemed to be thrown to the side.
It was clear to see why, not everything was gone, there was one person still there, he was badly damaged and thrown to the ground, but he was there no less. It was Best Jeanist.

"Well I guess that's the number four hero for you!" The man clapped his hands, he seemed impressed. "I was planning to blast them all to hell, but you grabbed them just in time and threw them out of the way, I'm impressed."

Best Jeanist looked up at the super villain, his eyes filled with horror, who was this monster.

"You truly have an interesting quirk, but alas, it's not worth taking, I already have a better version of that, and it's not really something that would fit Tomura."

Best Jeanist was trembling in fear, was this the master mind behind the league? And what was that power?"

Suddenly globs of black goo appeared in the air and soon turned into nine human beings.

"ew, what was that?" Mina said grossed out.

The rest formed not even a second later, all either grossed out or slightly sick from this way of warping, spinner even fell to the ground.

"You failed again Tomura, but that's alright, no need to be disheartened, just try again, you'll get other chances, that's what I'm here for." The villain reached out his hand to his successor, encouraging him to stand up and try again.

Suddenly the man looked up, "I knew you'd come." He lifted his hand, "All Might." A punch was delivered to the raised hand that send a shockwave that even the students behind the wall could feel, it destroyed the ground around the two completely.

"You're going to give it all back All for One!" He gritted his teeth as his attack was blocked, but also in rage, that this monster was still out there, that he failed to put him behind bars last time, but he wouldn't fail now, this time he'll end All for One's reign, he'll make sure this monster would end up in prison.

"Here to kill me again?" The man said with a mocking tone in his voice. "What took you so long?"
The two were standing in a crater that All Might's punch created, "It's about five kilometres from the bar to here, and it took you a whole thirty seconds to arrive here after I send in the Nomu, you're losing it All Might."

All Might gritted his teeth, why did this man always have to talk so much during fighting?

"So are you! What's with the industrial looking mask? Are you sure you should be up in this state? I will not make the same mistake I did five years ago All for one!"

He threw his fist back and launched at the villain boss, "I will take my students back, and this time I will smash you into a prison cell, and with you your little league!"

Before the punch could hit All For One, he blasted a counter attack in All Might's direction, which also took several buildings down with it.

"I guess there is a lot on your to-do list, but you're not the only one who has made plans for the future."

All For One looked at the League, specifically Izuku who seemed fascinated by All For One's power, he always had been ever since he knew what it was, but he never really had seen it in action, only when he received his quirk, but it truly was something else when used during battle.

"That's an air cannon, plus spring-like-limbs kinetically boosted by four and three strength enhancers. It's a fun little combination but I'd like to add a few more power-up type quirks."

To anyone else it looked like he was talking to Tomura, but Izuku know this information was meant for him, although All For One had never been really fond of Izuku he recognised his intellect and wished for him to help Tomura once the young man received the quirk himself, the required Izuku to know more about quirk experiments and which quirks would fit best together.

"Now Tomura, you must flee, and take the rest with you, Kurogiri will help you escape." Black tendrils shot from All for One's hand and bore themselves into the misty man, a portal appeared.

"What about you Sensei?" Tomura asked.

All Might came flying towards them again "You won't get away."

"Always think ahead Tomura, you have so much room to grow." He floated up in the air and took the attack with two of his hands

"Sensei! In this state, you'll lose!" Tomura fell to his knees in despair, was he going to lose the only father figure he ever cared for?

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