Chapter 1

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"Favourite literary character?" Joani asked. She was a tall red head. A friend that came into the gallery often.
"I don't know. How far back can I go?" I wondered, checking the arrangement.
"As far as you want." Joani began moving several object across the table.
"What is is for? Stop touching that." I slapped her hand playfully.
"Just a class I'm taking. I don't read much, so I figure that I'd ask you."
"Lucky me. Okay, I got one for you. Bartholomew Cubbins."
"Who's that?"
"He's a character in a Dr. Suess book. One was about him and 500 hats."
"But why do you like him?"
"Come on. 500 hats? He always has something to match his outfits."
She thought about it for a moment, the smiled. "Cool. I'll use that."
Okay, so my friend was a ditz. It helped me to cut off my mind sometimes.
"You wanna go out tonight? There's a new club downtown." She asked.
"I can't. There's a showing tonight. If someone would stop rearranging my display I'll be ready." I teased.
"You work too much."
"And you don't work at all. How old are you? And why don't you have a job yet?"
"You know me. Poor little rich girl. When does the food get here?"
"After you leave."
"Why can't I come again?"
"Because you don't know what art is and when you buy any, it says "made in China" on the bottom."
"Oh yeah. Fine. I'll go but call me tomorrow and tell me what I missed."
"Then we'll do our hair, call the boys and giggle on the phone."
"Now you're just being silly."
"Goodnight Joani."
Without the distraction, I finished the arrangement, checked the caterers, then went to change clothes for the charity gala. The gallery was usually for local people to share their work. But every once in a while, we got to show works that were touring the country or the world. The particular gala was Egyptian artifacts from the Valley Of The Kings, items that had been unearthed under, and in, excavated pyramids. I was excited mostly because it was my favourite period in history.
Being outside of Los Angeles could hurt a small gallery, but word,of mouth had brought steady clients and, once in a while, some celebrities. I was happy that I was doing something g interesting. Only being a few years out of college, I was lucky to find a job and given the responsibilities I had. I was older than the usual college graduate but I started late, getting some life experience first.
There would be servers roaming with hors d'oeuvres And drinks, as well as a guitar player that would walk around to help with the atmosphere. The gallery owner would greet and talk to people. I would be there to watch the servers and look for people who may be interested in making a purchase. I dressed in a subdued black dress, simple red shoes and my favourite necklace. Doing one more quick walk through, I met my boss near the front doors.
"Things are ready Mr. Ward." I reported.
"One little glitch." The older man replied.
He was around 45 years old, 6 feet tall, salt and pepper hair and very confident air to him.
"Impossible. I confirmed everything this morning." I was panicked.
"Our wandering mistrial had an accident. Won't be showing tonight."
"I never got the call."
"That's because his replacement just told me. Would you,go explain things quickly?"
"Yes sir."
Going as quickly as my shoes would let me, I found him in the back room, changing from street clothes.
"Excuse me." I spoke outside the room.
"Uh yeah?" He answered.
"I'm with the gallery. Thank you for the last minute fill in."
"No problem."
"If I could, I'd like to go over a few things."
"Sure okay."
"It's mostly be here but not seen. Mr. Ward prefers that we don't mingle or accept any tips."
"I get it. Be invisible but provide a service."
"Exactly. He's old school but if you need to ask him something, best come to me first."
He stepped out to the hall, dressed in black trousers, a white shirt, shined shoes and the brightest blue eyes I'd ever seen.
"And you are?"
"I...." Cleared my throat. "I'm Lisa. Assistant Curator."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Jared. Anything in particular you'd like me to play?"
"Just something quiet and soft. Try not to get to rocky."
"Got it. Be right out."
"Great." I tried to be casual as I walked away, but, as luck would have it, the shoes betrayed me and I went wobbly for a step. All I could do was blush and make it seem as if it were no big deal.
The gallery opened as people began to walk in. All of the servers were perfect, circulating through the rooms and back to the kitchen as needed. I carefully watched everything going on without staring at anyone. More tha. Once imdid find myself watching, as Jared walked around, playing soft melodic music on an acoustic guitar. He was very good. As the gallery got busier, I had to answer many questions about artists, the styles and the cost of a certain piece. I tried to defer many to Mr. Ward, only he was busy with customers as well.
The show went to midnight. It seemed to be successful. Many independent pieces sold and some were put on reserve for people who wanted them but didn't expect to buy on that night. The larger showpieces weren't for sale, but private collections could be sold.
Mr. Ward stood at the door, with security guards, thanking people for coming. I took that opportunity to check out a piece that I'd seen come in. A seven foot sarcophagus, decorated in colourful Egyptian writing, had been placed near the back of the room. I stared at it, wishing that I could read the intricate writings.
"They were artists." A male voice spoke next to me.
"It's timeless." I sighed and glanced over.
Jared stood next to me. It was like the air left my body. "How did you find things?"
"It was fun. Kind of hard not to break into Pink Floyd with this crowd." He kidded.
"So I guess we need to cut you a cheque for tonight."
"Actually, your boss took care of that. I stuck around hoping that I could talk to you again."
That surprised me.
"I was watching you work. You really take this seriously."
"This is special. I love Egyptian history." I told him absently.
"Between the Greeks and Egyptians that's where it all began. Science, math, art and phylosophy all came from those ancient civilizations."
"And here I thought you were just a musician."
"Oh no. I'm an actor too." He laughed. I joined him. "Listen. Would you like to discuss this more? Maybe over coffee or a drink?"
"Sure. I can't tonight. I'll be here for at least another hour."
"That's cool. I'll stop by another time and maybe you'll be free."
"Sounds good. Thank you for filling in."
"My pleasure. Goodnight Lisa."
"Goodnight Jared."
He walked to the front door, guitar in one hand and garment bag in the other.

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