Chapter 33

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"Did you get any sleep at all?" Daddy asked as we headed for the airport.
"Not much." I looked out the window, longing to be somewhere else.
"Try not to be so down. You'll both be so busy. Once you've reunited, it'll be like not time has passed."
"When did you get so deep."
"Every time I go on a trip, and come back to your mother, I feel like that."
Before we'd left, I called Joannie to ask her to check on the house and car, maybe bring in the mail. I didn't tell her about what happened, tried to keep things casual. She told me to have a good time and let her know how things were going.
"What else is bothering you? Something has your mind going."
"I'm trying not to think about it." I shrugged.
"Did he do something up there?" Daddy started to get defensive.
"It wasn't something he did."
"Someone else then?" He pried.
"Yeah someone else. And if I ever set eyes on her again, I may forget everything I was taught about words before actions."
"Okay then. So I called the building manager, they're expecting you. The condo's had a complete once over and the fridge is stocked."
"What about..."
"They know what not to buy."
"What am I going to do when not at the set up?"
"You'll find something to keep occupied. Call some old friends, make new ones. Somebody can show you around."
"I'm so used to LA. New York is so different."
"You'll be okay. Anything you need, just call the manager or take the car."
"I should try to get myself around. I have to get comfortable with the streets."
"Go riding in the park. You always enjoyed that."
"Maybe. I wish that I had more time."
"I know Honey." Putting an arm around my shoulders, Daddy pulled me close.

"Morning." I walked into the kitchen.
Shannon was sitting at the counter, holding his phone in one hand and a coffee in the other. "Hey."
Looking at my friend closely, I opened the fridge, grabbed a carton of orange juice and poured myself a glass.
"Are you going to come with us later?"
"I don't know." He shrugged.
"Come on man. Lisa wouldn't want you sitting around. She'd want you to go out and experience everything."
"And she was supposed to be here so we could check it out together."
"She wouldn't have left if she'd had a choice."
"Why couldn't they have waited another week?"
"That's selfish of you. After next week, you'd be the one leaving her. I'm sure that she feels awful when you're gone, and she doesn't have her job to keep her busy."
"You're right! I am selfish! All I wanted was more time. To spend it with a person that I can make happy and makes me happy. I'm a selfish bastard!" Shannon snapped.
"That's not what I meant."
"Just knowing that we were together is everything. I would stop if she asked."
"What? Stop playing? You enjoy it too much and she knows it. She would never ask you to stop what you love. Besides you'd probably be in jail within a week."
"Thanks a lot."
"She's gonna call?"
"Once she gets through security and before getting on the plane." Shannon rubbed is chest.
"On the bright side, there's always phone sex." I joked.
"Oh great."
As if on cue, the cell phone rang.
"I'll leave you to it." I left him to the call.

Taking a deep breath, I placed the phone to my ear. "Hello."
"Hi." Lisa's voice returned.
"It's good to hear your voice." I sighed.
"Did you sleep?"
"I tried."
"Me too."
"Are you through security?"
"We both are. Daddy took an earlier flight so he should wait with me."
"How are you doing?"
"Good as I can be. When do you guys get to New York?"
"Couple months I think. I'll send you our schedule for sure. This sucks you know."
"I do. I look like crap. My hair's a mess, my face is all puffy."
"I'm sure that you look beautiful. Why do I miss you already? I want to be there."
"Go to the festival. That will keep you busy."
"But not happy." I sighed.
Lisa paused. "Put your right hand on your chest."
I did as she said. "Okay."
"This is where I live in you. And you in me. Look into that cloud and I will be there, loving and supporting you. My heart is your heart. When you begin touring, I will hear every beat you play and be singing in your ear. When you're finished the night and back in your room, you call and I will be on the other end, welcoming the sound of your tired, exuberant voice."
"I love you. Only you could make the hole in my chest close with words."
"Shannon you are my sun when rain clouds threaten. Nobody could take that away. I love you."
An announcement echoed over the phone. A boarding call to separate us further.
"I'll see you soon. Have a safe flight." I said quietly.
"I'll call you when I get settled into the condo. Two months to see you once more." She vowed.
There were no goodbyes as we hung up.

"Are you ready?" Daddy set a hand on my shoulder.
"No. I want to be heading to meet Shannon." I slipped the phone in my bag.
"I know you do. You'll be so busy. The weeks will fly by."
I looked up. He was smiling softly, his eyes understanding my pain. Wrapping my arms around hi , I felt the strong embrace only a parent can give.
"Maybe you can stop by on your way back. Bring him along to meet your mother." He suggested.
"Maybe I'll just meet up with them and travel all the way back." I added.
"On a bus? That wouldn't be too smelly." He joked.
I laughed.
"Go on then. Call when you arrive. After you get settled you can call Richard and then Shannon. Use the house phone. I'll pay the charges."
"I love you Daddy."
"Me too baby girl."
I headed to the gate, gave my boarding pass and looked back to wave.
"Have a safe trip." He said.
"You too. Hug Mom for me." I replied.
"You betcha."
I walked down the hall, stepped onto the plane and was directed to my seat. Daddy had booked a first class ticket (as I argued). The seat was very spacious and I was sitting alone surprisingly. My bag went over head, my purse and phone next to me. It was going to be a long flight. I had an art magazine and an Anne Rice novel to keep me occupied. In seven hours I'd land in New York and try to figure how to keep myself together.

"So you're coming?" Tomo said excited.
"You were right. She told me to go and enjoy myself." I washed up and dressed in a t-shirt and old jeans.
"We'll keep a lookout for you. No more Audrey ambushes." Jared promised.
"Don't even say her name. I think the anger is all that's keeping me awake. Let's go before I crash."
"You're a good man Shannon." Tomo punched my arm.
"I hate to think of the things you'll do once you get to New York." Vicki hugged me.
"I'm sure that Lisa's father will have to replace furniture." Jared joked, laughing at himself.
"Or the gallery if they can't make it back to the apartment." Tomo snickered.
"Apartment? Ha! Probably has a penthouse in Trump Tower."
"I hate you both." I checked my phone.
"She's up in the air Bro. Keep your dick down for a few hours."
"You're so in trouble."
"Jared... Run." Tomo pointed to the back door.
Going out the back, Jared ran to the pool and turned around, just as I reached him. We collided and fell into the cold morning water. Once surfacing, we yelled out and climbed from the pool fast. Vicki and Tomo laughed as we ran inside to dry off and change.

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