Chapter 25

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Once we arrived at the house, Jared went to answer messages, Connie went to Shannon's room to pull down the blankets on the bed and I helped him get up the stairs, then sit on the bed.
"Okay. I'll leave you to rest but I'm going to call you later." His mother said when he was settled.
"Okay. Thanks Mom." Shannon looked up at her.
She kissed his cheek. "Love you."
"Me too." He smiled.
"Take care of my boy." She hugged me.
"I will. You have nothing to worry about." I reassured her.
"I believed you. See you soon." She left us alone.
"Okay let's get you into bed." I kneeled down to get his sneakers off.
"Sounds good." He was a little mischievous.
"Shannon. Please cooperate."
"I will. Just had to put that out there."
"The police may be by as well."
"I'll talk to them when they do."
Finally getting him into bed, I sat next to him then applied some medicated cream to his bruises. As I rubbed his chest, Shannon closed his eyes to feel my hand move over him.
"That feels so good." He sighed.
"It'll get you better faster." I explained.
"By tomorrow?"
"Don't worry about tomorrow."
"But your father's coming."
"And you'll still be injured."
"I can make it to dinner."
"We'll see. I'm going to get you something to drink."
"Hurry back."
"I'll be five minutes." I went downstairs.
Jared was on the phone as I walked into the kitchen.
"Yeah, he's gonna be okay...In bed resting...Give it a few days. We'll be lucky if he stays still that long....Okay, see you later. Bye." He ended the call. "Tomo. I messaged him earlier."
"Good." I nodded getting some water from the fridge.
"Is he settled in?"
"It's true you know."
"What is?"
"He's gonna be okay."
"Oh I know. This has just been a rough week. I'd like to do something to get things more positive."
"It's not the first time he's been hurt in a fight."
"It just seems that since you came back, everything's gone downhill. Mostly centered around me. Maybe I should let him rest."
"He wouldn't if you weren't here. The best thing would be your being here. He needs you." Jared reasoned.
"I feel responsible for everything that's happened." I set the glass on the counter.
"Things happen. You would have had a run in with that artist, Jonathan, if we weren't in town. I mean, how many times did you have to talk him out of a drug haze."
"But that was nowhere near this."
"Be strong okay. You're fast becoming part of this crazy world."
"I do enjoy a challenge."
"Good. Look after my brother. I'll be in the studio editing."
"Thanks Jared."
"Ne sweat."
I grabbed the glass and went back upstairs.
"That was longer than five minutes." Shannon sighed.
"Just talking to Jared." I set the glass where he could reach it easily.
"Hmm." He watched me.
"How are you feeling?"
"Sore. Would you come lay beside me?"
"If it'll make you rest. Shall I get comfortable?"
"If you want to." He shrugged.
I smiled then got undressed to my bra and panties and slipped into bed beside him.
"Come here my hero. Let me calm and smooth you." I waited as he moved to place his head on my shoulder and arm across my stomach.
I moved my fingers over his arm and back softly, trying to ease his pain.
"That's wonderful. Your hands feel great." Shannon was getting drowsy.
"I'd do it forever if you'd want me to. I love you Shannon." I kissed his forehead.
"I love you." He closed his eyes and snuggled close
Shannon fell asleep quickly. I just held hi, and moved my hands over his back and shoulders. I mentally made a note to message my father, just in case Shannon couldn't make it to meet him. I would want him to rest more than be hurt longer.

"So it won't be in the media?" I was on the phone to our publicist.
"Nobody's gotten hold of the story. May want to check the website though." She replied.
"Later. Thanks. Let me know if anything happens."
"I will."
"Okay bye." I switched off my blackberry and set it on the table.
"What's with the desperate call? You made me nervous." A young woman; tall, blond and trustworthy, entered the room.
"Thanks for coming so fast."
"What's going on?" She asked.
"Shannon was beat up this morning." I explained.
"Oh no! Is he alright?" She became very concerned.
"He will be. He was coming home when the taxi driver and his friend took him behind a strip of stores and beat him."
"Jared. That's horrible."
"Right now we have to keep it out of the news. I don't want Shannon to get stressed over this."
"I'll do everything I can. Where is he now?"
"Upstairs with Lisa. He's probably sleeping. Just leave them."
"I'll go check the social media. Call if you need me."
"Thanks Emma."
"Always." She smiled and dug out her cell phone.
Not quite sure what to do with myself, I walked through the house, to the backyard, grabbing my guitar on the way. Sitting by the pool, I started picking out notes. A song formed in my mind, one that expressed how I was feeling. Sure I achieved success with my acting and music, but nothing could compare to the contentment of being with family and the close friends I had around me. I covered my face and let out emotions I'd been holding in. I'd been so scared when I heard Shannon's voice on the phone. Nothing had mattered but getting to him.
"Hey Jared? You alright?" A voice spoke behind me.
Looking over quickly and saw Jamie, a great friend and writing partner. He'd been at the house when I got the call.
"Yeah Jamie. I'm fine. Thanks for helping." I wiped my eyes.
"Anytime man. How is he?" He sat next to me.
"He'll be good. It scare me is all."
"It would."
We sat outside, played with some ideas and tried to get back to normal.

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