Chapter 14

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Back at the table, Lisa talked with Joanie before the set began. I held her hand as I talked to Antoine.
"Will your Petite Fils come onstage with us?" He wondered.
I shook my head. "Are you kidding. I'm surprised that she's here at all. This isn't her thing."
"Then we find a good slot for them to watch. Not too many around her."
"Probably a good idea."
Antoine stood up to make his way to the stage set up. I leaned back to Lisa and Joanie. "Come on. Let's go find you a spot to watch."
"Just us?" Lisa asked.
"I'm going to be on the stage and I want to be able to see how you're enjoying this."
"You're such an attention hog." She joked knowing how I enjoyed the music.
There was a small rise next to the stage. Lisa and Joanie stood at the railing with a few others.
"Have a good time." I kissed her.
"You too." She encouraged.
As I headed for the stage, the PA system came to life.
"And now for you listening and dancing pleasure. International superstar....ANTOINE BECKS!"
A low hum began building. The sound increased to a pitch then was joined by a digital piano, drumbeats and other rhythms. I jumped around next to Antoine, letting the feeling take control. It was controlled chaos as the crowd joined in. It was a huge party atmosphere. Looking up to the rise, I watched Lisa get into the music. Here body listing from side to side. It was the most I'd seen her relax in a long time and enjoy herself. She gave me a look that told me we'd be having a late night. I smiled back, pointed up at her to acknowledge the connection of thoughts. Going back to stand by Antoine, I patted him on the shoulder. He looked over.
"She's having a good time!" I said over the music.
"Bien. I enjoy her very much! If not for you, I would pursue her!" Antoine confessed.
"Apparently so would my brother! That's my heart up there!"
"Spectaclument! It's a celebrations!"
The rest of the show went off without problem. After the set, we all gathered in a back room.
"That was so great!" Joanie said excited.
"Merci. Did you enjoy the music?" Antoine asked Lisa.
"C'est magnific. J'adore le......energie." Lisa replied back in French.
"Votre Francois c'est merveleux." He was impressed that she could have a conversation with him.
"Merci. May I borrow your friend away from you?"
"Mais oui. I shall see you later."
Pulling me from the room, Lisa leaped into my arms, pressed her lips to mine with hard determination.
"I've got to bring you out more often if this is how you react." I smiled. "How are you feeling?"
"A little sore but it was fun. I have no worries right now."
"You looked good out there."
"Want to slip out of here?"
"My dirty girl."
Taking her hand, I walked through the hall and found an exit. It went to the back of the building, an alley for deliveries. Pulling Lisa next to me, I leaned back against the wall, held her close and looked into her emerald green eyes. They were lit with fire and excitement. I lowered my gaze to her lips. As she found my chest with soft fingers, I covered her mouth with mine and let reality erase. Lisa's lips moved hungrily, tongue grazing across his. I felt one of her hands on my stomach, going down to my leather covered groin. Fingers rubbed and squeezed at my growing erection. My hand found the hem of her skirt, slipped underneath to touch the warm skin between her legs.
"Shannon. Right now." She said passionately.
"Are you sure?" I didn't want permission.
She kissed me again, held my cock and pressed her breasts against my chest.
"God Damn! We got us some entertainment!" A drunken voice yelled down the alley.
We quickly looked over. The men staggered over. I stood straighter, held onto Lisa and stared at them.
"Let's go back inside." I suggested and stepped to the door.
"Hey where are out going?" The tallest guy asked. He was very thin, almost emancipated and had a wild look in his eyes.
"No troubles guys, okay?" I reached for the door handle.
"No problems at all."
"Lisa? Hey she sells my paintings." It was that little prick Jonathan.
"Wow. Your art dealer is hot."
Tension filled her body as I looked back at her. She was still with me, nervous but still there.
"You!" I said to Jonathan. "You're responsible for yesterday."
"Hey. That was an accident." He replied, his words drawled.
"Shannon they're all loaded." Lisa observed.
"Yeah. I know." I nodded.
As I opened the door, the tall guy slammed it shut sneering at us. "Let's party."
"Fuck you." I swore at him angry.
The third guy leaped over and grabbed Lisa. Before I could turn back to get her, I felt a fist in my stomach. I doubled over, losing my breath.
"Shannon!" Lisa screamed.
I was kicked in the side and pushed to the ground.
"No! Stop it!" Lisa pleaded.
"You touch her and it'll be the last thing you do." I warned.
"Yeah right Party Boy. Here John. Hold on while we take care of things." The third guy handed Lisa to Jonathan.
"Don't. Please." She started to cry. Scared for me.
As the two guys advanced, I stood up. I was ready for them. One made a grab. I ducked and pushed him away then turned to the other, threw a punch that laid him flat. Arms grabbed me from behind, pinning my arms at my sides. Looking over, I saw Lisa struggling, trying to get out of Jonathan's hold, tears streaming down her face. Pushing back, I felt the guy hit the side of the building. The grip loosened enough so I threw army arm back, connected to the guy's nose then turned and threw my left hand across his cheek. As he fell, I turned back.
"It would be a good idea to let her go."
"I was only keeping her from getting hurt. I would never do anything..." Jonathan shook his head.
Lisa wiggled from his hands, turned quickly and slapped him hard. "After everything I've done! You could be amazing! I won't help you anymore if you don't straighten up! Stay away from me!" She yelled at him then ran over to my arms. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I've got tough skin." I held her protectively.
She cried into my chest, holding onto me tight.
"Let's get out of here. Go to my place tonight." I suggested.
"Mm-hmm." She agreed.
With an arm around her shoulders, I lead her back into the club, found Antoine in the same room we'd left and got our jackets.
"Sorry man. We're heading out." I shook his hand.
"Is all okay? You look beaten." Antoine looked me over,
"Just an incident in the alley. We'll catch up later. It was a great show."
"Yes. Of course. Lisa. Bon huit. C'est pleasure." He wished her goodnight.
"Thank you. Goodnight." Her voice was hoarse from crying.
We walked to the front door to find a taxi.
"Hey. You're leaving?" Joanie called over.
"Yeah. She'll catch up later. Night." I helped her into the car.
"Okay. Night."
The ride was quiet as the driver took us to the house I shared with my brother. The lights were off and all was quiet. Either Jared was gone or asleep. Getting up to my room, I hung up our jackets. Lisa sat on the bed silently.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked.
"That it was a mistake to go out tonight." She looked up.
"No. It wasn't. Don't let that spoil it. You were having a good time."
"I was but.."
"No. We had fun. Leave it at that."
"A little."
"Let's get some sleep. Tomorrow you relax around our house."
"I don't have any clothes here."
"That would make for an interesting day." I smiled .
"I'm sure." She laughed weakly.
"Don't worry. I'm sure that there's something here that will keep you covered."
We undressed, slipped under the blankets and curled into one another. Sleep was restless. Every time Lisa moved, she moaned with pain, making me aware of my own.

In the morning , about nine o'clock, I slipped out of bed, let Lisa sleep, put on my jeans and went downstairs to the kitchen. Jared was sitting at the table, eating breakfast and working on his computer.
"Morning." I greeted, messing his hair.
"Morning. Wow you're home." He was puzzled.
"It was closer." I reached for a cup to have a coffee and whinced.
"You okay?"
"Had some trouble at the club last night."
"I'm sure they hurt more than I do. They were kind of skinny."
"Couldn't imagine anyone wanting to mess with you. All bulging muscles." He laughed.
"Well drugs make people stupid." I sipped the dark coffee.
"Feel up to some work today?"
"Of course. You got some ideas?"
"Always." He took a mouthful of granola cereal.
Lisa walked into the room. I smiled at her. "Morning."
I kissed her when she reached where I was standing. "You didn't wake me up."
"Thought that you'd want to sleep."
"Morning Jared."
"Hey." He waved, choking on his food. "I didn't know you were here."
She found one of my shirts, open on both sides to show off her bra and panties. Jared tried not to stare.
"We're going to hang here if it's okay. That way I can work and not have my mind somewhere else." I touched her cheek softly.
"Our place is open to you." Jared added.
"I'll try not to be a bother." She smiled.
"Coffee?" I wondered.
"Please. And if you have a protein bar that would be great."
"Always. Have a seat."
I went to the cupboard as she sat at the table, revealing her bruises to Jared.
"Holy shit! What happened last night? You're all black and blue." He exclaimed.
"Oh yeah. That happened at work. Shannon didn't tell you?"
"Ah no. Do you need something?"
"Just to relax. Maybe I'll take advantage of your poolside."
"That won't be a distraction." I set the coffee in front of her and handed her the bar.
"Thanks. I may have to run home to get some clothes."
"Don't worry about it. I bought some things when we were in Europe."
"Still dressing me? Can't wait to see what you bought."
"Well, it was Italy."
"Great. Might as well keep this shirt on."
"Excuse me for a minute. I should go get dressed." Jared reached for a dish towel.
"Are you naked?" I laughed.
"Well I didn't expect company." He complained playfully and left the room.
"Are you alright? You got hit pretty hard." Lisa reached over to touch my side.
"I'm fine. Just a little tender." I took her hand. "What's wrong? You feeling down again?"
"Ups and downs my love. Just in a funk. It'll go away." She brought my hand to her lips.
"Maybe a warm day, relaxing will be good for you."
"Wouldn't hurt. I'm going to shower. Bring up your Italian clothes. I'll check them out."
"I'll leave them on the bed."
"Thank you. Won't be long." She took the coffee and bar with her as she went back upstairs.
"Everything all right?" Jared returned in a pair of light pants.
"She gets bouts of depression sometimes. Usually after an episode." I explained.
"I hope that she feels better. Maybe some music will break her out of it?"
"Don't worry Brother. You make her happy."
"She makes me happy. I wish that I could help her with this."
"It's an emotion brought on by a trauma. Can't be helped in short term."
I sighed. "I guess. I'll go take her the clothes then you can tell me some of your ideas."
"Sounds good."
"Be right back." I went to find the bags I brought home.

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