Chapter 42

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"Shit." Jared looked at me.
"Is she going?" Tomo asked nervously.
I ran over, grabbed her arms, her eyes were glazed. Not a good sign. "Is there somewhere away from all this?"
"The office. Through there." Terry had come back to see the reunion. "Is she okay?"
"She will be."
"Guess it was a bit too much." Tomo observed.
"Go on Shannon. We'll be around." Jared assured me.
Leading het slowly, I got her to the office, closed the doors and wrapped my arms around her carefully.
"Come on Baby. Don't do this. It's a big night. You need to keep it together." I spoke softly.
I felt Lisa's arms go around my waist, hold tight and then her breath on my neck.
"You're here." She sighed.
"I wanted to tell you but Jared wanted it to be a surprise. I knew just after you left LA." I explained.
Moving her head back, she looked into my eyes. Hers were full of disbelief. Placing a hand on my chest, she could feel my heart racing. As if the time had never passed, I put a hand on her neck and brought my mouth to hers. She moaned the instant our lips met. The kiss quickly became deep and desperate. Her tongues flicked out onto my upper lip. I captured it and gently sucked it before letting go. Lisa's hands flew up to my neck, held me for a moment before wrapping her fingers in my hair. I pulled her tight to my body, my mouth moving down her neck and shoulders.
"Is this a dream? We you really here?" Lisa was breathing quickly.
"It's real. I'm holding you in my arms again. And I've never felt anything better." I slowed my kissed.
As desperate as I was to be with her completely, there was a houseful of people all around.
"How long are you here for?" She asked, head against mine.
"A few days. And I don't have any band business. It's just you and me."
A huge smile lit up her face.
"But right now. You're still here for the exhibit." I reminded.
"Oh shit. I completely forgot. Once I saw you, everything disappeared. I wouldn't care if it was a bust, you're here and I feel whole again."
"So do I. This is more satisfying then any of those phones calls." I loved the way she fit in my arms.
"Oh really?" She laughed.
"And after this is over, we can go home and bring some of those calls to life." I pressed my lips to hers, teasing with my tongue.
"My dirty poet." She sighed deeply in my arms.

After straightening up my clothes, and making sure we both looked presentable, we left the office and walked around. I held Shannon's hand close. I still couldn't believe he was in New York with me. The guys must have been looking around. Richard came over, shook Shannon's hand smiling.
"You're looking better." Richard greeted him.
"I am a lot better thanks. I can't wait to see everything." Shannon nodded.
"When you didn't come right back, I got worried. Then I saw your friends. Go on. Enjoy yourselves. I won't manipulate you any longer." He touched my arm.
"Come get me if you have to. I don't want to let go in case it a dream." I squeezed Shannon's hand.
"It is Luv. A beautiful dream. Now get." Richard kissed my cheek and walked away.
"Are you going to show me around or do I go alone?" Shannon whispered close to my ear.
I smiled. "You are getting the most intimate tour you've ever had."
"I'm so glad because I want to give you a tour later." The softness and allure of his voice made me laugh loud at his flirty sentiment.
I'm sure people were wondering why as they looked over.
We walked through the lower level, looking at the framed pictures. I told him why I picked each one and put them together. Many of the guests stopped to talk about how they were enjoying things. Before going upstairs, I introduced Shannon to Debbie and Jenny, who looked as if she was still in awe at the celebrities.
"Shannon!" Jared almost ran down the narrow stairs.
"Hey." Shannon greeted his brother.
"You've got to come see this. It's amazing. Lisa you are a fucking artist." He was raving.
"Thanks I guess." I laughed.
"Come on." He ran back up as we followed.
Reaching the top of the stairs, Shannon stopped and looked around. The look on his face was like Christmas and New Years. His eyes were trying to take everything in. He smiled at the wonder of it all.
"How did you do all this?" He took another step.
"This blows the LA show off the earth." Jared placed a hand on my back.
"This is.... This is Wonderland." Shannon let his breath go.
The words almost made me cry. Everyone I cared for, enjoying the exhibit. Before I could, Tomo ran over to hug me and Jamie couldn't say enough kind words. I started showing them around, explaining everything. A lot of others hung around to listen as well. Shannon held my hand close, like he would get lost if he let go.
At midnight, the last of the people finally left. A cleaning crew would take care of glasses and the floors.

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