Chapter 9

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Sitting on the small sofa, I waited while Shannon showered after the show. The room was quite large but crowded with suitcases and clothes thrown around. I pulled his jacket closer around my body. It was like a comfortable blanket with his smell all over it. I enjoyed the rest of the performance, smiling out whenever Shannon turned to look at me. Those episodes made me tired and I hated that they were still happening, even with the therapy I'd been going to. Most times, I wasn't that stressed and could control myself.
Listening to the water running in the next room, I closed my eyes to imagine what he looked like under the hot steam, all naked and wet. I smiled to myself.
"Hello?" A voice spoke.
I turned to see Tomo at the door. "Hi."
"I knocked but I guess nobody heard. May I come in?"
"Of course. Please. You're cleaned up already?"
"I'll clean up better once I get home. I have a thing about bathrooms." He walked over to the sofa.
"Have a seat. Shannon's still showering." I sat straighter.
"Actually I came to check on you. How are you doing?"
"Better. He told you about my episodes?"
"Well yeah. We tend to talk a lot. He's the best. Jared's a cool guy but sometimes he's so focused on what he's doing."
"I can see that."
"Shannon's completely taken with you. I've never heard him talk about anyone the way he does about you."
I think I blushed.
"It's going to be good to be home for a while. Have a normal life again."
"You'll have to come to the house for dinner. Bring someone else along if you want, a girlfriend or whoever."
"You cook?"
"Boy does she ever." Shannon walked out of the shower. "Leftovers for days. Fresh everything. You make dessert, she'll do the meal."
"Sounds like a deal." Tomo agreed.
"You don't have to bring a thing. I invited you." I protested.
"The man's a trained chef. He never cooks for us on the road. It's a chance to eat his cooking too." Shannon leaned down to kiss my neck.
"Wow I'm impressed. I can cook but baking is too precise."
"Just give me enough time. I'm going home now. I just wanted to check on you." Tomo nodded and stood up.
"Thank you." I smiled at him.
"She you later." Shannon waved.
After he left, I turned to Shannon. "I like him. He's very thoughtful."
"Yeah." He sat next to me. "Are you tired?"
"No more than usual." I reached for his hand.
"You're a terrible liar." He wrapped his fingers through mine.
"But I know that you have an after party to go to." I pulled his hand to my lips and kissed it.
"Not tonight. We're home so we get to take time off. I'm all yours."
I moved from my position on the sofa, turned and faced Shannon. He was leaning back on the cushions, bare chest, leather pants not buttoned or zipped. Standing in front of him, I took off his jacket, as he watched with intrigued eyes. Pulling up the skirt of my dress, I kneeled across his legs and sat over his groin. My hand moved up his arms to his shoulders. I felt Shannon's fingers move up my legs, as his erection pressed against my warm core.
"I love the feel of your leather against me." I spoke softly.
"I think that I should finish getting dressed so we can go home and continue this." He sighed. "Will they kick us out if we're caught?" I smiled.
"No, but the things I want to do to you, I don't want anyone walking in."
"Okay naughty boy. What about your things?"
"The instruments will get put back in the trucks for now. My clothes are on the bus and I can get them later. All I need is a shirt and my wallet, and we can leave."
"What about your bike?"
"It's ready for us to drive home."
"Midnight in LA on the back of your motorcycle. Perfect end to the night."
"Give me five minutes."
I leaned down, kissed him deeply and got off so he could finish. When we walked out, five minutes later, John (the guard that escorted me in) approached and handed me my jacket.
"Thank you. I forgot about it." I said gratefully.
"No problem. Goodnight." He waved as he walked away.
"Night." Shannon calls back.
There were a few fans waiting, at the door, for an autograph. Shannon paused.
"The bike's out to the left, next to the bus. I'll meet you there."
"Okay. Don't go blind taking pictures."
We stepped outside. As the fans screamed, I slipped out and walked to the bus. He enjoyed the attention even if he was tired. It took fifteen minutes to accommodate them all then join me. He grabbed his helmet.
"You ready?"
I tightened the one I had on. "Let's go home."
He smiled, sat on the blue and white motorcycle, waiting as I sat behind and wrapped my arms around his waist. A press of a button, a low rumble and we were on our way. I loved the lights as they flashed by on the highway. There was very little traffic, so I relaxed my hold and placed my head on his back, my hands on his thighs. Stopping for ta traffic detour, he placed a hand over mine.
"Don't you fall asleep on me." He said through the visor of the helmet.
"I'm not going to. Just enjoying the ride." I moved my fingers over the leather.
"Wait until we get home."
"Does your brother know we're having a sleepover?" I smiled.
"He'll be too busy to notice. He needs to wind down."
"And you?"
"Just need to sleep next to you."
The motorcycle started moving again. We were home shortly after. Locking the door, I tossed my keys on the front table, put my jacket and shoes in the closet and waited for Shannon to do the same. He came to me, placed his hands on my waist and looked into my eyes. I set my hands on his shoulders.
"I have plans for you." He spoke mischievously.
"Good. I have a few of my own." I replied.
"I'll meet you in the bedroom. Want something to drink?"
"I'm fine. You'll find all the good stuff in the fridge."
"Okay. See you in a minute."
He placed a soft kiss on my lips, let me go to the bedroom as he went to the kitchen to find what he wanted. I rolled the heavy blankets off the bed, threw the decorative pillows on a chair the got undressed. I lay down on the soft sheets, waited and listened to Shannon in the kitchen, closing my eyes for only a moment.

I shut the fridge after pouring myself some cold POM juice. Lisa always kept it in the fridge and I loved having it very cold. I couldn't always get it on the road. Taking a look around the room, it was like taking a deep breath. I was home for an extended period of time and could do my own thing, with no schedule. All I wanted at that moment, was to go into the bedroom and be with the woman waiting for me. Walking across the living room, I paused at the bedroom door and leaned against the frame, looking at Lisa laying on the bed. Her legs were up, bent to the right, arms across her stomach, head turned away. She looked peaceful. I walked to the bed, set the glass on a side table, pulled off my shirt and began to unbutton my pants.
"Leave them on." Lisa said through the darkness.
"I thought you were asleep." I replied.
"I told you that I wasn't that tired."
Climbing onto the bed, I placed a hand on her leg, moved up to her thigh and stomach, as she rolled onto her back.
"We can just sleep if you want." I looked down at her calm features.
Lisa moved so she was under my body, placed her left hand against my cheek and the right down my chest to the waistband of my leather pants. Slipping underneath, her fingers found my hardened erection. My eyes closed at the feel of her soft hand.
"You are my one and only. I don't want to imagine my life without you being in it." She said.
"You have no idea how much I think about you when we're on the road." My breath got labored.
"The only time my mind isn't on you is when I'm really busy at work. I love having you with me at night."
"And being with you in the morning."
I leaned against her body, rested over her and pressed my lips to hers. Getting between her legs, I felt her unbutton and pull down the zipper. Moving the leather from my hips, she opened her thighs so I was at her core. I moved my right hand over her wetness just before I positioned myself and pushed into her. I started a slow rhythm to build up to a wonderful end to the night. Lisa gripped my hips, covered my mouth and pierced my lips with her tongue and I sucked on it deeply. Our hips met in a frenzy of passion, trying to get deeper into each other. I stopped kissing her to catch my breath, keeping the movements as slow a I could stand it. Lisa's hands went to my chest, joined by her mouth to taste the beads of sweat from my skin. Moans mixed with savage grunts, changing to passionate noises of climax and satisfaction. Lisa rested her hands on my ass, pressing against me until the feelings passed. I placed soft kisses across her breasts, coming down slowly from my own.
"Perfect night." She sighed.
"You better believe it." I agreed.
Tracing up to the muscles of my chest, Lisa's tired eyes looked into mine.
"Now I can sleep." She touched me gently.
"And I'll be beside you when you wake up." I kissed her again.
I slipped out of bed to take off my pants, then got back in and curled up with my girlfriend. It was a state of euphoria that let sleep come with nothing else on my mind.

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