Chapter 40

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Backstage at MTV studio, we were going through regular routines before playing a show. It would be a smaller crowd of the echelon (our fans) but would be an amazing set.
"Are you all set?" Tomo asked as we waited to go on.
I was overexcited and jumping up and down to get rid of some energy. "I can't wait to finish this."
"Don't rush it man. We may never get to do this again."
"It's not the set that has me wound up. I just can't believe that we're in New York and I can't call her."
"But you wanted it to be a surprise didn't you?"
"Well yeah. It's just....two months man."
"I know. You can work some of it off onstage."
"Did Jared say if Emma got invitations?"
"Hasn't told me."
"Shit. I need to be there tonight. It's a big night for her."
"And maybe you'll get to see the exhibit." Tomo smiled and hit my arm.
"Maybe." I laughed at what he was suggesting.
Jared walked over with Jamie following. "Ten minutes to go."
"This is a cool gig man." Jamie smiled.
"We're only doing a few songs. We'll have the rest of the afternoon." Jared explained. "I love the set we've put together."
"And tonight we go to see an amazing show." Tomo reminded.
"Was Em able to get the invites?" I was so geared up.
"Actually no. With it being a surprise, they couldn't issue any without a name."
"What?! Then how are....."
"Relax. I called Terry. He's got one and is able to bring guests. He's going to call Lisa and make sure it's okay...without letting her know."
I took a deep breath. Thank god that worked out. I'd have to thank Terry personally.
"I've never seen you you worked up over a chick." Jamie laughed.
"You've met her. She's perfect for Shannon. Still wish I'd met her first." Jared teased.
"Listen Bro. Can I talk a minute before we go on?" I had to tell him some news.
"Banished. Let's go T." Jamie grabbed Tomo and they walked away.
"What's on you mind?" Jared seemed concerned.
"Look. Thanks for doing this." I looked down the hall.
"Hey it's no trouble. I know how much you need to be here."
"I've been thinking about something, and I want to tell you before we get crazy again."
"You can tell me anything. We've been through a lot together."
"After everything that's happened, you, Mom and this music saves my life."
"No. Really it did. And ten months ago, when I made the decision to pull over and check on a stranger, I feel like it saves my soul."
Jared stepped back, giving me a look of excited surprise. "We you gonna?"
"I made a few calls and have something set for tomorrow."
"Holy shit!" Jared hugged me tight. "Wait. What about Mom?"
"I'm gonna do coast to coast. One here. One in LA."
"I'm happy for you. Really I am."
"It's time guys." A man called backstage.
"Tell me your plan later."
"Let's go play." I felt a little less nervous. Now all he needed was for the right answer.

"No. Don't move it anymore. That's perfect." I told the worker moving the plexiglass.
Everything was set up and working how a wanted. All I needed was to show Richard around before the opening. The invitations were sent, the RSVPs counted. I didn't forget Kenny and his family or Carrie and hers. I wanted people that I cared about involved, as well as many of Richard's celebrity friends and people in the art community. My phone rang. I turned away, looked at the screen.
"Hey Terry." I answered.
"Hi. How are things going?" His voice came back.
"Good. I thin that I'm ready."
"Great. I'm calling to ask you something."
"Anything. You helped me so much."
"I've got some friends in town, and they really want to see the exhibit."
"Yes. Of course. Bring them."
"Thanks. I wanted to check with you first."
"Come find me when you get here."
"I will. See you soon."
"Okay." I hung up and went back. Just going over things to make sure nothing was missed.
"Lisa!" Jessica same running upstairs. "He's here."
"Okay. Great. Everyone! Thank you for all you work! It's been a great experience to have you all here!" I said to all the workers in the loft.
"Now get out!" One of the men joked.
I laughed. "We're finished!"
Everyone clapped and cheered. As they gathered stray tools and cleaning supplies, I went down to see Richard. I was excited to have him see it.
"Hi. This early business has to stop." I walked over to where he stood.
"I needed to see it compete. Looks good already." He looked at the frames in the hallway.
We hugged. He looked around again. The photos we picked hanging on the walls. It was simple but the big surprise was upstairs.
"You'll be happy to know that the biggest part of our expenses was coffee." I informed him.
"Oh great. I'll own shares in Starbucks." He smiled.
"Come on. I can't wait for you to see it." I almost ran up the stairs.
Richard and Jessica following close behind.
"Okay. Stop there. Let me get everything started."
"Started?" Richard looked puzzled.
"Trust me." I smiled wide.
"I do Luv. I do."
Going to a wall, I flipped open a hidden panel, turned all the switches and waited. Lights dimmed in places, colours came up now I wanted and everything worked perfectly. I was happy.
"Okay. Come up."
Stepping up, he looked around the room. His face showing the awe and fascination. Even Jessica, who knew the plans, was amazed.
"Lisa. This is.... I never imagined anything like this. You are an artist." He was trying to take it all in.
"Let me explain it to you." I took his arm and began to lead him around the room.
Along one wall I set up large monitors. I put the pictures on memory cards and hooked them into the monitors. In front of them was a plexiglass wall with water flowing through it, to give it a rippled look. Another wall had pictures projected on it in different places, giving it a movement effect across the surface. Each picture running across the wall, then changing to another. The wall, with the windows, had moving blinds. When the blinds moved the pictures changed (that was a challenged). The last wall was all about The Beetles, the music and what they experienced through Richard's photos. The music and lighting changed with the decade. My favourite thing was in the middle of the room. Five glass tubes, each with a fine mist from floor to ceiling. Looking into them, people could catch the photographs floating, moving up and down or around in a circle, changing slowly so people could find one and look at it carefully.
"It's beautiful." Jessica sighed.
"I knew that you would do a great job but this is more than I could have imagined." Richard added.
"I had lots of help. I couldn't have done it otherwise." I reached out for Jessica's hand.
She seemed overly shy about the gratitude, but let me squeeze her hand.
"I'm going to need you close by tonight. I'll never be able to explain all this." Richard looked away from the exhibit.
"In that case, let's go get ready for tonight." I announced.
"Okay my luvlies. I have garment bags for you, with dresses that I hope you like. Jenny picked them out because I wouldn't have a clue." He shrugged.
"Jessica. I'll see you back here later. And don't rush. Come back and enjoy it. The work is over." I instructed.
"Yes M'am." She hugged me. "I'm so glad that I could be a part of this."
"Me too. Now get. See you tonight."
She ran downstairs and I knew that she found her garment bag, when I heard her scream.
"It's De La Renta?" Richard seemed unsure.
I laughed. "You'll never get it back."
"It's paid for. Come on Darling. Come to lunch and you girls can get dressed together." He wrapped and arm around my waist.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Letting me do this."
"Never give it a thought. You're the only one I wanted."

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