Chapter 22

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After a restful night's sleep, I woke up at eight o'clock, let Lisa continue sleeping and slipped out of bed carefully. Once dressed, I used her car to run out to get coffee, muffins and bagels for breakfast. Passing a magazine stand, I saw the headline of the LA Times, paid for a copy and took it back to the house. Closing the door quietly, I set everything on the table and took off my jacket. As I carried it all to the kitchen, Lisa walked out of the bedroom.
"Hey. Thought I'd get some breakfast." I handed her a coffee.
"My hero. You must have been up early." She kissed me.
"Not really. Let me look at those eyes."
"Oh. I must look great. All swollen."
"Still green and beautiful. The puffiness will go down."
Lisa touched my arm and moved her fingers down my bicep. "You bought the newspaper?"
"Ah. Yeah. It had and interesting headline." I laid it out on the countertop.
"I haven't read it yet. I don't know what it says."
Quick and careful, she scanned the article. A worried look changed into a smile.
"It's Jared's words to the reporter. Then what you all said inside. She must have overheard. Then Mr. Ward saying the exhibit was my idea. Oh my god! Shannon, he gave me credit!"
"That's great. I'm so happy for you." I looked at the paper over her shoulder.
"And she researched me. She has everything about my family."
"It would've come out eventually."
"The article talks about you being in talks to shoot a video with your fans."
"That would be a good idea."
"It would?"
"I'll tea to Jared about it later." I kissed her neck.
"Can I finish breakfast first?"
"Of course. You may need the energy."
"You know. When my father arrives, we may have to put a hold on some things."
"And how long will he be here?"
"Only a couple of days. We'll find my mother a present, go out for dinner, maybe discuss some business. Hey maybe he'll let me go on that save the whale ship. I'm a lot older now." She played.
"Oh no. You will not be going on a ship with other men." I moved my hands up her sides.
Taking a bagel and coffee, she backed away, shrugging. "I don't know. Being on a ship with a bunch of environmentally conscious me might be exciting."
"Exciting?" I questioned stepping toward her feeling mischievous.
"Well sure. I could learn so many things."
"You want to learn new things? I'm going to show you something that'll take your mind off that trip."
"My pleasure is in your hands."
"Among other things." I kept walking toward her as she stepped backward, watching me with sleepy eyes.
"Going my way sailor?" She flirted.
"Permission to come aboard." I spoke low and deep.
"You don't need my permission. Let's go stow some baggage."
Smiling wide, I reached out, grabbed he hips and pulled her to mine. "You are so....exciting. I love how you can turn me on so fast."
"I thought that we were talking about sailing?" She teased.
"I'm going to kiss you now."
"My lips are waiting. Wait! I have to put down my coffee or I'll spill it on the floor."
"Fine. I'll let you go. But you take too long and I'm coming to get you."
Reluctantly letting her go, I watched her go over to the table and set down the paper cup. Then something changed.

The moment I put the coffee down, I stared at the cup, my mind wandered. The thoughts veiled what I was doing a second earlier. My job, my future wasn't clear.
"Lisa?" Shannon broke into my thoughts.
"Hmm." I responded.
"Where are you at?"
"I don't know."
"Are you thinking about last night?"
"Not really."
"Do you need to stop?"
"I need to have nothing to think about."
Coming behind me, Shannon set his hands no my arms, turned me around and pulled me to his body. "Want to get out of the city?"
"I can't. My father will be here tomorrow." I ran my fingers through his hair.
"After then. Pick a destination and we'll go."
"The Dead Sea."
"It's a place."
"We'll figure something out. EuroDisney?"
"Diving with sharks."
"Bungee jumping."
"Sex on a subway?"
"Now you're being silly." His breath traced my face.
"And you love me for it."
"And much more."
Lifting my head up, Shannon looked into my eyes. Slowly, he moved closer covered my lips, massaging them deeply. I responded immediately, holding onto the back of his head, pressing myself to his chest. Taking hold of my waist, he carried me across the room until I felt my back against a solid surface. One hand under my breast, the other moved down my body, over my hips and between my legs. I took a quick breath and sighed from his moving fingers. Wrapping one leg around his hips, I pushed myself with the rhythm Shannon began.
"You're so good." I was next to his ear.
"Stops you from thinking. This is all instinct. Let's play together." He spoke deep and sexy,
"Oh yes."
It was definitely all instinct as my body responded. The electricity of Shannon's touch changing my breathing as I kissed him desperately. His mouth was hungrily pulling at mine, his tongue finding it's way through my lips. It didn't take long for the first orgasm to hit, as I tried to keep from yelling his name. I set my head on his shoulder, breathing quick.
"Don't fade away on me. I haven't finished with you yet." He promised.
"Oh I hope not. You're never enough." I panted.
I felt Shannon unbutton his jeans, moved them from his hips then take hold of my waist as he repositioned himself. I let a loud moan escape, as he slip inside all at once. Lifting my head back, I placed my hands around his neck and glared at him. He began to move against me, watching my reaction with each push. I covered his mouth with mine, pulling at his lips with my teeth. Bracing against the wall, I felt his hands move up my sides to my breasts. He kneeled me with his fingers, building the passion within my body until my vision glazed. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, pulled him close and kissed his neck.
"Are you ready for me?" He was breathing heavy.
"Always. Push me over the edge." I held him tighter.
"I want you completely exhausted."
"That is going to happen very soon."
"Good because I can't hold back."
"Don't. Just give me everything."
And he did. Each push became harder and faster as my second orgasm hit, joined by Shannon's explosive final lunge. He moaned and I held my breath until the room became hazy. My body was exhausted, my mind empty. Somehow, I was back in bed, Shannon pulling the covers over me. After a gentle, soft kiss, he whispered. "Sleep well."
"Are you going?" I asked closing my eyes.
"For a bit. If I'm not back when you wake up, call me. I'll return right away."
"I love you."
"I love you too. See you later." He kissed me once more as I drifted off.

Stepping away from the bed, I watched Lisa fall asleep. Going to the bathroom, I straightened myself up, adjusted my clothes and walked to the front door. I had to go meet Jared, to talk about a new video. Calling a taxi, I got into the back and relaxed in the seat. I was tired after the sex, but I didn't expect to be as tired as I felt. Closing my eyes, I was out seconds later, only coming back when I sensed that the car stopped. Looking out the window, nothing was familiar.
"This is the wrong place dude." I rubbed my eyes awake.
"Sorry. Had to make a slight detour." The driver said.
The door flew open, hands grabbed and pulled me from the car. Surprised and still drowsy, I didn't have a chance to react. I was pushed against a hard surface.
"Hello again art boy." A voice taunted.
Getting focused, I saw the same face from the alley behind the club.
"Bet you didn't expect to see me again."
"What's the deal man? I was just defending my girl and myself." I replied.
"Yeah well let's finish this off."
Another person walked up. The second guy from the alley.
"Come on guys. This isn't necessary." I knew that I was too drained to take them both on.
"What is it you said...oh yeah. Fuck you!"
A fist came across my face so fast that I flew sideways. What followed had me trying to block the hits to my face, chest and stomach.
"Next time, fuck your girlfriend somewhere more private." The guy said as I lay on the ground, curled up in pain.
"You're an asshole." I moaned.
"Have fun getting home."
They walked away, leaving me bruised and probably bloodied up. Turning onto my back, I reached for my phone, hitting the first number and lifted it to my ear,
"Hey Shan. Where are you?" Jared spoke after two rings.
"I'm not sure." I knew he heard the pain.
"Shannon? What's wrong?"
"I need some help Jared. The two guys from the club just got me."
"Okay Brother. I need to know where you are and I'll come for you."
Looking at the building's wall, I saw a sign. "It says Johnson Market Delivery."
"Okay that's down from the Strip. Hang on okay? I'll be right there."
"Hurry okay."
"Stay calm Bro. I'm coming."
I shut off the phone, lay it on the ground and tried to breath normally. Everyone hurt. I knew when Jared arrived, he was running toward the rear of the building. I heard him stop close to me.
"Oh shit. Shannon can you move at all?"
"Not without help. Get me to the hospital." I reached up for my brother's hand.
"You should have called an ambulance."
"You were the first number on the phone."
"We'll try to be careful. Come on let's get him to the car."
Two sets of hands got me to my feet and carried me to a car, laying me in the backseat, then driving, as fast as possible, to the nearest hospital. I had to go for X-rays and get stitched up as Jared registered me at the front desk.

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