Chapter 27

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It was early in the morning when I woke up. Shannon was sleeping calmly. I could feel his body move with each soft breath. Reluctantly, I climbed out of bed. I wanted to clean up before my surprise arrived. My workout bag was in the corner, so I had shampoo and body wash, also a change of clothes. Looking back, I saw that Shannon's face wasn't showing as much pain while he slept. I hoped that he would stay asleep until it was time to get him to breakfast. I had a quick shower, dressed in an old Queen t-shirt and cut off shorts, brushes out my hair the set my bag back in the bedroom before going downstairs. Surprisingly, Jared was in the kitchen.
"Morning. You're up early." I greeted.
"Hey. Yeah, I didn't want to miss any part of today. This should be amazing." He was eating a bowl of cereal.
"I don't know when he'll show up. It could be after dinner." I found the coffee and began to prepare the brewer.
"If its earlier, I want to be up to greet him. How often will I be able to say some one like that was in my house?" Jared was a giddy child.
"He hasn't even been to my house and I've known him half my life. I hope that this lifts his spirits."
"I sure it will."
I couldn't respond before my phone went ff. pulling it from my pocket, I read the ID.
"We may find out very soon." I turned it on. "Hello."
"Morning my darling. Am I too early?" The familiar English voice spoke.
"You're never early. I thought that you'd be later."
"Can we come in?"
"Of course. See you in a moment.
I shut off the phone and looked at Jared. At once, we ran to the front door, he unlocked the front gate and we waited. The black car drove up,,stopped and the door opened. I smiled, happy to see him after so. Any years. He was like family. He'd been at a fundraiser that my father had organized and ever since then, it was "Uncle Richard is here!". I walked over as he saw me, the threw his arms out.
"My beauty." He smiled.
I ran over and got into his embrace. "It's so nice to see you. Thank you for coming."
"My pleasure."
"Have you,had breakfast?"
"I was hoping that you'd ask."
"So that's a no. Come on in."
"I brought someone along if you don't mind."
"Really? That should be okay."
"Good..improvised him a good meal."
I laughed. "Hey Jared. Come on over."
I watched Jared walk over, smile on his face and eyes glowing.
"This is Jared Leto. Our wonderful host for the day. He's a great musician as well." I introduced.
"I've heard your band. You've got a great sound." Richard reached out his hand.
"Jared. This is Ringo Starr. My 'Uncle Richard, as my father likes to say."
"It's so nice to meet you." Jared shook his hand. "Thank you for coming."
"Anything for this girl here. I wish that she was my niece, the way she cooks for me." Richard replied. "Pleasure to be here."
"Please come in." Jared motioned to the door.
Looking back to the car, the other door opened and another man stepped out. I recognized him immediately.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Jared exclaimed.
"Come on ya bastard. Or you get nothing." Richard kidded.
"You're such a polite old man." The blond man called back.
"Shannon's gonna freak." Jared grabbed my shoulders.
After introductions were made, we all went back into the house.
"So. I'll make some breakfast. Jared why don't you show them around, then we'll go wake up Shannon." I said.
"Okay." Jared nodded.
"Give me ten minutes and I'll be done."
"Sounds good Luv." Richard agreed.
"Can't wait. This ones been going on since we left." Our new guest added.
"No pressure. Go on. I'll call you." I promised.
Jared led the. To the studio room and I went in to the kitchen. I found some bread, vegan sausage (soy and tofu), leftover baked potatoes and plenty of vegetable. Getting in in a pan, I began to cook it together, making loaded hash browned potatoes and toasted the bread on the side. I'd let them put on the jam or whatever when it was ready. While I stirred the vegetables, drumbeats started coming from the studio. I know that Shannon was protective of his drum kit, but once he knew who was playing, he wouldn't care. The anticipation made me smile.

The light broke into my vision. My pain seemed to be a lot less but I was relaxed. Knowing that I was alone in the bed, I figured she was making breakfast. With the awareness, I heard distant drumbeats. Someone was playing my drum kit in the studio. That made me pissed. My drums were set up as I wanted them. No one touched them. Bringing my hands to my sides, I tried to push myself up in the bed, still too sore to do it. The frustration built up and I yelled.
"Can someone get me out of this bed!?" I roared.
Footsteps came up,to the bedroom. "Hang on. I'll help you." Jared walked in.
"What's going on?"
"With what?" Jared took hold of my torso, lifted me to a sitting position on the bed.
"'With what?' With that." I looked to the door.
Jared realized what I meant. "That's a surprise.
"It's a surprise alright. Give me my pants so I can get downstairs."
"Don't get stressed. Your muscles will tense up."
"I don't give a shit about my muscles! That's my drum kit and you know how I feel about people messing with them."
"No ones messing with them."
"I can hear it!"
"Let's get you dressed."
It took a while but I finally got my jeans on.
"Any specific shirt?" Jared asked.
"I'll put it on later." I moved back and tried to stand up.
"Fuck you're stubborn."
Leaning down, Jared moved my right arm around his shoulder then stood up and got me standing. Each step made me aware of the pain in my torso but I still tried to rush downstairs.
"Could you please be careful," Jared pleaded.
"I don't care who comes over but keep them away from my drums."
"Why don't you wait a minute? Lisa invited someone to meet you. She thought that it would cheer you up."
"Do I look like I'm cheered up?"
Getting down to the living room, I felt winded from the effort.
"Hold up. You're getting tired." Jared walked behind me.
"Leave me alone!"
"Would you listen for a minute." He came next to me and held me back.
"Let me go!" I shoved the arm away, losing my balance at the exertion.
Before I fell, Jared caught me then made me sit in a nearby chair.
"What's going on?" Lisa came out of the kitchen. "Shannon? What happened?"
Taking as deep a breath as possible, I looked up at her. "Who's in there?"
"A family friend. Have you taken your meds yet?" She walked toward me, worry on her face.
"I don't care about the fucking meds! I just want to know why someone's playing my drum kit?"
"I didn't know..." She began.
"I was showing them around." Jared finished. "Don't get mad at her."
"I'll go get your medication." Lisa bowed her head and walked up the stairs.
Jared stood in front of me. "Why don't you listen for a minute? You might recognize the music."
"Of course I recognize the music. It's Queen! It's still on my drums!"
"You know what. Sit there and calm down. I'm going to see if Lisa's alright. I know you weren't trying to, but you just broke her heart."
Jared walked away, left me by myself, unable to get out of the chair. In frustration, I sat back only able to wait to confront whoever would come from the studio. The door opened. Two men walked into the living room and my jaw dropped to the floor. These were two men I'd idolized growing up.
"What's happening up here?" Ringo Starr asked.
I couldn't talk, staring at the men.
"Are you the boyfriend? Shannon, I believe. Pleasure to meet you."
"I'm sorry. What's going on?" I finally found my voice.
"Well you see. I thought we came for breakfast." Roger Taylor, drummer for Queen, said dryly.
"Ah, shut it." Ringo told him. "I've known that darling girl for a long time. She called and asked that I come over. I brought this arse thinking it was a good idea."
"Are you okay Mate? You look distressed." Roger asked.
"I realized that I just fucked up big time." I responded still shocked,
"We all do that."
As they sat across from me, I worried that I'd been so angry, that I sent Lisa into another episode and couldn't get upstairs to help her. Managing to lean forward, I placed me face in my hands, ashamed of myself.

I walked into the bedroom, to the side table and picked up the bottle of pain medication. As much as it hurt, hearing Shannon be so angry, it was justified. It took all my concentration not to cry and react to his emotion.
"Are you okay?" Jared spoke.
I turned to see him at the door. "Yeah. I'm not going to freak out."
"Shannon shouldn't have spoken to you like that."
"He's not mad at us. He's frustrated. He needs help to get around, he couldn't prevent what happened and he wakes up to hear someone playing his drums."
"But he shouldn't take it out on us."
"Jared. How many times has your brother felt helpless?"
No response.
"He's usually in control. The one who is level headed enough to help everyone else."
"And I just yelled at him. I wanted to call him an asshole."
"Come on. He's going to need this." I grabbed his arm and led him from the room.
Back down in the living room, I saw Richard and Roger sitting with Shannon, who seemed to be leaning over in the chair.
"Is everything alright?" I asked.
"I think your man is upset." Richard answered.
"Jared. I think that breakfast is cooked. Would you all give us a minute?" I glanced around the room.
"Of course Luv." Richard stood up.
"Kitchen's this way." Jared led the way.
"After you." Roger joined them.
After they left, I stepped over to the chair Shannon was in. Kneeling down, I placed my hand on his leg. "Shannon. Talk to me."
"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did." He looked at me, almost in tears.
"I understand. You're frustrated. It's hard for you to need help. Don't worry about it. I love you and I know you love me. We want to help you through this."
Reaching for my hands, Shannon pulled me to his chest, hugging me close. I moved my hands across his back, comforting him.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you like that." He apologized.
"I know." I spoke softly.
Moving back, he pressed his lips to mine with a quick, loving kiss. "I do love you."
"I know that too."
He smiled wide. "Ringo Start and Roger Taylor are in the house."
"They are." I smiled back.
"I want to know that story."
"And I'll tell you. Take your meds. I'll get you something to eat and then we'll have a conversation with your inspirational forefathers."
"Don't move a muscle. Or else." I warned.
"I'll stay right here." He agreed.
We sat in the living room, Jared, Richard and Roger eating what I'd made. For Shannon, not being able to eat heavy food, I brought him some fresh fruit and granola, which I fed to him with care. I sat on the arm of the chair, setting each piece between his lips. He smiled back. If we'd have been alone, it would have led to a very passionate morning kiss
"He's not paralyzed. I'm sure he could feed himself." Jared whined.
"Nothing better than a lovely woman taking care of a lover." Roger nodded.
"I think we may have a jealous brother." Richard added.
"Ah, we've already been on that topic." Shannon replied after swallowing.
"And cleared up any doubts later that night." I touched his jawline, moving my fingers down his neck.
Reaching up, Shannon wrapped his fingers through mine and brought my hand to his lips.
"So what's the story behind being and unrelated 'uncle'?" Jared changed the subject.
"Oh no!" I felt embarrassed.
A bell went off from the front.
"Wait. I have to hear this." Jared ran to the door, coming back seconds later with Tomo following.
After the introductions, Tomo joined the conversation.
"Okay. Early 80s. I was invited to a fundraiser for the Rainforest Foundation. Lisa's father was a guest speaker. We were having a talk about clear cutting in South America then switched to how big a fan he was of The Beetles and compared families." Richard began the story. "All of a sudden, this little terror of a thirteen year old tore into the room, wearing shorts and a Sex Pistols t-shirt."
The guys laughed.
"When he picked her up, her father asked why she wasn't in bed, being close to midnight. With the cutest little pout, she says that she wanted to see all the fancy dresses. I'd never seen a little girl talk so much about animals disappearing along with the trees and chemicals in the water. It was one thirty before getting back to bed."
"And that's it." I said quickly.
"Oh no. Three years later, you came to London, stayed at the house. Seem to remember that you ran off to go to a Greenpeace rally, met a young man and came back with your first tattoo. Your parents loved that. Right on the back of your left shoulder I believe."
"That's globe shaped like a heart?" Shannon asked.
"I was too young, so I lied about my age. They did it for me." I shrugged with a smile.
"That's very rebellious of you."
"I was sixteen." I watched his reaction
"I think that's when you began cooking." Richard added. "She made some of the best chicken tandoori and curry I've had to this day."
"That would be good." Tomo seemed impressed.
"I think that you should all go play some music and stop talking about me." I told them.
"Sounds good to me." Roger stood up.
"Jared help Shannon. I'll put the dishes in the dishwasher and be down in a minute."
And what will I do?" Shannon wondered as I picked up his plate.
"Enjoy the music. How often will you be able to learn from some of the best?"
"But I can't play anything." He pretended to be whiney.
"No worries. We'll have another get together when you're healthy. We can make thunder explode." Richard responded.
"See. There will be another play date. Go on. I'll be right down." I kissed him quickly.

Found My Fate.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora