Chapter 38

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"You're looking good this morning." Carrie met me when I got off the elevator.
"Thanks. Had a good night. A late night but a good one." I smiled.
"I'm glad. Kenny told me that he was worried about you the other night."
"I'll have to apologize to him for that."
"So what are you up to today? It's a lovely Saturday."
"Thought I'd go for a walk in the park. I'm meeting up with some people later."
"Sounds good. Just be careful."
"I will. And the nearest coffee shop would be where?"
"Out the door and two doors to the right. It's a must around here."
"Oh yes. See you later."
"Have a good day."
Out into the cool morning air. I was glad to have jeans, a sweater and a heavy jacket on. Finding the coffee shop, I bought a large, light roast with an espresso shot and soy milk, then walked down to Central Park and toward the stables. I was glad to take the weekend off from the planning, I needed to recover from the flight, my small episode and the night on the phone with Shannon. Even though he wasn't actually touching me, or next to me, I had every feeling I would have had if he'd been there.
In the stables, I looked at the horses. They were being groomed or eating. Each one was beautiful. Coming to one stall, I spotted a a lack palomino, lean and muscular, dark eyes and attentive. Stopping to admire him, he came over, lifted his head over the door and grunted. I reached up, let him smell my hand then started patting his head when he offered. His hair was soft and he was very calm.
"Careful. That ones got a spirit to him." A man walked over.
"He's gorgeous. I continued to scratch his neck.
"Just young still. You a horse trainer?"
"No. I haven't been around them for years, since I moved to LA."
"Must have a way with them. This one's usually skittish. Lookin to ride?"
"Not today. Maybe I'll be back if he's okay to ride."
"I'm always here. Name's Max. Stable manager."
"Thank you Max. See you later beautiful." One more scratch between the ears and I continued through the park.
Walking around the lake, I sat down to watch people and birds at the edge. Kids loved throwing crumbs to the birds then chasing them around. My phone rang. Looking at the ID, I saw Richard's number.
"Hello my darling. How are you doing?" He was cheerful.
"Good actually."
"Good. Where are you? Sounds like you're outside."
"I'm in the park. Taking some time for myself."
"Are you still coming around today?"
"If you still want me to."
"Of course. Jenny's excited to see you. Debbie too."
"Where's your rambunctious son?"
"Over in London. Has some exams to finish. Shall I send a car for you?"
"No. I just want to hit one shop and I'll grab a taxi."
"Okay. Lunch at one o'clock. Chicken curry and rice."
"Sounds good. I'll see you soon."
We hung up and I placed the phone in my pocket. I finished my coffee, tossed the cup and stood to,walk to,one of my favourite stores. It was the one time I was glad I could afford a piece of high end fashion.

"Wow. Look at you." Jared said when I came out of the bedroom. "You look rested."
"I am. Just need a coffee and I'm set to go." I grabbed a cup from the cupboard.
"Why are you so upbeat today? We have to leave the festival."
"If you must know, Lisa called last night. We talked about everything that happened all day. She's says thanks by the way. She loved meeting Terry."
"Good. He was okay?"
"Said he even helped her with this woman that was supposed to be helping her. Kinda got nasty but she saw Terry and did a complete turn around."
"Must be an art student. But that can't be all you talked about."
I sat next to my brother, sipped the hot coffee and smiled. "We had sex and it was great."
"Sex? Boy you two really know how to push buttons." Jared shook his head.
"Nothing to do with buttons Bro."
"I don't need to know."
"I just feel so much better you know. Like the next two months are gonna fly by."
"Good. We'll travel, play shows, have some fun and get back to reality."
"I'm afraid that I'm going to spend lots of nights on the phone."
"Maybe but try to enjoy the scenery too. We're going to some amazing places."
"No worries. With Lisa working, she's got herself on track. Really, I may it talk to her that much. We both get consumed with our work."
"And once in New York, you'll lose your mind."
"I hope so. When she told me she had to go, she said something that made me want to do something else."
"Like what?"
"Maybe just stop."
"But you know that she'd feel guilty."
"She'd never ask me to stop. She lives in art, I live in music, we are love together. Two halves made whole."
"I'm happy for you. But what did she say to make you feel that way?" Jared wondered.
I set down the coffee, looked at the steam rise and took a deep, cleansing breath. "She told me that I was the gravity that held her to the earth."
"Wow! That's deep."
"Jared. What I feel with Lisa is how I feel onstage. I love that feeling and always want it."
"Then she's truly family."
We shared the moment, smiling and laughing at a time of personal change.

Found My Fate.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin