Chapter 3

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Ever since I could remember, I'd felt like I had to look out for someone. As kids it was my brother-mischievous and rambunctious-getting into trouble. As I got older, I defended friends and anyone who might have been getting hurt. There had always been music in the family and I'd learned to play with my brother. I had my own problems and when Jared moved to California, I went soon after. I played in some bands, did a little acting but didn't go after fame. I let Jared have the success and lived comfortably until we formed our own band. It was never a burden to feel so responsible (even though I never had to) but I'd never been happier to do it until the night I'd met someone special.
I'd been riding my motorcycle home from the studio, where we'd been recording. It was late at night and I'd spotted someone standing at a bus stop. It was too late for the bus and I was curious. I slowed down, turned then stopped next to a girl. She was standing nonchalantly next to the glass shelter, her dark hair was a mess, clothing disheveled and very quiet in her demeanor.
"Are you okay?" I'd asked.
She looked up. "I'm not sure."
Getting off the bike, I walked over, leaned down to get a better look at her. As careful as I could, I moved her hair to see a bruised cheek, black eye and cut lip. It made me sick.
"What happened?" I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
"I was just going home. I don't know where..." She glanced around.
"Okay, okay. You'll be alright. Come on. Let's get you checked out."
"It's better then standing out here."
"Who are you?"
"Shannon. Don't worry. You can trust me. What's your name?"
Holding out my hand, I picked up her backpack and waited. Cautiously, she put her hand in mine and we walked to the bike. First stop was the hospital where they checked her for injuries. Afterward, I drove her to her house, helped get her cleaned up then we talked for the rest of the night. No pressure to say what had happened, just getting comfortable. After that night, I was drawn to her and spent as much time as I could talking on the phone or meeting at a cafe or having dinner. I fell quickly and it was a great feeling.
The soft nuzzling at my neck brought me back to the moment. Lisa buried her face into my neck and placed light kisses on my skin. As my breath calmed, I moved back, uncovered her eyes and looked deep into hers.
"Hi." I sighed.
"Hi. Welcome home." She traced my jaw with her fingers.
"Nice to be home. May I take you to bed?"
"It'll be my pleasure to sleep beside you."
Her legs still wrapped around my waist, I held her tight and carried her to the bedroom.


Settling back on the bed, I removed my dress and watched Shannon take his time joining me. He had strong shoulders, toned arms, a wonderful muscular chest and smooth stomach. He was a drummer in a band with his brother, which counted for his build. Then I looked at his face: a square jaw (just the right amount of stubble), gorgeous dark hair, thick brows and eyes that were deep set, a beautiful,hazel colour. The bed sank as he slipped under the blankets. I fit my body to his, my head against his chest, and my right hand on his left shoulder. The warmth was soothing and comfortable. One arm wrapped around my back a stone other found my hip, holding me close.
"I miss this when you're gone." I confessed.
"That's it?" He pulled me close.
"You know what I mean. You and me, just this."
"Then you and me have to take advantage of us."
"Sounds wonderful."
"Goodnight Babydoll."
"Goodnight my Darling."
I closed my eyes to relax beside him.

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