Chapter 18

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It was late in the morning when my eyes opened. Lisa was still sleeping, turned toward me. I was happy to be able to fall asleep and wake up next to her. Once we were back on tour it would be a long time until this happened again. Getting g out of bed, I went to the balcony doors, opened them and saw the mess of cups, bottles and garbage. It would take all day to clean that up. Slipping on my jeans, I left the bedroom and went to get some coffee. The mess was everywhere.
"At least the party was fun." Tomo was sitting at the table reading the newspaper and having a coffee.
"Yeah. This is gonna take forever." I grabbed a mug from the cupboard.
"Nah. Jared called a cleaning company. They'll be by after lunch. All environmentally safe."
"Good. Where'd you sleep?"
"We used the futon in the studio. Kept Jared out. Vicki's still asleep."
"So's Lisa. Boy I saw a whole different side to her last night."
"Oh yeah? Good or bad?" He set the paper down.
"More than good. I'm beat." I scratched my head and messed my hair.
Tomo laughed. "Gues you're not the only animal. I heard that Audrey wasn't too happy when she left."
"I can't be worried about that. It's all passed. I'm looking to the future."
"The future looks good to me."
"Hey! Good you're awake." Jared ran into the room.
"The day begins." I sighed.
"No listen. Let's get out of LA, drive up the coast, find some nature."
"Who are you and what have you done with Jared?" Tomo asked fooling.
"Come on. Go out and not come back until after sunset. It will be so relaxing, just get away from the city for awhile."
"What about the girls?"
"They're still asleep." I added.
"We can take two cars if we have to." Jared shrugged.
"I'm gonna ask but Lisa's finally feeling better. I don't know what she'll want to do."
"Okay. We can go after the cleaning crew gets here."
"You're going to leave them alone?" Tomo was surprised. Jared didn't like stranger in the house.
"Anke's gonna be here editing."
"Of course." Tomo looked at me like it was ordinary.
I poured myself another cup and one for Lisa. "I'll let you know." I headed back upstairs.

The smell of rich coffee, and fingers tracing my neck and chest, made me aware. Taking a deep breath, I stretched my body, smiled and opened my eyes to look up at Shannon. His eyes were soft, concentrating on watching his fingers move across my skin.
"That feels like feathers." I sighed.
"Your skin is so soft. I love just touching it." He continued between my breasts.
"Are you going to start where we left off last night?"
"Not necessarily."
"Goo. Only because I thinks parts of my body need to rest."
"Shall I kiss those parts and make them feel better?"
"Oh my Love. Could you please just kiss my lips and pause the rest? You are an eager boy and I wouldn't deny you but this once."
"You are feeling better. You sound like a poet."
"Did you bring this poet coffee?"
"Of course."
He true to reached behind him, on the side table, and brought back a mug of hot, rich coffee. Before I took it, I reached behind his neck, pulled him down and kissed him deeply.
"Mmmm." He sighed against my lips.
Laying back on the bed, my head on his shoulder, Shannon gently touched my bruised side. "Can I ask you something?"
"Yes I will do that to you again later." I smiled.
"Well thank you." He was playful. "Actually we were talking about driving up the coast. Get out of LA for the day."
"That sounds like a good day."
"Would you consider coming along?"
"I would."
"You knew that there was a 'but' coming?"
"I know that tone."
"I would like to go to the gallery. Just to check in."
"I figured. Okay. When we get back, I'll meet you for dinner."
We piled into the hybrid SUV just after noon. I sat in the back with Tomo and Vicki. A quick stop home to change my clothes and then to the gallery.
"Have a great time." I said form the sidewalk.
"Are you sure you won't come along?" Vicki was hopeful I'd change my mind.
"Next time. I really need to check on some things here."
"Okay. We'll get together soon."
"Of course."
"Wait!" Shannon jumped out.
I smiled. "You're keeping them waiting."
"Like I care." He placed his hands on my neck and touched my lips with his.
"Oh come on!" Jared shouted. "There's only so much daylight."
Shannon threw him a middle finger and continued kissing me. I began to laugh.
"Go on. Go climb tress and be one with nature."
"I'll bring you back a pinecone." He promised.
"Leave nature where it lay."
"Okay. See you when we get back."
"Can't wait."
He kissed me once more, got back into the car and Jared drove away. I walked up to the door, went inside and looked around as if I'd never seen it before. It was wonderful.
"Hey Patricia." I greeted walking up to the desk.
"Lisa? Hi. Why are you here?" Her expression was surprise, looking around quickly.
"No reason. Guess I couldn't stay away."
"Excuse me for a minute."
"Okay. I'm just going to the office for a moment. Talk to you in a bit."
I saw several others as I walked through the gallery. Each time I spoke, they seemed unsure how to respond.
"Weird." I said to myself and got to my door.
What I saw took me by surprise. The desk was clear except for a box with my belongings. All of my books, pictures and other personal items gathered up. I stepped inside, touched several items and became confused.
"Lisa?" Mr. Ward was at the door.
I looked up. "What's going on?"
He was like everyone else, unsure and nervous. "I had a visit from some police officers. There was an incident at a club?"
I felt my skin get cold.
"They explained that there was an assault and the parties involved had stipulations."
"This was Jonathan? His friends attacked us." I responded.
"He makes this gallery lots of money."
"And I brought him here."
"And that's what makes this so difficult."
"You're firing me?"
"I can't get involved in legal matter. I'll be ruined."
"He knew how to hurt me." I spoke quietly.
"I'm sorry Lisa. I've put your paycheque with you belongings. I'll give you a recommendation. I hate to lose you."
"That's hard to believe. I've devoted everything to this job."
"And in LA things change very fast."
"It's all about fame."
"That's Hollywood."
"Bullshit! I thought that you had more integrity. Guess that I was wrong." Picking up the box, I paused once more, looked straight at him. "I don't need your recommendation. If this is where loyalty gets you, there's no trust to be had."
"Let me help. You're still hurt." He came toward me.
"Not that hurt."
I carried my things out of the room, through the gallery and out the front door, all the while holding my composure. I wasn't in the wrong and neither was Shannon. The anger I felt was in believing that everything I'd done was for nothing. I helped get people noticed and there was no return on that help. It was a betrayal. Taking out my phone, I scrolled down my numbers, hit one and waited.
"Hey stranger." Joannie answered.
"Are you in class?" I wondered.
"Nothing I can't get out of. Why?"
"I need a ride."
"Well sure but why did you call me?"
"Shannon's gone up the coast with Jared and Tomo."
"Where are you?"
"The gallery."
"Okay. You sound off. What's wrong?"
"He fired me."
"What! I'll be right there."
"Thanks." I went to wait on a bus stop bench, set the box next to me it was calmer than I should have been.
When Joannie pulled up in front of me, she got out, sat next to me and listened.
"He called the police. Told them that they were the ones assaulted. Fucking Hollywood politics. He fired me so the gallery would put go under."
"That's so wrong." Joannie added.
"Then he offered me a recommendation. Like I'd want one after that."
"What will you do ow? Your income won't hold out for long."
"I'm not worried about the money. I work because I want to."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't tell people but my family owns property in several states. I've had a trust since I was twenty five. I've always felt the need to earn my money. I've never touched the fund."
"Are you kidding me? All this time and I've like you for your personality. I could've been liking you for being rich." She kidded, trying to lighten my mood.
I looked over and laughed. "Damn me that I'm a nice person."
"Yeah. You could be just as shallow as everyone else."
"Sorry. That's just not me."
"I'm glad. There's too many out there. Come on, I'll drive you home. We can decide how we're gonna take down this place."
"Not worth the effort."
I got off the bench, picked up the box and walked with Joannie to her car.
"So what are you going to tell him?" She wondered.
"Shannon? I'll tell him what happened."
"He's going to be angry."
"At more then one person."
"What do you mean?"
"He's already mad at Jonathan. Now it'll be because he lies and had me fired. At Mr. Ward for believing it. I want to work. I do t like being idle, never have. I had my father take me to help clean wildlife after oil spills when I was fifteen. I always had a project."
"For sure you'll find another job. There's lots of places in LA."
"Not because of my family. I have a degree."
"And because of what just happened that may not be enough."
"That's what I'm afraid of."
We drove the rest of the way talking about other things. I didn't want to think about my job (or lack of one) any longer at that point.

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