Chapter 43

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It was late morning when the aches of the previous night woke me up. A hot shower and more of Shannon was waiting for me. I wanted nothing than him all over.
"Good morning." Shannon was walking into the room, a coffee in one hand and newspaper in the other. "More good news."
"Your coming back to bed?" I smiled, knowing he was talking about the reviews.
"Eventually, but I do have to run out for a little while. Just finishing up some plans with Jared." His eyes sparkled.
"I thought you were mine while you were here." I played sad.
"I am. Once I'm done, you'll be all that's on my mind."
"Okay. Call me when you finish. I'll meet you and we can do something."
Leaning down, Shannon covered my lips, kissed me deep and brought out more erotic feelings.
"I like something." He touched my face with his forefinger.
"See you soon." I purred.
One more kiss and he was off. I made a mental note to yell at Jared for keeping him too busy. I got out of bed, gathered some clothes and went to the bathroom. A long, hot shower had me ready to face whatever the day had in store. Two phone messages greeted me when I dressed. One was from my parents. They'd seen the reviews online and wanted me to know how proud they were of what I'd done. It almost made me cry, being so happy. The other was from Debbie. She wanted to take me out to celebrate the successful show. I called her back and agreed to meet her for lunch. I explained that Shannon was busy for awhile but was going to call me when he was done. Of course she said that she'd let me go when he called. She saw how happy I'd been when I'd seen him.

I met Jared at the hotel, explained my plan and how I wanted to surprise Lisa. One of Jared's New York art friends agreed to help out, having connection with city hall. After telling Tomo, we tried to decide how to show up. Everything was set for two o'clock. New York in June was a perfect setting, not cold but still not overly warm that it would be uncomfortable.
"This is going to be exciting." Tomo straightened his clothes as we got out of the taxi van. "I can't believe you're doing this."
"It feels perfect. I'm not even nervous." I smiled looking over the set up.
"Now all you need is to make a phone call." Jared handed me a cell phone.
"It amazes me that you arranged her to be at lunch." Tomo laughed. "How did you even have time?"
"Just a quick few minutes at the show last night."
"Does your mother know about this? She'll murder you if you didn't tell her."
"She knows. I've made arrangements to make it up to her. Give me a couple of minutes okay?"
"Go do what you got to." Jared was being playful.
After two rings, Lisa answered and I felt my pulse speed up.
"Hello my love." Her voice was like silk.
"Hi. What are you doing?" I knew the answer.
"Just finished lunch with Debbie, Richard and Jenny. They wanted to celebrate last night." She explained.
"Sounds nice."
"Would've been better if you had been here."
"Sorry that I wasn't. I'm finished with those plans. Are you able to meet me?"
"Looking forward to it. Where?"
"How about a walk around Washington Square? It's just beginning to flourish."
"Sounds wonderful. I'll see you soon. Love you."
"Love you too."
Shutting off the phone, I felt the anticipation grow. Very soon, one very large dream would come true.

"Thank you for giving me a lift." I sat in the limo with Richard, Debbie and Jenny.
"You'd never get a taxi at this time." Richard said casually.
"Washington Square is so beautiful this time of year." Jenny sighed.
The car stopped and the driver walked around to open the door. The Tuchahow Marble Arch, at the front of the Square always amazed me. The grand style was an era long ago, that made me think of the early twentieth century, when people crowded into the city.
"Oh look. They've started planting already." Debbie observed.
I looked around to see all kinds of colour. Roses, carnations, and many other flowers decorated the pathways and newly turned beds of soil. A few steps inside, I noticed a large table, covered in flowered that were not native to New York. I also noticed a smaller alter set up, wrapped in ivy and failed red flowers. On closer inspection, I smiled as I recognized them.
"Prairie roses. How did these get here? These are native to North Dakota." I touched the long petals.
"I had them brought in special."
Turning toward the voice, I saw Shannon, Jared and Tomo walking up. They were all dressed in black suit jackets, pants and different colored shirts. Tomo is grey, Jared in blue and Shannon in red.
"You brought them.. To New York?" I questioned.
"Well I ordered them. I've had something on my mind for a while now. And I've asked everyone to be here when I asked you." Shannon took my hands. His eyes were bright and full of hope. "If you would, I would be so happy if you would spend a lifetime letting me make you happy?"
"Shannon." My heart seemed to stop.
"All I'm asking, for now, is a commitment. Just you and me. If it leads to marriage, all the better. I only want to be with you, for however long you'll have me."
"What about your mother? She'll be upset that she wasn't here."
"I have another surprise when we get back to LA. I want to include my mother and your family. I want to promise them, as much as you, that I will love you with as much of my heart as you'll take."
His words were unrehearsed. I was happier than I'd ever been, even before I'd met him.
"And I will give you the same thing. Shannon you are my saviour, my lover and owner of my heart. I want to be with you everyday, if only in my thoughts when you're away and beside you when we can be together. My once in a lifetime."
"My poet. My artist." He leaned in to kiss me deeply.
I heard Debbie and Jenny trying to muffle soft crying. I'd forgotten about everything else when Shannon began to speak.
"Okay! Okay! I'm thinking that we have to go celebrate now. My brother is a taken man and I couldn't imagine a better woman for him." Jared brought us all back.
"Yes! Party time!" Tomo cheered. "Let's do this!"
I held Shannon's hand as I turned to look at my other family. Richard was smiling.
"Did you know about this?" I asked him.
"He told me last night. Couldn't imagine that you'd be upset about this." He kissed my cheek.
"I'm so happy for you." Debbie hugged me.
"Me too. You got a good one." Jenny moved in after her mother.
"I really do." I nodded.
Gathering up the flowers, Shannon gave me the bouquet of Prairie Roses and we all walked back to the car, that had waited where it dropped us off. We all went back to my family's condo. It had been decorated while I was gone. The same flowers in the living room as I held. Just off to the side were Kenny and Carrie. They were smiling back.
"Oh my... You too?" How did I not know this?" I laughed.
"Oh you were a little busy." Kenny ran over to hug me.
We had a great dinner, spent the rest of the evening talking and, when we were alone, Shannon and I shared another night of passion and extreme happiness.

A month after a heard from Shannon, and he told me his plans, they were back in LA, Lisa was finishing getting dressed. She has chosen a light fabric dress, flowing and off the shoulder, the palest colour of yellow. The commitment vows would be made near the house. I lived by the water and everyone gathered here. Lisa's parent had traveled with her sister and family to LA. They had been excited to meet Shannon, Jared and myself. Lisa's friend Joanie came, as well as Tomo and Vicki. It was almost time when I knocked at the bedroom door. I walked in, dressed in a floral print dress, perfect for the beach ceremony.
"You look beautiful." I said when I saw Lisa at the mirror.
She blushed. "Thank you."
I walked over and hugged her. "I never dreamed I'd ever see the day. You have tamed the one so I thought would never settle down."
"I love him so much. I'm glad that you approve."
"How could I not? You are the one he's been waiting for."
"You're going to make me cry."
"No! I forbid it. This is a happy time. I love your family too.they are so perfectly not what I expected. Some people in business are so stuffy. I feel like I've known them forever. Your mother and I have compared notes."
"Oh no!"
"No. It's a good thing. I think that we will be getting along very well. She's a hippy chick too."
"Ha! More of a nature nut but kind of the same. She'll have you in North Dakota to the house."
"I'd love it. Come on. I think we've kept him waiting long enough."
We left the room and made our way to the beach. Lisa's mother and father waited at the back doors.
"Oh sweetheart. I couldn't be happier for you. He's a wonderful man." Her mother was on the verge of tears.
"Mom. It's a commitment not a wedding." Lisa smiled.
"There's no difference now-a-days. And it may be all I get."
"Stop it."
"I knew he was special when I met him." Her father added.
I sensed that Lisa was happy with their approval.
"See you in a bit honey." I touched her arm and walked out to join my sons near the water.
Shannon was in a white shirt and pants, barefoot in the sand. He stood by his brother, looking just a little nervous.
"Are you okay my darling boy?" I reached for my oldest son's hands.
"Yeah. Just nerves." He took a breath.
"Don't be nervous. That is one girl that will never break your heart."
"I love you Mom."
"Love you too. I love both my beautiful boys."
"Don't try to get rid of me." Jared chimed in.
"You'll get there once you turn off your brain."
"So never." He chuckled.
We shared a laugh before focusing on Lisa walking out to meet us.

As we stood together, the sun staring to dip into the ocean, we spoke promises, looking into each other's eyes.
"I love you just as much as I do my mother and brother. You ARE my sun and moon." I repeated words I'd said the night I believed she would leave me forever.
"And you ARE the gravity that holds me to the Earth. I love you forever Shannon." Lisa repeated what she'd told me that night.
"Forever is not enough." I pressed my lips to hers, knowing that the world was perfect. My life was complete.

There was no way I could have chosen a happier life. After New York, I was being pegged as a major consultant in the art community, setting up shows all over LA. It was also when my episodes stopped. All of the emotions around me were positive ones. It also kept me busy while Jared dragged Shannon and Tomo around the world touring. Some weekends, if we'd been apart for too long, I'd fly out to meet him. We'd explore the city before the show and do things to each other after. When the band toured the U.S., I brought everyone to my family's place in North Dakota. My mother and father welcomed the. With a big party and barbecue. I teased Jared a little, then made him roasted vegetables and rice. The band and crew got to explore the land around the house, going horseback riding and hiking.
"Hey Shannon." I said as we sat on the porch, watching the sunset over the mountain. "What would you say about making plans for the future."
"What kind of plans?" He held me in his arms.
"I don't know. Maybe expanding things?"
"Expanding? Wait!" He turned me quickly. "Are you pregnant?"
I wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling and kissed him. "No. I was just testing the waters. I think that we could make a talent child, artistic and musical. One part me, one part you."
"Think your parents would be offended if we had a try at it?" He flirted, hazel eyes sparkling.
"Ever make love in a barn? The hay can be quite soft."
"And here it thought you were a city girl."
I stepped out of his arms, placed my hand in his, and lead him to the stables, up to the hayloft and to a secluded corner.
"This could lead to the greatest adventure of our lives." Shannon looked down at me as we lay down.
"Meeting you was the start of that adventure. I love you Shannon. You are more than I could have wished for."
"Stop. You'll make me blush." He smiled, rated himself over my body and kissed me with more passion than the best dream could have had.
Time for a new adventure.

Found My Fate.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن