Chapter 36

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After hard night's sleep, I got up, ate breakfast, showered, dressed then did my hair and make up carefully. This was New York and the art community was different than in LA. At nine o'clock, I went downstairs to me the car that would take me to where the show would be. I was expecting a gallery, even a room at a museum, but I was surprised when I was let out at a brownstone in Greenwich Village. Richard was out front waiting for me,
"Morning." He greeted when I stepped out onto the sidewalk.
"Morning." I replied.
"Come give us a hug."
After the strong embrace, I stepped back to look at the building. "I wasn't expecting this."
"Wait until you see inside. You'll love it. Come on."
Going inside, the hallway was long and shallow, with room off to the sides and a stairway. I tried to imagine what could be done in a small space.
"There's another room off the living room that I thought you could use as an office. Just so you could make phone calls, or plan out things." He explained.
"Are you planning no showing a small portion of your photographs?"
"As many as possible."
"I'm not sure how with this space." I walked toward the stairs.
"I'm sure that you'll have a revelation once we get upstairs." He smiled.
"If you say so."
Playfully pushing me up the stair, Richard had his hands behind my shoulders, which made me laugh. The last few stairs, I almost fell up from laughing so hard.
"Careful now." Richard warned. "You'll fall back down."
"Then stop pushing me." I stopped and turned around.
The room I was met with was spectacular. The floors were shined hardwood, the wall were painted sky blue and the windows brought in bright light. The entire floor was open loft style, no separate rooms, all open space. This sparked my imagination. I could see so many ways to display and show off the photos we would pick though.
"I told you that you'd love it." Richard was next to me.
"This is ridiculous. I know what I have to do." I was mesmerized.
"Anything you need, you get. I've gotten everything you need to start making your lists downstairs."
"I want to start now. Drawing and writing my ideas down." I sighed, turning to get a look at the entire room.
"The others will be by in an hour."
"Richard. I really am grateful that you asked me to do this."
"And I'm happy that you said yes. I'll show you the office space then send out for coffee. I think that you're going to need it."
I went mad with my ideas. Richard had sketchpads for me to draw, notebooks to describe and list what I needed to make my displays. I don't think that I was aware of anyone else until I finally looked up, with sore eyes and fingers to match. Dropping my pen, I rubbed my eyes and sat back in the chair. Papers were thrown around the room and several half empty cups of coffee were on the desk.
"Ah hem." A woman's voice spoke near the door of the room.
I looked over to see a woman, 5'9"' in heels, a black dress, hair tied back dramatically and a look of tired discontent.
"Oh hello." I was surprised that anyone was in the house.
"It's almost midnight. Are you finished?" She spoke as if she were bothered by something.
"Sorry. I tend to get lost in myself. Who are you?" I tried to sound awake.
She sighed deeply. "I am Teresa. I will be getting the acquisitions you need for the display of Mr. Starkey's photos."
"Oh. Okay. Well.." I rummaged through papers. "Here's something to start with."
She took the paper, glanced over it and seemed put out. "Am I supposed to go to an electronics store for this?"
I wasn't used to being questioned, especially in such a way like this. She was truly upset that I'd given her the list.
"Well... Uh... We can talk about it tomorrow. I know that he wanted original and different was to display things." I started to become unsure of my ideas.
"I'm sure that I can find everything in this. Is that everything?" She looked bored.
"Yeah. Tomorrow we can talk about he layout." I felt myself go from a high (excited about it all) to a crash of doubt.
"Fine." She turned, walked out of the room and left the building.
Suddenly, I felt the need to get back to the condo. I needed a familiar space. Finding my phone, bag and coat, I made my way outside.
"I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever come out." Kenny was waiting at the front of the building.
"Huh?" I questioned, a little foggy.
"I've been waiting for you. Thought that you'd be done earlier." He walked over.
"I got distracted." I said automatically.
"I'd say. Are you okay?"
"I have to get back."
"Yeah. Okay. Come on."
It seemed as if he took my things and lead me to the car. Back at the condo (to which I don't recall the route back), Kenny came up with me, placed my bag on the table and hesitated to leave.
"Have you eaten today?" He wondered.
"I don't remember. Where's the radio?" I looked aimlessly.
"On the entertainment centre. Look, I don't feel right leaving. I've never seen you this way. Do you want me to call your parents?"
"No! I just need the radio on then go to bed."
"You'll eat something right?"
"I will. I promise. Thank you for waiting for me."
"Call if you need me. I'll leave my card next to you bag. Goodnight.
Finding the radio, I turned it on, got a rock station and increased the volume. I was determined not to call Shannon. He would only worry, and he had other things to think about.

"That was a fun night." Tomo said when we walked into the house.
"All music and no drama." Jared added.
"I admit it was a good night." I took out my phone.
"Did she call?" Vicki yawned.
"No. But if she's working, that'll be the last thing she thinks about."
"I'm sure that she's having fun." Tomo took off his jacket and helped Vicki with hers.
"Think I should call?" I wanted to hear her voice.
"You could, but it's after one o'clock. If she's finished for the day, I'd guess she was asleep." Jared shrugged.
"Maybe wait until the morning. She can fill you in on all the excitement after the jet lag's gone." Tomo suggested.
"You're right."I out the phone back in my pocket.
"A few more days and we get back at it. It's gonna be good to start performing again." Jared fell back onto the sofa.
"What about this show for MTV? Who called about that?" I walked to the kitchen for a drink.
"Someone at he offices. Now that we're a success, everyone wants us."
"We're so cool now." Tomo laughed.
"How are you feeling anyway? Are you going to be ready?" Jared asked me.
"I'll be fine. Bruises are almost gone and I'm not so sore. It'll be good to have the distraction. I'm off to bed. See you in the morning."
"Alright. Have a good one."
"Night Shannon." Vicki called out.
In the bedroom, I took of my shirt and boots, decided to wait to take a shower in the morning, undressed and climbed into bed. Checking my phone again, I turned it on, debated and hit the number. It rang several times before the voice mail came on. It was nice to hear just that,
"Sorry. I'm consumed in my work, again. Call you back as soon as I can. Bye." The message was cheerful.
"Hey. Just called to say goodnight. Hope you're having a good time. Love you." I left the mesas and switched it off.
With nothing else to do, set the phone on the side table, turned off the light and closed my eyes.

"Think everything's okay?" Vicki stood in Tomo's arms.
"Hey. No news is good news." Tomo shrugged.
"She left so fast."
"Maybe I'll call Terry to check in on her. Give Shannon piece of mind." I suggested.
"Oh sure. That'll be a good idea. Besides we don't even know the address." Tomo laughed.
"That's easy to find out. He'll go over, make sure she's settled in. Maybe they can talk about the scene in New York if she wants some advice."
"He's a fiend you know."
Jared smiled and laughed. "Yeah he is but he's a good guy."
"Come on. I'm tired." Vicki pulled Tomo from the conversation.
"Better idea. Night Jared." They'd headed for the stairs.
"Yeah. Night." I looked at the clock: 1:30 am. Yep. He'd still be up.
Making a phone call, the voice on the other end was a familiar one.
"Terry? Hey man. Got a favour to ask you."

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